When Proud Christ-Haters Read the Comments

I’ve heard the phrase “never read the comments” before, and thought at the time that it pertained to under-moderated forums filled with trolls, Nigerians and moms working from home before it was a CDC mandate. Since then, the suspicion has grown that the real motivation behind the aphorism is uncontrolled Narrative violations. Let’s celebrate the lamest ‘Murican holiday ever by entertaining some honest feedback!

Reading a news story about Pride Month? You may want to skip the comment section

h ttps://www.yahoo.com/news/reading-news-story-pride-month-100028687.html

By Blacktivist Whamminz, aka Rayonna Burton-Jernigan for the Evansville Courier & Press, 20 June 2022

EVANSVILLE, Ind. . The chestnut suggesting to “never read the comments” on a social media or Internet article is certainly applicable during Pride Month in the Tri-State.

Businesses and organizations ranging from Holiday World to the Evansville Otters have hosted events to celebrate the month, but coverage of those events in local media have led to some … interesting contributions … in the comment sections.

A few examples:

“What month is straight pride going to be celebrated?”

“JESUS CHRIST! Let’s have a month celebrating him! No one would have anything if it weren’t for him!”

Boom, there it is. The objectionable comments being left were not trolls and haters. They were the ideas that Christ and Christ’s design of human sexuality should be celebrated at least as much as transmitting monkeypox.

When this queer author picked out something to be offended about, she picked out the Father of All.

The Courier & Press reached out to some of the people who left the social media responses, but did not get a reply.

They must not have read the comments on their comments.

For people who work with LGBTQ+ advocacy groups, the comments are disappointing, but not a surprise. “I think that we still have a long way to go as far as community acceptance, but I think that we’re doing a much better job at visibility,” said Ashley Riester, president of River City Pride.

Pride Month is celebrated each June to mark the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. On June 28, 1969, plainclothes NYPD officers raided the Stonewall Inn, one of the most popular gay bars in the city.

I celebrate that, too. #ThinBlueLine

In Evansville, the Rev. Craig Duke runs the non-profit Az-U-R, an inclusive community that comes together to share stories, find inspiration and impact our area with love and acceptance.

Another coal for the fires of hell.

Duke entered the limelight after his appearance on the HBO show “We’re Here,” which follows everyday people taking part in drag shows as an outreach for the LGBTQ+ community. He participated to show allyship to his daughter Tiffany, who identifies as pansexual.

As if being a false priest wasn’t enough evil, he’s also responsible for Tiffany.

“I get livid when people misquote and say things out of context completely,” he said. His feelings about an argument for day celebrating Jesus? Duke’s response was that Jesus is celebrated every Sunday, six weeks for Lent and Easter, and for five weeks leading up to Christmas. Duke was a grand marshal in the River City Pride parade this year, and said he believes God loves everyone, no matter their sexuality.

This false priest doesn’t celebrate Christ on any day of the year. “Jesus gets enough celebration, now which of my spawn’s holes do you prefer?” is not something any legit clergy will ever say.

They try to have pride in their perversion… but their conscience keeps getting in the way.

“We have to… continue to educate from our children all the way through, and no longer fear, what we don’t understand,” Duke said.

It’s his conscience that he doesn’t understand. Why does it keep burning!

Just as there are an influx of online comments, others have shown support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Two such posts:

“Pride is important because someone tonight still believes they’re better off dead than being themselves.”

That might be Tiffany they’re talking about, rather than some girl raised by a normal father to marry young and have a family.

“Gay Pride was not born of a need to celebrate being gay, but our right to exist without persecution. So instead of wondering why there isn’t a straight pride movement, be thankful you don’t need one.”

Nobody today is persecuting homos except their own consciences and the diseases they trade like baseball cards. As demonstrated by their triggering hardest at the idea that maybe Christ should be worshiped instead of their bodily functions.

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