Domestic & Foreign Examples Of Totalism

A long one from the heart today.

I walked into my local city’s Planning Commission the other day. Routine, job-related paperwork but I hadn’t been there since the Plandemic began. Not only were they still practicing the Face Diaper… there were multiple, large mandate signs in emergency orange on every wall. Of course, I was unmasked and ready with a couple choice comments, but the clerk didn’t say anything. He didn’t come out from behind a six-foot, wall-to-wall plexiglass barricade, either. People stared at me as I walked past. Every one masked up.

Those warning signs weren’t for me, you see. Those warning signs were to terrorize the employees into continued Narrative obedience, much like a motivational poster. The proof of it was that the signs mandated masks even and specifically for the vaxxed and boosted. Covidism has gone well beyond farce. “The vaxx will keep you safe, but only if you keep getting vaxxed, and still not then, so you need to mask up and barricade and social distance.”

They actually believe that. Still.

They must surely have noticed me standing there, visibly disobedient yet somehow not dead. Not to mention all the other unvaxxed not yet dead they see outside. Not to mention the tacit admissions that the vaxx was a failure as a preventative measure. But they obey anyway.

One could argue that they’re just obeying a meaningless order in return for continued employment. It wouldn’t be true here. Warning signs everywhere, barricades that interfere with daily work, no end in sight, justified by increasingly silly promises of safety and good health? What’s happening here is a pinch of incense to Caesar, not “I pay you wear bag over ugly face”.

“I don’t believe the Lie. I just obey it” is a bad idea. That’s another feedback loop that even we Christians practice. If you believe this but behave that, cognitive dissonance happens. You’ll end up believing & behaving the same way, and if you are never allowed to quit the behavior then it’ll be your beliefs that change.

That’s one reason why Christ ordered us to behave despite our status of being forgiven. Beliefs and behaviors are ultimately inseparable. One leads to the other.

I have some more examples to give. The Mar-A-Lago raid on Trump is making the rounds. Others have discussed the political implications but I’ll discuss the motive: why they did such a discrediting, preposterous and high-profile deed?

It’s a purity spiral.

Totalism demands polarization. Us vs Them. It contains several feedback loops to reinforce it, mainly peer pressure (also the abovementioned behavior modification). This results in purity spirals in which the people compete against each other to be the best embodiment of the Narrative. The opinion of outsiders is not a factor; they compete and measure themselves only against their peers.

Orange Man polarization happened in 2016. Clinton good, Trump bad. Are YOU a good person? Prove it. Prove your devotion to the Cause. Then the purity spiral lit up and proceeded from “Trump’s a buffoon” to “Trump’s a Russian agent” to today’s J6 Commission “Trump is an insurrectionist against Democracy and America and a mortal threat to everything we ever held dear. Once we break his followers, the world will see the righteousness of our victimhood!”

Why did the FBI commit such an ill-advised strongman tactic? Because they aren’t on the J6 Commission. They’re getting one-upped! Sidelined! Outed as NOT true believers in Orange Man Bad! They weren’t thinking about due process or long-term consequences. They were thinking about keeping up with the Joneses. Or the Cohens. Jesuits. Whichever.

What’s the next step, now that they didn’t find anything? Twofold: the nonparticipants will blame the participants for making Trump look innocent while the participants double down and/or manufacture evidence. Because the one thing none of them can do, is admit Trump was just proven innocent.

Finding headlines to confirm was easy:

CNN panel panics that FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago will help Trump in 2024 election: ‘A very good day for Donald Trump’

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Former federal attorney suggests Trump is guilty because he invoked 5th Amendment rights. The backlash is bipartisan.

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The latter is so ridiculous that Blaze even found a NYC prosecutor denouncing him. The former is upset that Trump might gain political benefit from the raid, not that the raid might have been unlawful or a bad precedent.

The raid also serves to polarize the MAGA side of Clinton vs Trump. But there’s no Totalism happening there. Remember when Trump was booed by his own supporters for continuing to push the vaxx? That kind of open dissent indicates the LACK of a purity spiral.

Let’s proceed to a foreign example of Totalist behavior.

Ukraine war: Estonia and Finland seek end to Russian tourist visas for Europe

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By Richard Connor, 9 August 2022

Estonia and Finland’s leaders are calling on fellow European countries to stop issuing tourist visas to Russian citizens, saying they should not be allowed to take vacations in Europe as Moscow pursues its war in Ukraine.

The European Union is set to explore the subject of issuing visas to Russians at an informal meeting of interior ministers later this month.

The call from Estonia and Finland came as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also aired a proposal against visas for Russians in an interview with The Washington Post. The plea was echoed by Latvia, which has already decided to stop issuing the visas.

Getting a little big for your britches there, Baltic speedbumps. You fast-track your applications to NATO, grasping at the chance to be WW3’s first casualty, then you complain that Russian tourists are bringing you money, then you make demands of the European Union to follow suit.

What did the Estonian and Finnish leaders say?

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas on Tuesday tweeted that other European nations should “Stop issuing visas to Russians. Visiting Europe is a privilege, not a human right.” Kallas said it was “time to end tourism from Russia now.”

Kallas also said the issuing of visas to Russians by other members of the Schengen area placed a burden on countries that share borders with Russia.

“More tourists” is a… burden?

Visitors to the Schengen area can move freely within its 26 countries . 22 EU nations plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Another 19 countries outside the area also accept foreigners traveling with a Schengen visa.

Finnish broadcaster YLE reported last week that Russian companies had started to offer bus and car trips from St. Petersburg to the airports of Helsinki and Lappeenranta in Finland.

Those airports have direct connections to several destinations in Europe, with Russia’s second-largest city only about 300 kilometers (186 miles) from the Finnish capital.

Translation, Russian tourists are working around those no-fly restrictions by using ground and sea transportation. That should be a tourism windfall for countries neighboring Russia. Especially in the wake of the Plandemic, those transportation revenues should be welcome. They will certainly be missed when Barbie Kallas gets her no-more-Russian-wealth desire.

Speaking to the same broadcaster on Monday, Kallas’ Finnish counterpart Sanna Marin said she wanted action to stop tourist visas for Russians.

It is not right that while Russia is waging an aggressive, brutal war of aggression in Europe, Russians can live a normal life, travel in Europe, be tourists,” the prime minister said.

That’s… disturbing. “Russian civilians should not be allowed to live a normal life because Putin is fighting a war somewhere else.” She didn’t make a complaint of espionage, sabotage or even criminal conduct. She just looked at kids on vacation and saw Putler. Textbook polarization/purity spiral. She’s trying to hate Russia more than any of her peers.

That demand for EU to cooperate? That’s the peer enforcement mechanism of purity spiral. The normal reaction should be “screw your demands, we need the money”. But doing so will out that government leader as a dissident amongst the cool kids while Kallas & Marin can brag that they hate Putin enough to harm their own countries.

You might wonder about a PM openly plotting the betrayal of her people & country for a mere one-upping of a Twitter rival. This is a consequence of Totalist “milieu control” aka “hive”. Isolating people in an artificial environment in which the Narrative Is All, makes this sort of cognitive disconnect possible. Also, social media.

Take PM Marin, for example. Per her wikipedia page, Mommy divorced Daddy then married a lesbian. She had no political connections yet went straight from school into politics, made MP at age 30 & PM at age 34. That’s perfect milieu control… she never knew life in which sexual perversion was bad, or in which men were heads of household… or even State… or how the Dirt People live. 


How did Finland’s Sanna Marin become the world’s youngest prime minister?

Her ascent . and that of her young, female-dominated cabinet . is a victory for youth and vigour

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14 December 2019

Marin.s appointment and the fact that her government is made up of 12 women, some younger than herself and among them four party leaders, and seven men attracted attention from around the world, but it came as no shock to the Finns.

Oh, wow. Ohhh. This is gonna be uglier than a Gretchen Whitmer birthday favor.

The Social Democrat may be young, but she is no political ingenue; she cut her political teeth as chair of the Tampere city council, and YouTube clips of her steering sometimes heated council meetings played a large part in her rise to national prominence.

“You can tell she’s tough because she put her council meetings on youTube.” So we could watch some Nordic bewbs bounce when she’s angry, one would suppose, but alas.

Marin is something of a poster child for the egalitarian Nordic model of social democracy. Raised by her mother and her female partner, she comes from what she calls a “rainbow family” and moved around a lot as a child.

Bad sign. Bad sign. Bad sign.

She joined the youth wing of the Social Democratic party and stood for election in Tampere in 2008, but failed to get elected. Undeterred, she stood again in 2012 and was successful, rising to chair of the city council a year later at the age of 28. Despite her humble beginnings and relative lack of experience, she has now reached the pinnacle of Finnish politics.

And it happened as naturally as a Taco Bell burrito. Nobody lacking family connections is head of a major city after ONE YEAR IN POLITICS. Tampere is the second largest Finnish city by area and third most populous. Not a backwater.

.This is the biggest political event in Finland in many years,. says Maria B?ck, lecturer in political science at the University of Helsinki.

More women. The last thing that country should do…. or as it seems, WILL do… is volunteer for a land war in Asia.

.I.m not that surprised that she has become prime minister . it’s probably down to this Nordic model of equality…

It’s equity now. Now that her Cabinet is 60% female.

“…both economically and socially, and It is a little bit special now. Apart from the prime minister being a young woman, we have several other young women at the top of politics.

Part of the political instability in Finland can be put down to the arrival on the scene of the right-wing populist and Eurosceptic Finns Party as a force in the last decade, an event that has put the cat among the political pigeons both in government and opposition parties.

The more traditional parties like the Social Democrats, the Centre and the Agrarian Party are essentially conflict-averse, and for years have put their differences aside to form coalitions for the common good. The Finns Party seemingly have no time for such niceties.

.All of the traditional parties have lost support, some more, some less, to the Finns Party and they are struggling to win back their voters,. says Jenni Karim?ki, a colleague of Maria B?ck in the political science department at the University of Helsinki. .This presents an ideological challenge . is it possible to co-operate with the Finns Party in the future?.

Thankfully no, the Finnish nationalists have no intention of reaching across the aisle:

Recent opinion polls show that the Finns Party are now the most popular in the country.

With the Finns Party continuing to ignore the previous tradition of consensus politics, the challenge for Marin and her cabinet is to return to the stable politics… that has characterised previous Finnish governments.

She’s not returning to stable politics. She’s trying to kill her country because she wants the Cool Crowd to accept her.

How do you even reach somebody like that? Who’s never lived a normal life?

End Segue1. Now for Kallas.


Wikipedia again:

Born in Tallinn on 18 June 1977, Kaja Kallas is the daughter of Siim Kallas, who was the 14th prime minister of Estonia and later a European Commissioner.

That better explains her relatively fast-paced career as an EU fascist and Estonian PM. But not as fast as Marin.

Someday I’m going to do a post on generational Totalism. It’s a terrible fate. Ask Hunter Biden.

During the Soviet deportations from Estonia, her mother Kristi, six months old at the time, was deported to Siberia with her mother and grandmother in a cattle car and lived there until she was ten years old.

Seems barely relevant. No doubt lots of Estonians have dim attitudes concerning Russia. Fine, but why refuse tourist money? Why refuse to even be on speaking terms with a neighbor?

Kallas graduated from the University of Tartu in 1999 with a bachelor’s degree in law… earning an EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration) in economics in 2010.

Education finished in 2010 at age 33. 2014-2018 she was a member of the European Parliament working on the Great Reset aka Digital Single Market. She quit to become the first female leader of the Estonian Reform Party then became PM in early 2021. Straight shot to the top.

She was a vice-chair of the Delegation to the EU.Ukraine Parliamentary Cooperation Committee as well as a member of the Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly and Delegation for relations with the United States.

Cabal confirmed.

In January 2022 Kallas committed Estonia to donating howitzers to Ukraine to assist in its defense against a possible Russian invasion, pending German approval as the howitzers were originally purchased from Germany. When Germany delayed in giving an answer, Estonia sent American-made Javelin anti-tank missiles instead in the first weeks of February 2022.

Cabal ABSOLUTELY confirmed. She was the GAE cutout for pre-arming Ukraine against Russia.

Gotta protect those totally legit bioweapon labs that nobody knows about. If a few Estonian cities get destroyed as a consequence, well, Estonia’s continued existence is not the responsibility of the Estonian Prime Minister now is it?

Her responsibility is shaming EU leaders into punishing Russian tourists for being happy.

End Segue2 & back to the original article.

In comments on Tuesday, Ukraine’s Zelenskyy said it was important to close borders for Russian travelers to the West. Zelenskyy said such restrictions should apply to all Russians, even those who had left the country and oppose the war.

In Zelensky’s case, this demand for extermination is not Totalism. His people have been murdering innocents since Christ, the Ukrainians since Holodomor and nursing a grudge against Moscow for a long time. He even stands to profit enormously from the death of all Russia.

But the leaders of tiny nations, unnecessarily risking their peoples’ survival in order to match Zelensky’s ‘devotion to the cause’? Totalism is what makes that kind of stupid happen. Questions of gain/loss and keeping the electricity on take a back seat to being king of the hill.

That hill is, very intentionally, the only reality and people they know. Literally so, for Marin. Which is why they can cheerfully betray millions of innocent… numbers on a spreadsheet. Most of whom deserve that fate, anyway, because they’re opposed to Progress.

Russians should “live in their own world until they change their philosophy,” he said.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he hoped that “common sense” would eventually prevail in countries calling for Russians to be barred from traveling to the EU.

Watching the GAE death cult struggle to provoke its own destruction on a global scale is a morbidly fascinating experience. Speak of the GAE devil,

Biden signs ratification documents approving NATO membership for Finland and Sweden

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WASHINGTON . President Joe Biden signed ratification documents Tuesday bringing Finland and Sweden one step closer to joining the NATO alliance.

.[Russian President Vladimir] Putin thought he could break us apart,. Biden said from the East Room of the White House. .Our alliance is closer than ever, it is more united than ever, and after Finland and Sweden join we will be stronger than ever..

Last week, the Senate voted 95 to 1 to ratify the entrance of Finland and Sweden into the world’s most powerful military alliance.

What a coincidence this happened on the same day as “we call for banishing all Russians everywhere into the outer dark of Russia!”. Was denouncing every Russian man, woman and child for the crime of living a normal life the price of letting Estonia & Finland die first for the GAE?

Purity would demand no less.

When I walked the halls of the Planning Commission, I as a person felt exactly what Russia feels as a nation. I just want to continue my life. I don’t hate anybody. We can do business. Normalize relations after a bad time. But everybody backs away from me because I don’t love the devil’s lies. They hate me, my family, my existence, and most of all, my walking around where they can see me, because my presence alone proves the lie to everything they want to believe about me. They don’t even know my name; they just see me living a normal life. And they shun me for it.


3 thoughts on “Domestic & Foreign Examples Of Totalism

  1. You might wonder about a PM openly plotting the betrayal of her people & country for a mere one-upping of a Twitter rival. This is a consequence of Totalist .milieu control. aka .hive.. Isolating people in an artificial environment in which the Narrative Is All, makes this sort of cognitive disconnect possible. Also, social media.

    This is what happens when you put women in positions of responsibility. They never progress mentally beyond high school anyway, so why would that change just because they’re handed keys to the national treasury and the nuclear arsenal? We would be shocked if Baltic Barbie Bigcheese WASN’T engaged in a mouthy catfight with both her neighboring counterpart frenemy AND an alpha male who could snap her neck (figuratively and literally) without even thinking about it.

    This is “let’s you and him fight” on a global political scale.

  2. .I don.t believe the Lie. I just obey it. is a bad idea. … If you believe this but behave that, cognitive dissonance happens. You.ll end up believing & behaving the same way, and if you are never allowed to quit the behavior then it.ll be your beliefs that change.

    Not always. Soviet Communism imploded because it turned out that nobody believed in the system. It was all a facade. Everyone obeyed, but nobody believed.

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