Liberals Can’t Meme: Nordstream Example

It’s easy to spot a Liberal attempt at meme-crafting. The major giveaway is they’re scared to use metaphor or hyperbole; anything they say that can be intentionally misinterpreted by a peer in the Hive, is a weapon against them. Thus, the Lefty tries to either go Full Autistic or meaningless bafflegarble.

This meme turned up on Western Rifle Shooters. I don’t know its origin but am confident it’s “left of Drumph”.

The quick giveaway is that it literally calls out anybody who disagrees, retarded. Who does that, I wonder?

Then there’s a total lack of metaphor, symbology or… anything artistic. It’s a wall of text with an image of Putin giggling. Zero chance of a Narrative violation.

But sure, let’s entertain the idea that the author might have a point. What if the Nordstream sabotage really was a Russian effort?

1.Russia destroying Nordstream is terrible for Russian revenue. Revenue is why Russia built Nordstream in the first place, and now they’re not even ABLE to sell gas in Europe… at a time when prices are sky-high!

Was NATO not paying attention to what the Russian Navy was doing offshore of Sweden?

2. The only reason people might believe Putin blaming USA for such an act, is because USA has a very long habit of doing exactly such things. (Syria says hello.) Also, because Biden said in February that he’d destroy the Nordstreams. If Russia did what America threatened America would do, then frankly, America’s got no reason to complain about being framed for it.

Also frankly, if America threatened to do it then it wasn’t because they were secretly trying to help Russia.

3. “Putin gets to play the innocent victim”, ah, what sweet projection. Russia IS an innocent victim. Its special military operation came at the end of eight years’ provocation, the last straw being Ukraine joining NATO which would have put Moscow within blitzkrieg range, then when the limited invasion began… and it WAS limited, civilian infrastructure was mostly unharmed… all of NATO tried to destabilize Russia’s economy and headhunt its financial leaders. (Very strange behavior, that last bit. Very informative, too.)

And lastly, Putin can already do anything he wants vis a vis Europe. Russia just got the green light from all four of the referendums it just held in the Donbas.

It’s USA that is desperate to always be the prettiest whore. We always have to look like the good guy even as the world watches ten percent go to the Big Guy.

I don’t defend Putin because I’m a Russophile, or am paid to, or am trying to impress somebody, or am working some angle. I defend Putin because the truth is, Putin didn’t do this sabotage. If he had then I’d blame him just as quickly. Putin doesn’t matter. USA doesn’t matter. Memes don’t matter. Only the truth matters.

And there’s a lot of truth in that! (Also sourced from WRS.)

Explaining memes to a liberal is like explaining honesty to a Communist. They’ll never learn because they don’t want to learn. Liberals see art as a weapon, something that winners do to losers. That’s why they can’t create, can’t be happy, can’t be curious, can’t change over time, can’t be tolerant, can’t salvage Star Wars and can’t meme.

2 thoughts on “Liberals Can’t Meme: Nordstream Example

  1. Russia IS an innocent victim.
    You are aware Russia invaded Ukraine back in 2014, and has had Russian military equipment in Ukraine for the last 8 years, right? It’s arguable how many troops they had in Ukraine prior to 2022, but even the most na?ve, but honest, person would acknowledge at least 10k Russian troops during some of the fighting a few years back.

    Its special military operation came at the end of eight years. provocation
    Since Russian troops and military hardware were in Ukraine for eight years, but no Ukraine troops or military hardware were in Russia over those eight years, I assume you are referring to Russian provocation?
    I know George Soros is mixed up in Ukraine, trying to pervert their culture. But I have not heard about any American actors/agents acting in Russia, e.g. trying to pervert Russian culture. I can’t claim it is not happening, just that I have not heard any claims for that.

    the last straw being Ukraine joining NATO
    You are aware that Ukraine is not only not in NATO, but does not even have a committed path to NATO membership, right? That I disagree with… the US and other allies dangle NATO protection in front of Ukraine, but clearly have no desire for it to happen. Unless the political situation changes tomorrow, in which case they will claim they “truly” wanted Ukraine in the pact all along.

    which would have put Moscow within blitzkrieg range
    Poland and the Baltic states were already in the pact, so this is not a change. Well, it is a change, but not in the way you appear to have meant. Since Norway is joining, the border with NATO countries is changing. But that only happened because Russia showed a significant increase in aggression against their neighbours. Which is kind of a silly perception, since Russia has continually been aggressive against their various neighbours prior to 2014, just not Ukraine. Chechnya, Georgia, Moldova, etc.

    I’m not claiming the US has acted with innocence. The US, China, Russia and Ukraine all show our sinful nature.
    But Russia is not even close to an innocent victim in their war.

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