SJWs Claim Noticing Woke Churches Is Threatening?

Here’s a constructive idea: Christians making lists of how woke the churches in their area are. No threats, no complaints of doctrine, just noting “First Episcopalian Church on Main Street flies the rainbow flag” then publishing the lists. Who could complain? Don’t the churches themselves pride themselves on their Pride?

Apparently not.

I would do this myself, except I did and there wasn’t a single “obeys Scripture” church on the list when I finished it. But the Libertarians, of all peoples, put some serious effort into it!

Looking for a church that isn’t ‘woke?’ Secessionist group tweets out list that classifies places of worship.

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By Haven Orecchio-Egresitz & Kenneth Niemeyer, 22 August 2022

This is a repost from Insider, but what an interesting mismatch that is between the title and URL. Who’s saying anything about threats?

The Free State Project . a New Hampshire-based libertarian movement . tweeted a list of Christian churches in the state, identifying those that are considered “woke.”

The list, which was published on a wiki called “,” largely measures “wokeness” by whether the church is LGBTQ-friendly, has advocated for racial or social justice, or had implemented COVID precautions.

That’s fair.

It was distributed by The Free State Twitter account, which has over 80,000 followers.

The list on “” titled “Christianity in New Hampshire,” doesn’t detail the intention of the list, but some critics on Twitter are calling the “wokeness” classification a “racist dog whistle” and worry that it will prompt attacks on the places of worship.

Sure. Some anonymous peeps felt so threatened at other organizations being noticed in public… that multiple Lamestream Media mouthpieces are calling out the hate. No ulterior motives here!

Christian terrorists do not exist, but if they did, they would identify Leftist churches by the Freak Flags and BLM signs that the Leftists freely choose to display. No need for Twitter… which is the last place a far-right-wing-ultra-nationalist-MAGA-loving Putlerian Jihadist would hang out regardless.

The SJW cries out in pain as she strikes you.

State Democratic Rep. Lucy Weber has previously protested against The Free State Project and described them as anti-LGBTQ. Weber told Insider that she didn’t want to speculate about the group’s motivations for compiling the list, but found it “distasteful.”

Ahh, there it is. The people thinking that the Libertarians are about to reenact the Spanish Inquisition are either anonymous critics on Twitter, or State Toady Weber who’s not happy about the Free State Project importing lots of we’re-not-queers into her backyard.

“It’s not an issue I have a lot to say on except that they’ve gotten the right to say it,” Weber told Insider. “They’re not government actors, so I find it distasteful, but I’m allowed to have my opinions too.”

And her chosen opinion is…

<drum roll>

…to be a hate-crime victim of Libertarians.

At a recent protest against the movement, Weber told The Keene Sentinel that the group may preach freedom, but that liberty doesn’t extend to people in the LGBTQ community. Members of the group, she said, have pushed to make it harder to register to vote and want to restrict abortions.

“They go, ‘we’re for liberty, we’re for freedom.’ Who isn’t?” Weber told the Sentinel in July. “Their freedom is only for people who are just like them and they don’t seem to have a concept of the public good.

Bitch, find a mirror. Oh, wait… vampire. Never mind.

There are nearly 900 churches named, and they are identified by their location and denomination.

In a column called “wokeness” there are notes.

While displaying a Pride flag, or requiring masks was a sure-fire way to land churches on the list, there were other reasons cited for the classification.

An Episcopal church made its way on the woke list by donating to the NAACP. Another displayed a Ukraine flag on its website. A third included a blurb on its website about how they are located on “unceded native American land.”

Eight Episcopal churches on the list were included for either supporting the LGBTQ. community on their websites or for generally being LGBTQ affirming churches. The Episcopal Church is generally more accepting of the LGBTQ community, according to the Human Rights Campaign. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, the former Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire, was the first openly gay priest to become a bishop of a major Christian denomination.

A representative for the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire told Insider in a statement that the church was aware of the list.

“The Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire supports gay marriage, as do Episcopal bishops and churches across the nation, as does The Episcopal Church as a governing body,” the statement read. “We are all seeking to be disciples of our savior Jesus Christ.”

Like I was saying, this list is unnecessary effort. Not one Christian reading this is surprised that the Episcopalians are prominently featured in a Who’s Who Of Churchy Wokeness. It would be much faster to make a list of churches that aren’t woke.

But perhaps that list would highlight the wrong churches?

Founded by Jason Sorens, the Free State Project is a movement that since the early 2000s has encouraged the migration of “liberty activists” to New Hampshire, where they hope to live in a libertarian limited-government utopia.

I love you Libertarians! While I don’t share most of your beliefs, you’re one of the very few sociopolitical groups that DOES STUFF. Like the Free State Project in Transylvania err, New Hampshire, or making Bitcoin the national currency of El Salvador, or as we see here, making lists of Woke churches whereas I only tried to make lists of non-Woke churches. It would never occur to me that Sodomite churches would be intimidated by us publicly noticing what they publicly do.

In hindsight, this is projection. When SJWs makes lists… for example, of gun owners… it’s always with the intent of targeting them for “Direct Action” later on. Thus, they freak out when we make lists of them.


Nearly 300 southern Illinoisans have to give up their firearms after gun rights revoked

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By Mike Koziatek, 24 August 2022

Illinois State Police announced Wednesday that it has forced nearly 300 people in southern Illinois to give up ownership of their firearms after they had their firearms rights revoked. As part of a “firearms enforcement blitz” from June 16 to July 31 in 41 southern Illinois counties, including St. Clair, Madison, Monroe, Clinton and Randolph counties, state police officers performed 710 “compliance checks,. which resulted in 295 people being “placed into compliance” with the state’s Firearms Owners Identification Card, or FOID card, law.

.Compliance checks are not about confiscating guns, but about ensuring individuals who have lost their firearms rights to transfer their firearms to law enforcement or someone who is legally able to possess them,. Illinois State Police Director Brendan Kelly said during a news conference at the state police’s metro-east headquarters in Collinsville.

“We not confiscating your guns. We’re ensuring that you transfer your guns to law enforcement. You violated a temporary change to the rules, you see.”

The Illinois State Police has received temporary permission from state officials for an emergency rule change to broaden the use of “clear and present danger reports” that can bar Illinois citizens from getting a FOID card or cause a revocation of a FOID card, according to a news release by Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

This decision was announced after the July 4th mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, where seven people were killed. The suspect in this case had received a FOID card after a clear and present danger report previously had been filed on him.

.The former administrative rule required a clear and present danger to be .impending,. .imminent,. “substantial” or .significant,. according to the governor’s news release. “Clear and present danger under state law however is more broadly defined requiring “physical or verbal behavior, such as violent, suicidal, or assaultive threats, actions, or other behavior…

Pritzker said the state will seek to make this rule change permanent.

3: “This isn’t a gun registry and we aren’t trying to disarm you.”

2: “This IS a gun registry but we aren’t trying to disarm you.”

1: “We won’t disarm you unless you’re a threat.”

“I feel threatened.”

End segue

The Free State Project says on its website . in bold . that “it does not welcome anyone who promotes violence, racial hatred, or bigotry” and in 2013 it kicked out infamous neo-Nazi Christopher Cantwell after he wrote about killing government agents and violently overthrowing the government.

They said it and they did it. All is well.

And while the group says it doesn’t welcome those who promote violence, the list, which singles out places of worship due to ideology, was shared on Twitter as threats of extremist far-right violence are at a high.

Sigh. “While you, technically, obey your own non-aggression principles, OTHERS DO NOT! This is very irresponsible conduct for you!”

References to “civil war” doubled on online extremist platforms in the week following the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago, Insider previously reported.

Wasn’t the Libertarians.

Extremists have taken to both niche social media platforms and mainstream sites like TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube to preach pro-Trump violence.

Wasn’t the Libertarians. And we’re discussing Christianity, not Trump. Keep that TDS in check, Fang-Fang, or else…

Antisemitic threats against the Jewish Florida judge who signed the search warrant became so specific and credible that his temple canceled Shabbat services.

…you’ll out yourself…

Judge Bruce Reinhart and Attorney General Merrick Garland have been subjected to “an enormous amount of threats and vitriol online,” [said]Alex Friedfeld…

…as a hypocrite:

…who monitors online extremism for the Anti Defamation League’s Center On Extremism, told Insider.

Who’s monitoring for online extremism NOW, huh? The Libertarians are making online lists of their enemies, now are they? Is anybody ELSE making lists?

But of course, the Left doesn’t care about hypocrisy. It follows from their first principle that truth means nothing.

What the Left DOES care about, apparently, is us noticing what they’re publicly doing. I’ll give it a try. Heeere’s Weber:

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