Academics Uncover the Harvard Plot To Eliminate Them, Complain About Its Lack Of Diversity

The notion should not surprise anybody, that the Ivy League in general and Harvard specifically, is the unofficial government service academy of the D.C. bureaucracy. While they might hire outsiders because of needs, they will forever be outsiders and not permitted into the real, often hidden circles of power.

Even when those outsiders are equally indoctrinated in the Narrative.

Study reveals hiring bias at US universities; most professors come from small number of programs

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By Eric Cervone, 25 September 2022

A new study in the journal Nature has found that U.S. universities hire most of their tenure-track faculty members from the same handful of elite institutions. The finding suggests that academic researchers have “little opportunity to obtain jobs at institutions considered more elite than the ones at which they were trained,. a summary of the study states.

Diversity is our strength!

To gather their data, researchers looked into the academic backgrounds of 295,089 faculty members at more than 350 institutions. They found that 80% of all U.S.-trained faculty received their doctorate at just 20.4% of universities. The five most popular universities.UC Berkeley, Harvard, University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Stanford.accounted for one in eight faculty members.

If you’ve ever wondered how your own people could betray and destroy you… that’s how. They are Janissaries. Children taken from (or given by) their parents and raised by foreigners to be the eunuch caste enforcing the foreigners’ will upon their own people.

If we’re going to have crimes against humanity then raising children against their parents ought to qualify. But I would prefer to see the formalization of crimes against God. “Humanity” is neither a source nor a goal of moral conduct.

The analysis also showed that, depending on the academic field, only 5.23% of faculty members worked at an institution deemed more prestigious than the one at which they earned their PhD.

.It.s not surprising, but it is jarring. to see the data, said Leslie Gonzales, a social scientist who studies higher education at Michigan State University in East Lansing. .There’s so much brilliant work and training of brilliant scholars that’s happening outside of this tiny sliver. of institutions, and it’s being overlooked, Gonzales added.

They know.

They. Know.

And that means they aren’t ignorant of the evil they do. The alumni of Harvard and UC Berkeley are comparing notes on how to get rid of their colleagues from less Totalist institutions, and proceeding to get rid of them.

Whatcha gonna do about it, colleagues?

Another recent study on elitism in U.S. high education, published in Nature Human Behaviour, showed that nearly 25% of faculty members in America have at least one parent with a PhD. In contrast, less than 1% of people in the general population have a parent with a PhD.

.Is the system a meritocracy?. asked Daniel Larremore, a computational scientist at the University of Colorado Boulder and co-author of both papers. .In peer review, no; in the spread of ideas, no; and in faculty hiring, surely no..

Correct, actually. A very good start. Indeed, the System is a religion, the most violent and intolerant one in human history: socialism. Or communism, Leftism, Marxism, humanism or atheism.

The inability of humans to come up with a lasting term for it is, in my opinion, the most indisputable proof possible that the religion is both supernatural and evil. Humans have been naming nature from the beginning and Christ wants us to understand Him, so when a religion comes along that hates God and cannot be named by Man… it ain’t from either.

Most prestigious academic programs admit students based on a combination of standardized test scores, letters of recommendation, and the prestige of their undergraduate degree. Some experts argue that these factors unfairly limit who can be accepted into such programs and ultimately restricts the scope of scientific research.

Don’t change the subject. Be assured, that Harvard alumni preferring Harvard peers to non-Harvard peers has NOTHING to do with test scores, letters of recommendation, perceived prestige or anything else that might be called merit.

It’s a club and you ain’t in it.

.There is a huge amount of literature that says who is in the scientific community affects what research questions are asked,. said Aaron Clauset, a computer scientist at CU Boulder and co-author of the two papers. .By not being as diverse as we could be, as inclusive as we could be, we are losing smart people who could change the world for the better..

Sheesh, academics: you’re all smart and no wise at all. Even when you uncover the conspiracy to replace you with more “trusted” professors, you think the problem is a lack of diversity.

Why do people participate in Totalism? Why do they turn their minds off and go with the flow? The first answer is they tend to be weak people seeking strength in group identity, and that is true. But there is the second motive, that Totalism legalizes and weaponizes the hatred of people that you don’t like. That’s why identity politics is always a major concern with them, because the System requires an endless supply of enemies and scapegoats, and its members can make suggestions!

Here, we see the inner-circle Regime toadies hating their equally-indoctrinated peers for no reason except they can. You came from UC Irvine? What’s it like, being Dirt People trash like you? Damn, you stink of manual labor and catfish. To the outer darkness with you, Drumpf voter!

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