The Biden-Cowards Make One Last Play for World War Russia

It’s no secret, except to those unwilling to see, that Pedo-Kazar has failed as completely as only a sodomite Jewish comedian head-of-state inciting a land war against Russia in winter can fail. I’ve already seen some articles preparing the way for Bidenreich to escape responsibility, for example:

Ukrainian officials dispute Biden’s claim that Zelenskyy ‘didn’t want to hear’ warnings that Putin would invade

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By Michelle Mark for Business Insider, 11 June 2022

Ukrainian officials are pushing back on President Joe Biden’s claim that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy “didn’t want to hear” US warnings about a looming Russian invasion.

On Friday, Biden told California donors that prior to the full-scale invasion, the US presented Zelenskyy with intelligence that Russian President Vladimir Putin was planning to attack.

“There was no doubt,” Biden said. “And Zelenskyy didn’t want to hear it.”

On Saturday, Ukrainian officials said Biden’s comments were incorrect.

“The phrase ‘did not want to hear’ probably needs clarification,” Ukrainian presidential spokesman Sergei Nikiforov told the Ukrainian news outlet

Nikiforov told that Zelenskyy and Biden had multiple telephone conversations before the Russian invasion in which the two leaders spoke frankly about the threat Russia posed.

Nikiforov said Zelenskyy requested preventative sanctions in anticipation of the invasion and hoped Ukraine’s allies would help encourage Russia to de-escalate and withdraw troops.

“Here we can already say that our partners ‘did not want to hear us,’” Nikiforov said.

All that finger-pointing over an enemy that ran out of food & bullets three months ago, HAH! Somebody’s special operation is not doing so well!

Ukraine has pleaded with Western nations in recent days and weeks to provide more weapons to ensure the nation’s survival. Reports have indicated Ukraine is sustaining significant losses amid the fighting and that Russian forces are equipped with exponentially more weapons and artillery.

Ukraine doesn’t have enough still-warm bodies to use any weapons that they can be provided. NATO’s options are 1. provide infantry, thus establishing beyond all possibility of coverup that it is the aggressor in this conflict, or 2. incite Russia to invade NATO somewhere else.

They went with option #2.

Russian region says Lithuania will curb imports, exports by rail

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June 17 (Reuters) – Lithuania has told the Russian region of Kaliningrad that it will block the import and export of a large number of goods by rail because of Western sanctions, the regional governor said on Friday.

The region – home to the Russian Baltic Fleet and a deployment location for nuclear-capable Iskander missiles – is sandwiched on the Baltic coast between Lithuania and Poland, both NATO members, and has no land border with Russia.

One glance at a map puts the lie to that. Sourced from sonar21:

So, Lithuania is trying to set up a blockade between two Russian areas on the false pretense that “Russia is importing sanctioned stuff into our country”. Only to send it straight back out to a Russian destination, but that’s the sort of detail that a history book can easily forget. I don’t see this working because Kaliningrad is a major port, but one wonders if… oh, that’s right. Do you see that big island north of the arrow and southwest of the words “Baltic Sea”? That’s Gotland, Sweden, and NATO was recently practicing maneuvers there with Sweden despite Sweden not being NATO and Gotland being demilitarized.

Swedish, US troops drill on remilitarized Baltic Sea island

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By James Brooks, 11 June 2022

VISBY, Sweden (AP) . Having to defend Gotland against a foreign invasion seemed such a far-fetched notion to Swedish decision-makers at the start of the century that they demilitarized the Baltic Sea island.

Now, the Swedish Armed Forces are back, and they are practicing with U.S. troops not just how to defend the island with a population of 58,000, but how to take it back from a foreign aggressor.

U.S. Marines have conducted air drops and amphibious landings on Gotland as part of a NATO exercise in the Baltic Sea.

And just a few weeks after those exercises concluded, the siege of Kaliningrad starts? What a coincidence.

Strategically located in the middle of the southern part of the Baltic Sea, Gotland has seen foreign invasions throughout its history, the most recent one in 1808, when Russian forces briefly occupied it.

But after the Cold War ended, Sweden felt the risk of a Russian aggression was so remote it refocused its armed forces on foreign peacekeeping operations rather than territorial defense. The Gotland regiment was closed in 2005 as Sweden downsized its military.

Russia.s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea Peninsula in 2014 led to a rethink, and a new regiment was established on Gotland in 2018. There are now around 400 Swedish soldiers permanently based on the island. Further reinforcements are planned following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

There’s how long they’ve been planning this operation. The Trump administration was nothing but a speed bump.

It would be a shame if anti-ship missiles placed at Gotland were accidentally launched at Russian supply ships. “By Ukrainian nationalists!”

I do not understand the Biden Regime’s cowardice. At the head of (supposedly) the most militarily powerful country on the planet, with no domestic opposition, they are terrified to act against a hated foe unless they can do so while painting themselves the victim. The end result is a Clown World in which all the world rolls their eyes at the endless tirade of lies that are not just obvious, they insult the intelligence of observers.

One part of me wants Biden to just push the red button and get it over with. Another part of me hopes that he and all his cronies will die of old age (any moment now) before they work up the courage. A third part of me doesn’t care because the Prince Of Hair Gel will still be potentate of Commiefornia no matter what happens.

One thought on “The Biden-Cowards Make One Last Play for World War Russia

  1. Bathhouse Barry said recently that the stain in the Kraine is far from over.
    The fabulous Right Said Fred comedian Zelensky could ask the Taliban for some weapons, they have plenty left over from the Graveyard of Empires.
    JoJo Brandon will lead the troops from muh bike to 1000 years of glorious faculty lounge rainbow She-Ra warrior wymyms victories.
    Forward! Yes we can!
    Have fun with a lefty today by asking them to point out Lithuania on an atlas.
    Oh wait maps and atlases are a construct of the white male patriarchy just like father’s day.
    Celebrate the Rosenberg executions today.

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