An Example Of Media Blackout: Why China Escalated Over Pelosi’s Trip

It’s repeatedly said in dissident circles, that the power of the mainstream media is not only to support the Lie. It is also to suppress the truth via total control of information sources. A recent and severe case was Nancy Pelosi’s infamous trip to Taiwan. At the time I covered it, I suspected that Taiwan was being strong-armed into choosing a loyalty between GAE, China and the Cabal.

I was correct, and Taiwan is allying to Cabal not GAE; that will be proven here. I was also pleased with myself for connecting the CHIPS Acts to Pelosi’s trip, deducing that this was about semiconductor manufacturing. A connection that official news outlet had missed.

Even so, I didn’t know the half of it.

U.S., Taiwan to start formal trade talks under new initiative

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By Reuters, 17 August 2022

Say what? That sounds almost like… normalized diplomatic relations?

TAIPEI (Reuters) -The United States and Taiwan have agreed to start trade talks under a new initiative to reach agreements with “economically meaningful outcomes”, with a Taiwan official saying China’s “economic coercion” would also be discussed.

Washington and Taipei unveiled the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade in June, just days after the Biden administration excluded the Chinese-claimed island from its Asia-focused economic plan designed to counter China’s growing influence.

WHAAAT?! How did EVERYBODY miss that context in all the heated discussions about Pelosi’s trip? Why was it never mentioned in a single one of all the news articles that were flying around?


United States and Taiwan Hold Inaugural Meeting of the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade

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27 June 2022

WASHINGTON . Deputy United States Trade Representative Sarah Bianchi and Taiwan Minister-Without-Portfolio John Deng today held the inaugural meeting of the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade under the auspices of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO).

AIT is Fedgov’s de facto embassy to Taiwan, complete with a complement of USMC guards. America’s ambassador to China was located in Taipei until 1979. China demanded we break relations with Taiwan. America moved the embassy to the mainland then incorporated AIT for a deniable replacement.

Similarly, TERCO is Taiwan’s de facto embassy to USA.

.The United States and Taiwan have a long-standing trade and investment relationship rooted in shared values,. said Ambassador Sarah Bianchi. .This initiative will unlock market opportunities, promote innovation and create inclusive economic growth for our workers and businesses..

Ambassador Bianchi and Minister Deng reiterated their shared interest to develop concrete ways to deepen the U.S.-Taiwan economic and trade relationship, advance mutual trade priorities based on shared values, and promote innovation and inclusive economic growth for workers and businesses. They also discussed the development of an ambitious roadmap for negotiations under the auspices of AIT and TECRO to reach agreements with high-standard commitments and economically meaningful outcomes. The commitments will cover a number of trade areas, including trade facilitation, regulatory practices, agriculture, anti-corruption, small- and medium-sized enterprises, digital trade, labor, environment, standards, state-owned enterprises, and non-market policies and practices.

Is it “Ambassador Bianchi” or “trade representative Bianchi”? Big difference here.

Ambassador Bianchi and Minister Deng also held roundtable conversations with several groups of U.S. and Taiwan stakeholders.

Translation, USA and Taiwan agreed to formalize diplomatic relations at least as far as economic integration. No wonder China freaked out when barely a month later, Pelosi went to Taiwan to install her bagman son. An airhead female trade rep who can’t get her own job title right is one thing, but a follow-up from a prolific money launderer and insider such as Pelosi is another thing. That’s when China realized this was serious.


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Sarah Bianchi is a political advisor and former investment analyst serving as deputy United States trade representative (USTR). Prior to her confirmation as deputy USTR, she was a senior managing director at Evercore ISI, a global investment banking advisory firm.

Bianchi was born in Atlanta. She attended Harvard University, where she was roommates with Karenna Gore, the daughter of Vice President Al Gore, at Leverett House.

In politics, it’s not what you know. It’s who you know.

In a New York Times profile of Bianchi published on September 4, 2000, her career after her graduation is described to have included work as “an assistant to the associate director for health at the Office of Management and Budget, an assistant director for health policy of the Domestic Policy Council, the senior health care adviser to the vice president and…as deputy issues director” of the Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign.

Snowflake introduced Bianchi to Daddy, who gave her a spin and decided she would be useful.

Bianchi later served as national policy director on John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign. She also worked on the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions for Senator Ted Kennedy, specializing on health policy. After serving on the campaigns of Gore and John Kerry, Bianchi joined the private sector.

While in government, Bianchi served as Deputy Assistant to the President for Economic Policy under President Barack Obama. Bianchi served as director of policy for Vice President Joe Biden from 2011 to 2014. USA Today wrote that Bianchi “helped Vice President Biden formulate the 23 executive actions in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre” and participated in the development of gun control legislation.

Bianchi also served as chair of the policy advisory board at the Biden Institute at the University of Delaware and was identified as a potential addition to the Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign team by The Hill and The New York Times.

Sarah Bianchi is 100% pure Cabal.

Meanwhile, the current AIT director is Jesuit-trained Sandra Oudkirk. Not much info on her… she spent years in Turkey previously. One implication here is that Bianchi is not in any position to be described as an ambassador.

End segues

Taiwan’s top trade negotiator, John Deng, told reporters in Taipei he hoped talks could start next month, and that this could one day lead to a free trade deal the island has long sought with the United States.

The negotiating mandate released along with the announcement said the United States and Taiwan had set a robust agenda for talks on issues like trade facilitation, good regulatory practices, and removing discriminatory barriers to trade.

That negotiating mandate was made available just yesterday. Link. My key takeaway is that Taiwan is signing up to D.I.E.. The mandate is as much concerned about proliferating feminism, sodomy and climate change as it is with economically isolating Taiwan from China.

It will soon become redundant for PRC to nuke the place.

China reiterated its opposition to the new Taiwan-U.S. trade initiative.

Foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin told reporters in Beijing that China opposed any country signing official trade deals with Taiwan, and he called on the United States to stop its engagement with the island.

“China will take resolute measures to uphold its national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We advise the United States stop making misjudgements,” he said.

GAE is the aggressor here. They’re making very deliberate provocations at a very sensitive time.

Two more articles.

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In the days leading up to Pelosi’s visit, which was in the middle of a multi-country tour of Asia, the U.S. sent the USS Ronald Reagan and a strike group to the South China Sea, although a Navy spokesperson said it was a planned trip.

I never heard about Pelosi’s visit being timed with the arrival of a carrier group in the South China Sea, either.

US congressional delegation arrives in Taiwan, days after China drills

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A US congressional delegation arrived in Taiwan on Sunday [14 August], Washington’s de facto embassy in Taipei said, days after China held military drills around the island in retaliation for US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit.

Sunday.s unannounced visit came after Pelosi infuriated Beijing by visiting Taiwan earlier this month, sparking unprecedented air and sea drills that raised the prospect of conflict.

.Senator Ed Markey (D-MA), Representative John Garamendi (D-CA), Representative Alan Lowenthal (D-CA), Representative Don Beyer (D-VA), and Representative Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen (R-AS) will visit Taiwan from August 14 to 15, 2022, as part of a larger visit to the Indo-Pacific region,. the American Institute in Taiwan said in a statement.

.The delegation will meet with senior Taiwan leaders to discuss US-Taiwan relations, regional security, trade and investment, global supply chains, climate change, and other significant issues of mutual interest,. it added.

Senator Markey is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations East Asia, Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Subcommittee. This second delegation is the official government delegation. Which means Pelosi cut off her own government’s diplomatic efforts in order to get her, and her cronies’, hooks into Taiwan in advance of the official process.

Between Pelosi’s shenanigan and the whole thing being brokered by the college roommate of Al Gore’s daughter, I conclude that Taiwan is switching its loyalty to the Cabal rather than GAE/NATO.

Taiwan’s foreign ministry hailed the delegation’s visit as another sign of warm ties between Taipei and Washington.

.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its sincere welcome [to the delegation],. the ministry said in a statement Sunday.

.As China is continuing to escalate tensions in the region, the US Congress has again organized a heavyweight delegation to visit Taiwan, showing a friendship that is not afraid of China’s threats and intimidation, and highlighting the US. strong support towards Taiwan..

The delegation will meet President Tsai Ing-wen and attend a banquet hosted by Foreign Minister Joseph Wu during the visit, the ministry added.

.The two sides will extensively exchange views on issues such as Taiwan-US security and trade relations,. it said.

Dayumn, that’s some tough talking. Almost as if somebody gave Taiwan an ironclad guarantee that GAE will wage total war on Taiwan’s behalf. News flash, Taiwan: if this shit goes down, nobody will win. Not China, not USA and certainly not you.

I close with a timeline.

27 June: Trade representatives make agreements intended to eventually result in formal, free-trade economic commerce with GAE.

1 August: Pelosi arrives in a severe diplomatic upset, meeting with the principles and inserting her son into the Taiwanese inner circle.

14 August: The official trade delegation arrives to formalize the trade arrangements, some of which are aimed directly at China’s ability to pressure Taiwan.

17 August: Mainstream media allows information on the trade arrangements to finally go public.

That was a very impressive and frightening news blackout.

One thought on “An Example Of Media Blackout: Why China Escalated Over Pelosi’s Trip

  1. The Sh1ts and Giggles Jo Jo and Kamal circus regime presents…the Flying Pelosis!
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    NVIDIA video cards are not complimentary as they are not backed by a printing press or rated too big to fail.
    Prices will be increased in order to pay off CPUSA crime syndicate cronies.

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