Manufacturing Demand For Polio: Oral Vaxx Is A Marek’s-Disease Scenario

My last post on manufacturing demand seems to have been timely. I laughed when the CDC labeled monkeypox a global threat before anybody had even died of it (outside Nigeria or wherever). But now there’s a “global polio threat spurring vaccination campaigns” despite only two people in the West even being sick… months apart.

Not laughing.

Explainer – Why Has Polio Been Found in London, New York and Jerusalem, and How Dangerous Is It?

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By Reuters, 15 August 2022

LONDON (Reuters) – Polio, a deadly disease that used to paralyze tens of thousands of children every year, is spreading in London, New York and Jerusalem for the first time in decades, spurring catch-up vaccination campaigns.

To date, Jerusalem had one child case back in March, New York has one recent adult case and London, zero cases. They’re tracking a polio outbreak that’s only in the sewage, yet it’s a big deal… why?

There is no cure, but since a vaccine was found in the 1950s, polio is entirely preventable. Globally, the wild form of the disease has almost disappeared.

The wild form? As in, the not-genetically-engineered forms of polio?

And down the rabbit hole we go.

Afghanistan and Pakistan are now the only countries where the highly infectious disease, spread mainly through contact with faecal matter, remains endemic. But this year, imported cases were also found in Malawi and Mozambique, the first in those countries since the 1990s.

Sounds like what really killed polio, was First-World sanitation.

There are two main forms of poliovirus. Alongside the wild-type outlined above, there are also rare cases of what is known as vaccine-derived polio.

It is this second form detected in wastewater in the British capital, London, and in New York in the United States, with one case of paralysis reported in New York state. Genetically similar virus has also been found in Jerusalem, Israel, and scientists are working to understand the link, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) said.

GPEI is Gates Foundation. Although Bloomberg and some others have chipped in at times.

Sooo, Billy, how’s that “Decade Of Vaccines 2010-2020” working out? Dead diseases coming back, new ones escaping biowar labs in time for Presidential elections, eh? Have you sterilized any more African villages? A good time for your business, if not for your customers.

While vaccine-derived polio is almost unheard of in the above locations, it is a known – albeit rare – threat in other countries, causing outbreaks every year, including 415 cases in Nigeria in 2021.

415 cases in Nigeria one year, and 490,000 cases in India over 17 years.


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Promising his share of $450 million of $1.2 billion to eradicate polio, Gates took control of India’s National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI), which mandated up to 50 doses (Table 1) of polio vaccines through overlapping immunization programs to children before the age of five. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates. vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India. NPAFP rates dropped precipitously.

The most frightening [polio] epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan, and the Philippines are all linked to vaccines.

In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) reluctantly admitted that the global explosion in polio is predominantly vaccine strain. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan, and the Philippines, are all linked to vaccines. In fact, by 2018, 70% of global polio cases were vaccine strain.

End segue

I had no idea that today, basically, polio only exists because it’s spread by the oral polio vaxx.

It stems from the use of an oral polio vaccine containing weakened live virus. After children are vaccinated, they shed virus in their faeces for a few weeks. In under-vaccinated communities, this can then spread and mutate back to a harmful version of the virus.

While countries including the Britain and the United States no longer use this live vaccine, others do – particularly to stop outbreaks – which allows for global spread, particularly as people began to travel again after COVID-19, experts said.

The excuse given is that the oral vaxx is easier to distribute in Third World countries than the injectable, inactive-virus vaxx. But as the Gates Foundation developed, err discovered, when you use the oral vaxx it’ll trigger an outbreak unless literally everybody takes it at the same time.

Hello, Totalist biosurveillance state! None are safe until all are safe, eh?

And how about those open borders with exotically tropical climates? One Nigerian kid takes the polio vaxx, gets on a place to London and poof, a Patient Zero who’ll never get sick himself.

After the 2019 measles outbreak, public health campaigns resulted in more children being vaccinated against the virus, including within the Rockland County and Brooklyn Jewish communities that were hardest hit. But since then, the advent of COVID-19 vaccines have heightened tensions around vaccination in those communities and beyond, with inaccurate information circulating widely. Zev Zelenko, an Orthodox doctor who became a hero in some circles for promoting untested treatments and opposing vaccination, was based just outside of Rockland County.

He’s recognized among all us vaxx dissidents! I have slowly clued in, that atheist Jews and Orthodox Jews don’t like each other.


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State Sen. James Skoufis, a Democrat whose district includes part of Rockland County [whose wife is a director for United Jewish Appeal-New York], released a statement on Twitter in a now-deleted tweet asking to “bring the full force of the law down on those who have skirted these requirements..

He singled out Ramapo Yeshivas as having .a history of non-compliance with the state’s vaccine laws.” Ramapo is one of the Five Towns of Rockland County, in which the source said there are over 120 Yeshivas.

.Additional enforcement is required in light of today’s news,. Skoufis said in his statement.

The context here is that NYC’s first & only polio case is a young adult Orthodox guy. Fox News says he got sick from the oral vaxx based on the virus’ genetics, having taken it maybe a month ago. That demographic would not be my first guess for reintroducing a dead disease into the West… but Skoufis is using that single case to breathe threats against an entire colony of Ortho Jews.

Skoufis. statement drew criticism from within the Jewish community. Yossi Gestetner, a Rockland County resident whose Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council worked to combat negative publicity stemming from the measles outbreak in 2019, tweeted that Skoufis. statement was “hateful and inflammatory..

.I missed your tweet calling out LGBTQ+ by name and as a community for Monkeypox,. Gestetner wrote, referring to the outbreak of a different virus that is underway. .So why treat visibly Jewish people this way? Every elected Dem should condemn you..

.People have real concerns about vaccines,. he said. .Even if they’re wrong, the government should go out there and show them the benefit of these vaccines rather than just yelling at people..

Sweet. For all that Churchians admire those Beautiful Judeo-Christians, one could wish they’d eventually notice that many Jews have spines and punch back when threatened. Also, that Jews hate Christ so Judeo-Christian sounds really stupid to any informed ear.

After the backlash to his statement, Skoufis said on Twitter that he met with members of the Rockland County Jewish community to discuss the situation. .I truly appreciate the sensitivity on the ground and the need to make sure the language used like that in my statement from today better reflects that sensitivity,. Skoufis said on Twitter.

Analysis: Senator Skoufis got taken behind the woodshed and handed his own balls. Again, Churchians should take a lesson here on the benefits of speaking harshly and carrying a big stick.

Frankly, Churchians could become better people just by taking lessons from prison gangs. They never hurry to please the State-appointed warden, don’t beg for the approval of their enemies and don’t have time for humble-bragging.

End segue

Experts agree that the major driver behind both vaccine-derived and wild polio outbreaks remains under-vaccinated populations, said Derek Ehrhardt, global polio lead at the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Vaccine hesitancy was a growing problem before the pandemic, then COVID-19 caused the worst disruption to routine immunization in a generation, according to the United Nations.

NO! NO! NO! It’s the oral vaccine ITSELF that’s spreading polio!

Are these warnings about polio in the wastewater, efforts to manufacture demand for those very polio vaxxes? In order to cause a global polio outbreak? And they wonder why we’re “hesitant”!

It’s a Marek’s Disease scenario. If Western people start taking the oral polio vaxx then polio will spread everywhere, forcing everybody to get polio-vaxxed or risk a paralyzing disease. Nobody in the West is going to get it from the sewage-treatment plant.

Or as NYC Patient Zero discovered, you’ll get the polio-vaxx AND get the disease! Because if you ever got healthy, you wouldn’t need Doctor Bill anymore, now would you?

Update on Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses . Worldwide, April 2011.June 2012

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CDC, September 2012

One of the main tools used in polio eradication efforts has been the live, attenuated oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV). This inexpensive vaccine is administered easily by mouth, makes recent recipients resistant to infection by wild polioviruses (WPVs), and provides long-term protection against paralytic disease through durable humoral immunity. Nonetheless, rare cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis can occur both among immunologically normal OPV recipients and their contacts and among persons who are immunodeficient. In addition, vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs) can emerge to cause polio outbreaks in areas with low OPV coverage and can replicate for years in persons who are immunodeficient.

Now that the Covid vaxx is causing immunodeficiency problems (aka “long Covid”) in a significant percentage of the population, there could be a lot of people very vulnerable to such an outbreak.

Since 1999, when the last WPV2 case was identified, all cases of poliomyelitis involving PV2 have been associated with the use of tOPV primarily in the context of low poliovirus vaccine coverage. To prevent emergence and transmission of VDPV2 as progress is made toward WPV eradication, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts advising the World Health Organization has recommended simultaneous global cessation of tOPV use in both routine vaccination services and SIAs and switching to bOPV as soon as it is safe to do so.

And on that last, boldfaced note…

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The N.Y. State Department of Health’s public health laboratory showed “revertant polio Sabin type 2 virus, according to a news release.

Boom, there it is. VDPV2.

Ten years after the CDC called for ceasing its usage because the wild version is dead.

The polio variant being used to incite demand for vaccination… is a variant that hasn’t naturally existed in many years, and that should have been discontinued long ago in favor of inactivated, injection polio vaxxes.

Somebody is terrorizing the West with a fake plague, in order to create a real plague.

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