Ennui Is Part Of Separation

There’s a trend in dissident circles of hanging it up, wondering “why bother” and/or dejectedly staring at the current of Stupid picking up speed across the globe.

It’s normal. Heck, it’s inevitable. Ennui is something that we should expect to happen as society begins the inevitable and planned breakup. There’s nothing left to talk about. We’ve made our choices and now come the consequences.

It’s ironic that Woke refers to the people most desperate to sleepwalk through life, while I and we search for people awake to what is going on. Satanically ironic, in the same way that gay now means you want to rape as many children as possible before a Father walks into the room.

That is also a step in social separation. Hatreds are being acted upon. This Gay Pride month has been in-your-face-you-Christians to a degree never before seen in North America. Geography is being renamed and statues destroyed to erase our past. ‘Groid behavior is simply off-the-charts while whites are increasingly (and proudly) banned from even having a job. And then there’s the vaxx parting us, like Fauci doing a Moses, into Us Deplorables and Them Idiots.

Thanks to dissident media over the last couple decades, everybody has had the information to make their choice. Or at least, had access to “misinformation” that they proudly shunned like the proverbial plague.

Misinformation such as THIS!

Monkeypox dilemma: How to warn gay men about risk without fueling hate

h ttps://www.yahoo.com/news/monkeypox-dilemma-warn-gay-men-164659930.html

Monkeypox had arrived in Salt Lake County, with two men testing positive after returning from Europe, the epicenter of a global outbreak concentrated in gay and bisexual men.

Officials in the Utah county faced a dilemma. They wanted to warn men who have sex with men that they were at higher risk for exposure to the virus. But they feared unintended consequences: heterosexuals assuming they’re not susceptible, closeted men in a heavily Mormon community avoiding care so they’re not seen as gay, and critics exploiting the infections to sow bigotry.

In Salt Lake County, health officials consulted with advocacy groups and decided to get the message out to gay and bisexual men without making the message about them. At a booth during the Utah Pride Festival in Salt Lake City this month, Health Department staff distributed business-card-sized monkeypox warnings urging people to avoid close or sexual contact with anyone experiencing a rash or flu-like symptoms. The warning didn’t say anything about the gay community.

I’m gonna quote that in the future, when people ask why I don’t trust doctors anymore. And God will not be mocked. While it was probably Kill Gates’ action, I’m enjoying the divine coincidence of Sodomites doubling down on perverting children while living in terror of growing pus-wart Marks Of Cain on their faces. Their corruption is coming full circle.

We obviously cannot coexist with such people. Let the separation happen. It’s been a long time in coming.

God grant His every child a destination.

One thought on “Ennui Is Part Of Separation

  1. ‘Monkeypox dilemma: How to warn gay men about risk without fueling hate’

    They didn’t listen when it came to AIDS, they won’t listen now. Gay men are basically hapless adolescents.

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