Manufacturing the Ethan Melzer Narrative

I normally suck as a prophet… but I predict that on the two-year anniversary of the J6 ‘Insurrection’, the Kommittee will sentence ‘white nationalist’ terrorist Ethan Melzer for his role in recruiting military veterans for Jeebus.

The Regime’s habit of telegraphing their moves is seriously out of control, but I’m not complaining!

U.S. Army private admits plotting attack on military unit

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By Larry Neumeister, 24 June 2022

NEW YORK (AP) . A U.S. Army private from Kentucky pleaded guilty Friday to charges that he plotted to murder members of his unit in an attack that he planned to carry out in 2020 on behalf of a group that promotes extreme violence to bring about the demise of Western civilization, authorities said.

Ethan Phelan Melzer, 24, of Louisville, Kentucky, entered the plea in Manhattan federal court. Sentencing was set for Jan. 6, when he could face up to 45 years in prison after pleading guilty to trying to murder U.S. military service members, seeking to support terrorists and illegally transmitting national defense information.

The timing of his prosecution stinks. His indictment was unsealed on 22 June 2020. His plea was entered the day after RvW overturn on 24 June 2022, almost exactly two years later. And in seven months, he’ll be sentenced on the two-year anniversary of the J6 protests.

That isn’t slow justice. That is hidden, manufactured justice.

I suspect that he’ll be reinvented as a white Christian nationalist by then.

He certainly looks the part of a white guy. But thinking him Christian would be a mistake.

In court papers, federal authorities say Melzer was already a member of a radical violent group known as the Order of Nine Angles, or 09A, before joining the Army in December 2018. According to a criminal complaint, the group is an anarchist group founded in the United Kingdom and now operating around the world, including in the U.S.

At first, I thought “Angles” was a typo. Segue

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The Order of Nine Angles (ONA or O9A) is a Satanic and Left-Hand Path occultist group based in the United Kingdom, but with associated groups in other parts of the world. Claiming to have been established in the 1960s, it rose to public recognition in the early 1980s, attracting attention for its neo-Nazi ideologies and activism. Describing its approach as “Traditional Satanism”, it has also been identified as exhibiting Hermetic and modern Pagan elements in its beliefs by academic researchers.

According to the Order’s own claims, it was established in the Welsh Marches of Western England during the late 1960s by a woman who had previously been involved in a secretive pre-Christian sect which survived in the region.

Not. Christian.

The ONA promotes the idea that human history can be divided into a series of aeons, each of which contains a corresponding human civilization. It expresses the view that the current aeonic civilization is that of the Western world, but it claims that the evolution of this society is threatened by the “Magian/Nazarene” influence of the Judeo-Christian religion, which the Order seeks to combat in order to establish a militaristic new social order, which it calls the “Imperium”.

Explicitly anti-Christian.

According to Order teachings, this is necessary in order for a galactic civilization to form, in which “Aryan” society will colonise the Milky Way.

Put down the peyote, man. Step away from the peyote.

Various rapes, killings and acts of terrorism have been perpetrated by far-right individuals influenced by the ONA, with various British politicians and activists calling for the ONA to be proscribed as a terrorist group.

Now that’s just slander. Far-right individuals are soccer moms complaining to school boards about institutional LGBT and Christians moving into rural areas to raise families in food and safety.

I look at the minds of terrorists for a hobby. All those “far-Right” killers are the exact same as “far-Left” killers, not that the media acknowledges the concept of a far-Left. Some do it ‘for whites’ and some do it ‘for abortion’, but what they ALL have in common is hatred of Father God, desire for political change via violence, a hope to inspire copycats and a preference to murder people who are obviously innocent. They change their language but their actions have been identical over decades.

Will Melzer’s language change into ‘for Jeebus’?

End segue

In a release Friday, authorities said he joined the military to infiltrate its ranks on behalf of the group that espouses neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic and Satanic beliefs and encourages its members to infiltrate the military to gain training, commit acts of violence and identify like-minded individuals so they can try to subvert the military from within.

Although he had joined 09A in 2017 or earlier, he began consuming propaganda from multiple extremist groups including the Islamic State on encrypted online forums after he was deployed to Italy in October 2019 as a member of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, the release said.

Put down the CIA, man. Step away from the CIA.

After weeks of training including classified briefings in which he learned the importance and sensitivity of his new assignment, Melzer immediately began passing the information he learned to members of 09A as he proposed and planned a deadly attack on his fellow service members, authorities said.

They said Melzer planned to join co-conspirators to carry out a .jihadi attack. that would cause a “mass casualty” event and had told others that an attack would “essentially cripple” the unit’s .fire-teams..

This should be sufficient for when I revisit this article in seven months. Assuming USA hasn’t splintered up into easily conquerable pieces by then, making the J6 Kommittee redundant.

The gist of this article and what I found at the following is this:

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Melzer joined the military in 2018, joined O9A about a year later by attempting the murder of a weed dealer. He went on one deployment to Italy, which was when ISIS or whoever recruited him.

His unit was selected and trained for a second deployment. The location is still classified but since he immediately went Jihad and began leaking troop movement information to Islamic State, not a hard guess.

The Army got interested and “with the help of the FBI”, took him down. Melzer was a case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome, not a years-long conspiracy to overthrow the government in Jeebus’ name.

Except that the FBI has been playing reindeer games with Melzer’s case ever since the arrest. I wonder if he’ll be offered the chance at becoming a windup toy between now and his sentencing? The timing of his plea acceptance suggests that he was given the opportunity for exactly that in the leadup to the RvW overturn.

Although I’m not certain why he would have refused. Melzer reportedly plead up the charges against him to treason… voluntarily. That’s what the FBI indictment said.

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