Fallout MonkeyPox

In the Eighties, I read a newspaper article about a gay-community magazine that discussed tactics for knowingly spreading HIV into the emergency blood supplies of hospitals. It was horrifying but more than that, the article disappeared when I tried to find it again… the first coverup I ever witnessed. This before the Internet.

Since then, I’ve only seen the hatred that Sodomites have for the healthy indirectly, such as California government’s infamously declassification of intentionally spreading HIV from felony to misdemeanor. Or the term “bug-chasing”.

Now that I see homosexuals spreading monkeypox in willful defiance of warnings, and possibly as part of a second Plandemic attack upon all humanity, I won’t allow that coverup to happen again. I will not allow people to de-disgust themselves by thinking that sodomy is a healthy lifestyle choice.

And I’m going to have some fun while doing it.

Lesions, headaches, debilitating pain: Gay men with monkeypox share their stories

h ttps://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-health-and-wellness/lesions-headaches-debilitating-pain-gay-men-monkeypox-share-stories-rcna36789

By Benjamin Ryan, 6 July 2022

“Come celebrate Gay Pride by traveling to foreign countries and having unprotected sex with the bloody rashes of total strangers in defiance of medical travel advisories.” And here I thought “Come to Jesus, avoid His Church” was a hard sell. Even when God is silent, He shines by comparison.

Even as Covid-19 restrictions have loosened, for many gay men, an uninvited guest called monkeypox has threatened to spoil long-anticipated festivities.

Fortunately, very few ended up with second thoughts about random sex with promiscuous Nigerians in Amsterdam..?

20th Century was “don’t stick your dick in crazy”. 21st Century is “don’t stick your dick in the blood-soiled feces of perverts who refused to take a dump first.”

22nd Century will be “don’t stick your dick in the phaser after setting it to vaporize”.

Of the 6,924 confirmed monkeypox cases in the global outbreak, the vast majority have occurred among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men, or MSM, various health authorities report. Skin-to-skin contact during sex, experts assert, has likely been the primary driver of the virus’s global spread thus far.

Probably. More likely than not. In >95% of the cases… but only the cases we know about for sure. Because sometimes, he was too high on drugs to remember what he had sex with.

Are those phaser burns?

Epidemiologists have stressed that monkeypox can still transmit among other groups of people, although the risk to non-MSM at this time does remain low.

That there is another hard sell. Especially for those of us who lived through the AIDS scare of the Eighties. We meet again, Doctor Fauci… you have learned nothing and forgotten nothing.

Nevertheless, 18 gay men who contracted monkeypox told NBC News how it can cause unsightly and in some cases debilitatingly painful skin lesions . and has left them stuck glumly inside.

.The thought of a full three-week quarantine is pretty scary,. said John, 32, a New York City tech worker who believes he contracted monkeypox from a guy he hooked up with during a recent trip to Los Angeles for the city’s Pride events. .I.m just feeling disappointed and bummed out. It was a bummer to miss celebrating Pride. in New York.

A guy who flies across the globe to have butt-sex with total strangers is upset that he somehow contracted a disease that forced him to temporarily stop life as a human petri dish. Maybe I should be grateful that he’s basically donating his body to science, but what science is doing is taking the opportunity to push the smallpox vaxx into circulation.

John is among the swiftly expanding group of 560 U.S. residents diagnosed with monkeypox thus far . a figure experts believe is a vast undercount of the true case number, given woefully insufficient testing. California, New York, Illinois and Florida are the states with the highest numbers of confirmed cases.

Gay Area, Jew York City and Miami. Let’s give a round of applause to Chicongo for holding back its murderers long enough for its mostly healthy gay community to reach Stage Two!

Epidemiologists believe they have traced the global spread of monkeypox to midspring gatherings of gay men in Western Europe. These parties drew many men from other cities, some of whom then apparently carried the virus back home. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported last month that of the first 17 U.S. cases, 16 were in men who have sex with men, and 14 were in people who between them had traveled to 11 different countries during the three weeks before their symptoms began.

Who pays for those plane tickets? *sigh* As a net taxpayer I’m probably the last to know.

Justin, 38, said after returning home May 18 from a two-week European vacation, he became the 14th person in the U.S. and the second in New York City to be diagnosed with monkeypox. He said his case started with a bad fever, which along with symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, headache, body aches, chills and exhaustion are common monkeypox signs. Soon after, the telltale lesions crept across his body.

Gay Pride is spreading! What a healthy alternative lifestyle!

Jeff, who’s in his mid-30s and is a university administrator in a mid-Atlantic state, spent a couple of weeks traveling through Europe through early June. He made stops in London, Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin, having sex with multiple partners along the way, he said, including in a bathhouse and a sex club in the German capital.

A nigh-suicidal alternative lifestyle.

.There’s hundreds of men in this club,. Jeff said, recalling considerable skin-to-skin contact between patrons. .Obviously, no one’s coming down to wipe down the sling.”

Wet wipes? Hand sanitizer, hello? Even the filthiest bachelor has been introduced to those concepts by the Plandemic. It’s a safe bet that half of the university he works at has made hand lotion into a sacrament. Except when trading bodily fluids with other people?

Anne Rimoin, an epidemiologist at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and a leading monkeypox expert, said in reference to the sharing of sex slings, .Given the risk of transmission by fomites . contaminated objects . it’s theoretically possible for monkeypox to be transmitted in this manner..

Nine days after [theoretically] returning home, Jeff came down with an intense fever and headache.

.I.m pretty sure I know who I got it from,. said Peter, who works in tech in a Rocky Mountain region city, but has been marooned in Seattle in isolation since receiving his monkeypox diagnosis during what he had hoped would be a fun visit to attend the city’s Pride festivities. .Thinking back on it,. he said, .I do remember there being a little hard spot. on that particular man’s p—-.

I’m speechless.

.Don’t be afraid to say something,. he said.

Not really the problem I’m having here. How were you that stupid?

Mark Hall, 41, a New York nurse practitioner, said he developed his first lesion on June 24 . the Friday of the city’s blockbuster Pride weekend . but thought it was an ingrown hair and didn’t realize that it was probably monkeypox until two days later, after already having attended several Pride events.

“Having attended several Pride events” = “sex with >10 men per day”? Unwilling to confirm.

Despite his urgent and determined efforts beginning that Sunday, he wasn’t able to get tested, receive confirmation that he had the virus and finally start providing names to a health department contact tracer until Thursday, he said.

Dude, you didn’t care about your health enough to not rub another guy’s intimate warts. Now your health is somebody else’s problem?

Hall said he was dismayed to learn that the city’s health department can still only run tests for 10 people per day for orthopoxvirus, the virus family to which monkeypox belongs.

.We knew that Pride was coming up,. he said. .Why were we not increasing testing capacity earlier, knowing this was going to be a problem?.

BECAUSE YOU WERE WARNED INSTEAD!!! June 24 is long after monkeypox became global news.

Rob Short, 29, expressed frustration that he never got a call from public health officials about receiving the vaccine as PEP after he attended a particular gathering in Washington, D.C., in early June. He said he is certain local health authorities consider it a spreader event, because he’s aware of other attendees who have received contact-tracing alerts about it. Getting the vaccine promptly, he said, might have spared him an infection that has sent him into isolation, leaving the personal trainer unable to earn income from teaching group fitness classes.

Sodomy isn’t just dangerous for the practitioners. They have no hesitation about exposing the innocent to anything and everything that they might have brought back from that orgy in D.C.

4 thoughts on “Fallout MonkeyPox

  1. What do you think of the possibility that a monkeypox vax (monkeyvax?) will be “encouraged” in the general populace, despite most people having a 0% of catching it? That would be my fear, call me paranoid all you want. Hopefully it’s an unfounded fear.

  2. Worked a few Red Cross blood Drives in 1983. I can tell you for a fact that Some damn gay looking dudes showed up to donate blood and answered “No” to the questionnaire asking about being in a high risk group for HIV. Homosexual was a clear disqualifier for being a donor. I was convinced at the time it was a deliberate, orchestrated effort to contaminate the blood supply. There was no effort to cross examine obviously gay donors, the RC just took their word on it and that was it.

  3. A tiny violin plays Misty for the bathhouse brigades.
    I thought the word monkeypox was wayciss according to the unelected bureauweenie apparats of the WHO?
    Marburg has the sporty name and the maskaloid germ and safety obsessed freaks are putting their decorations up now.
    Some are still playing the maskerade and it is usually vibrancies.

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