The Megalomania Of Charles Dickens

A textbook behavior of modern globalists is their habit of telling us how they’re going to hurt us, then proceeding to do exactly that… usually in the face of zero opposition whatsoever. Now, we see this behavior on a small scale for the first time:

UN diplomat allegedly gets away with raping woman in New York by claiming immunity

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By Joseph Mackinnon, 23 August 2022

OH NOES! The Red Sox are on a new losing streak! And in other news, yet another UN diplomat used his legal immunity to underwrite his long-established criminal conduct. The stock market is up two points on news that the Fed Chairman ate a burrito and…

On Sunday, 46-year-old Charles Dickens Imene Oliha, a diplomat for the United Nations’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in South Sudan, is reported to have raped a woman in Fort George, New York. The victim called the police after the attack at 11 p.m., resulting in Oliha’s detention. Oliha was, however, released just a few hours later.

What crazy-ass kind of name is that? It’s the kind of name a classically trained Jesuit would give to the bastard he fathered and left behind in Sudan… hmm. I don’t know that to be true, but it’s an excellent guess how a Sudanese lowbrow with impulse control issues could have found his way into the halls of global power.

The victim, Oliha’s neighbor in upper Manhattan, claimed the diplomat had made a pass at her while she was walking a friend’s dog. She rejected his advances, but he persisted. Oliha allegedly told the victim he was going to follow her upstairs to her apartment on Wadsworth Terrace, and she replied “No, you’re not.”

When the victim opened her door, Oliha reportedly forced his way into her apartment. Inside, he is claimed to have twice raped the victim.

Now where have we seen that behavior before?

Him: “I’m gonna follow you home and rape you.”

Her: “No, you’re not.”

Him: *follows her home and rapes her*


WEF: “You vill eat zee bugs.”

Us: “No, we won’t.”


The victim told authorities she had gone into shock after the noontime attack and tried to sleep after the attack. Only after a friend suggested that she should report the alleged rape did she contact police. Afterward, she was taken to Columbia University Medical Center for medical attention.

Hers is a common reaction to real sexual assault. No empowerment speeches or Mattress Girl theatrics, but a shell-shocked “I can’t believe it happened to me, maybe it’ll un-happen if I don’t think about it” denial. That leads me to believe that this really was a rape-rape; that, and the accused didn’t deny it:

Upon his arrest, Oliha told the NYPD he had diplomatic immunity. Detectives from the Special Victims Unit released him without charge upon verifying his status around 5 a.m. on Monday morning.

Suck it, feminists! While you were complaining about the “male privilege” of Ordinary Joes, you totally forgot about the Diplomatic Privilege of the most powerful and wealthiest sociopaths on the planet.


Reporters attempted to contact Oliha for comment, but the only people present at his New York residence were reportedly his female relatives. Oliha is married and has four children.

It is presently unclear whether Oliha has fled the country, in which case he may face extradition.

That is not how diplomatic immunity works. The host country decides whether to prosecute. Ambassadors usually being the cousins or cronies of said host country’s leaders, we have a very predictable Nope on extradition.

Then again, if a woman cries about it….

The U.N. told the Daily Mail that this “particular case involves a member of the Permanent Mission of South Sudan who is not a staff member of the United Nations. … This is a bilateral issue between South Sudan and the US authorities.”

…the UN is already on record disavowing him…

South Sudan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a release on August 23 indicating that, pending the conclusions of an ongoing investigation into the facts of the case, their administration “will urgently take appropriate measures to address it.”

…and South Sudan is negotiating a price for Chucky Dickings’ head.

Oliha’s country of origin faces a rape scandal all its own.

Honestly, I didn’t know that his country of origin was a country. *checks* South Sudan gained independence from Sudan in 2011 but is still in process of being recognized by other governments, international organizations and… private foreign investors.



South Sudan became an independent state on 9 July 2011, following 98.83% support for independence in a January 2011 referendum.

Bullshit levels of corruption.

The United States supported the 2011 referendum on South Sudan’s independence. The New York Times reported that “South Sudan is in many ways an American creation, carved out of war-torn Sudan in a referendum largely orchestrated by the United States, its fragile institutions nurtured with billions of dollars in American aid.” The U.S. government’s long-standing sanctions against Sudan were officially removed from applicability to newly independent South Sudan in December 2011, and senior RSS officials participated in a high-level international engagement conference in Washington, D.C., to help connect foreign investors with the RSS and South Sudanese private sector representatives.

WEF fingerprints everywhere on that.

In 2010, the CIA issued a warning that “over the next five years,…a new mass killing or genocide is most likely to occur in southern Sudan.”

GAE fingerprints everywhere on that.

The child marriage rate in South Sudan is 52%. Homosexual acts are illegal.

They skipped past sodomy and went straight to pedophilia.

End segue

The U.N. issued a report earlier this year revealing that women in South Sudan face a “hellish existence.” A 2017 study found that across much of South Sudan, 65% of women and girls experience physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime . one of the highest rates in the world.

In addition to the role that rape allegedly plays as a tactic in the region’s geopolitical conflicts, some scholarship suggests there is also a socio-cultural element at play. Alicia Luedke, writing for the London School of Economics’ Conflict Research Programme, noted that sexual violence in South Sudan is “connected to the local political economy of bridewealth in the country, which treats females as property, undermining their sexual agency and control over their own bodies.”

Moar “down with the patriarchy”. Anything to distract from that Strong&Independent NYC feminist getting rape-raped by the United Nation’s finest.

Which brings us to that very curious behavior of forewarning the victim.

Some religious pundits claim that God forces these wicked men to admit their crimes in order to prevent the victims from being deceived into cooperation. I don’t believe that because if so, it isn’t working, and God doesn’t do failure. Also, if God wanted people not-deceived then the server farms of Twitter would be pillars of salt by now… and the avenging angel would have branded “Nuremberg” on Tony Fauci’s forehead for the world to see.

So, from when this compulsion to not just do evil, but set up an appointment and do it in front of the world’s cameras?

My answer until now was simply “because they’re powerful enough to get away with it”. The globalists are baiting God Himself and the greatest thrill is getting away with it. But now, Chucky is NOT likely to get away with it. He’s already fled the country for the “safety” of South Sudan which even at a glance, is worse than the dystopia of Oliver Twist.

For the moment, I don’t have an answer I like… but this verse comes to mind.

2 thoughts on “The Megalomania Of Charles Dickens

  1. Isn’t Chuckie The Dark the kind of scumbag that gets most New York women wet between the legs? The “victim” in this case must have some kind of anomalous hardwiring.

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