99 Problems But A CBDC Ain’t One

The future is not going to be like the past. There’s no more frontier. Advances in communications are flatlining culture & language. And life is going to be, to some degree, a fish bowl of a surveillance society. We’re already there in terms of technology and the integration is proceeding swiftly.

But some things never change, like human greed. That can be a good thing! Also, conservatives offering meaningless solutions to serious & complex problems. That can’t be good. I’m not ranting at this specific author; his article helpfully collected the worst offenders in one spot; it’s all advice that I’ve gotten repeatedly and from many sources which ought to have known better.

How To Resist CBDCs.5 Ways You Can Opt Out of This Dystopian Future

h ttps://2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com/p/how-to-resist-cbdcs5-ways-you-can

By Nick Giambruno, 13 October 2022

Hmm… the headline promises two different things. Coping with CBDCs, and avoiding the shitpocalypse.

There’s an excellent chance governments worldwide will soon force their citizens to use central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

CBDCs enable all sorts of horrible, totalitarian things.

They allow governments to track and control every penny you earn, save, and spend. They are a powerful tool for politicians to confiscate and redistribute wealth as they see fit….

He goes on to list several examples. Oddly, he never lists the primary appeal of CBDCs: the government can straight-up delete your money.

The problem with every fiat currency ever is that it eventually gets inflated into toilet paper. The people running the currency always print more for themselves, increasing the money supply, because they can and they’re evil.

But… that’s because with paper money, the Regime Du Jour can ONLY increase the money supply. It can’t touch the already-existing currency in peoples’ hands. If the currency is all digital and more importantly, stored on a central ledger, then the banksters can get more money without creating more. They merely take it from everybody else. With no money being created, there’s no inflation. A government could have literally zero tax rates and fund itself just by haircutting its inmates’ accounts at will.

All the concerns over the CBDC State micromanaging your accounts are insignificant next to the power of that State to simply take your money at will and spend it however they want.

It still won’t work, of course; there remains the Soviet problem of “we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us”; but that’s the dream which makes CBDCs an inevitability.

CBDCs are, without a doubt, an instrument of enslavement. They represent a quantum leap backward in human freedom.

Nah. Giving women the vote was far worse. That’s the one single solution to State overspending that no conservative, Christian nationalist, white supremacist (with scare quotes or without) or dissident is even proposing: start putting men in charge of society, and by extension, society’s SPENDING, for the benefit of men. Know what I mean, ye who gave credit cards to teenage daughters?

What we’re offered instead of Christ:

It.s important to remember the wise words of Ron Paul: .What none of them (politicians) will admit is that the market is more powerful than the central banks and all the economic planners put together. Although it may take time, the market always wins..

By the author’s own logic, however, we aren’t talking about economic planners anymore. We’re talking about tyrants and in this world, it’s tyranny that usually wins. Especially when there’s no avenue of escape, hence my mentioning the lack of frontier and omnipresence of global communications.

He proceeds to offer five steps for countering CBDC currencies.

Step #1: Use Physical Gold and Silver

That old Boomer chestnut, seriously? “If you don’t want to use the government’s money then just use gold and silver coins. They’re always money!”

Gold didn’t become money by accident or because some politicians decreed it. Instead, it became money because countless individuals throughout history and across many different civilizations subjectively came to the same conclusion: gold is money.

Actually, politicians did. You can’t exchange that dollar for gold anymore, why? Because a politician said so. You can’t buy a car with gold bricks, why? A politician said so. You must use a CBDC, why? A politician said so.

And speaking of countless individuals, maybe check if the local grocery and car dealership will accept payments in bullion before investing.

Step #2: Obtain Financial Sovereignty With Bitcoin

Similar problems. I’ve become convinced that bitcoin is legit, but when… not if… the government bans its use, will it still be viable? I am monitoring the situation in El Salvador right now… it’s trying to go Bitcoin for a national currency and GAE is already staging a color revolution there in response. I keep meaning to recap it but more stuff keeps happening… anyway, that’s how threatened the Regime is by Bitcoin.

Step #3: Get Organized Locally

Get to know the people in your local community.

You will have to become self-sufficient and rely on your local community to obtain what you need. And that starts with knowing who can provide you with the things you want and need.


Exhibit “A”: the Church. Organized resistance to CBDC tyranny is something that an intact Church would be able to do well enough to defeat the concept outright.


Not one single church, anywhere in USA, is even talking about organizing to serve its members in case of economic ostracism. Most of the clergy openly agree with the State, that Christianity is a disease vector that should be periodically locked down for the good of humanity.

Exhibit “B”: the Internet. Why are we here on the Internet in the first place? Instead of spending time with real friends, discussing what to do about homo homeboy at the local city hall? Take one guess. You should only need one because the implication in this advice to join/create a “local community”, is the admission that one doesn’t already exist.

Exhibit “C”:

The Amish are incredibly successful in this regard.

The Amish don’t exist.

It needed to be said.

Oh sure, there’s an ethnic subculture in Pennsylvania and a couple other places that thrives via isolation and their neighbors’ overdeveloped nostalgia for simpler times. But this author is thinking of Fantasy Amish. Very different. There are three things to know about Fantasy Amish:

  1. They don’t use electricity.
  2. They are happy and successful at everything despite no electricity, never suffering hardships.
  3. Their open, simple and trusting way of life is so superior that the devil himself cannot tempt or harm them.

It’s a garbage fantasy. The truth is, we today don’t live like them because it wasn’t a fun way to live. Bad medicine, unreliable food, 14-hour workdays, no industrial equipment, vulnerability to weather and so on. Meanwhile, real Amish are xenophobic to the point of inbreeding while not being as immune to the allure of tech… or Satan… as might be imagined by Conservatives reaching for the hopium.

“Just live like the Amish!” is impossible without large tracts of land for everybody and a skillset that people cannot develop on a whim or short notice. You can argue that city life isn’t healthy if you like, but city life is where most of us are today. If we did all have farms then how about dem droughts we’re having? Watering the West is something that the Amish could never have done.

If I was asked to provide a textbook example of Boomer advice, “if you don’t like modern society then you should live like the Amish” would be an excellent choice. I didn’t intend this article to be an attack on Boomering but man, the condescending attitude… it bothers me that Conservatives are so quick to dismiss the American ways of life. Have we achieved so little culture since America’s founding that we have nothing to cling to, or have the Communists demoralized us so effectively that the average Griller sees his entire way of life as an unsalvageable failure?

I am not saying you must go 100% Amish to avoid CBDCs. But we can learn how their societies work outside the traditional system and emulate the areas that make sense in our local communities.

Wasn’t this author’s previous piece of advice to invest in Bitcoin? Not very Amish.

Step #4: Exchange Value for Value

Humans invented money to solve the difficulties of barter.

But with CBDCs, governments will have perverted money from a technology that facilities economic exchange into a tool of enslavement. With CBDCs, barter doesn’t look all that bad.

“If you don’t like the gubbermint’s money then just don’t use the gubbermint’s money.” Gosh, thanks for the advice. It would never have occurred to me.

There are reasons we left barter economies behind along with the Amish. My neighbor gives me two chickens and I give him 1/20,000th of a schematic for a custom hydroelectric dam.

The problem here is not “there’s going to be this new currency with a lot of problems”. The problem here is “they hate you and want you dead”. All these “buy gold” and “live Amish” and “learn to code err, barter” ideas is they don’t address the fact that the State intends to do us dirty.

About here, you’re wondering if I have anything positive to contribute. I do! Let me give an example of how to oppose a CBDC:


Unhappy with prices, ranchers look to build own meat plants

h ttps://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/unhappy-prices-ranchers-build-meat-plants-80618434

By Scott McFetridge for Associated Press, 16 October 2021

DES MOINES, Iowa — Like other ranchers across the country, Rusty Kemp for years grumbled about rock-bottom prices paid for the cattle he raised in central Nebraska, even as the cost of beef at grocery stores kept climbing.

He and his neighbors blamed it on consolidation in the beef industry stretching back to the 1970s that resulted in four companies slaughtering over 80% of the nation’s cattle, giving the processors more power to set prices while ranchers struggled to make a living. Federal data show that for every dollar spent on food, the share that went to ranchers and farmers dropped from 35 cents in the 1970s to 14 cents recently.

Situations like that are how Killy Billy got the idea that he can control entire industries via a bank or two. THAT is what needs to change, the centralization of power and control. As we’re learning from petrodollar shenanigans, the key to an alternative currency is having something to back that currency with.

Cutting out a few middlemen is not a bad idea, either.

It led Kemp to launch an audacious plan: Raise more than $300 million from ranchers to build a plant themselves, putting their future in their own hands.

.We.ve been complaining about it for 30 years,. Kemp said. .It’s probably time somebody does something about it..

Crews will start work this fall building the Sustainable Beef plant on nearly 400 acres near North Platte, Nebraska, and other groups are making similar surprising moves in Iowa, Idaho and Wisconsin. The enterprises will test whether it’s really possible to compete financially against an industry trend that has swept through American agriculture and that played a role in meat shortages during the coronavirus pandemic.

The State will certainly attack them. But it will NEED to attack them. None of Cuckservatism’s ‘they get to make the rules and we get to make the rules work’.

End segue

Step #5: Become a Prepper

To minimize the inconvenience of barter, it’s ideal to become as self-sufficient in as many areas as possible. That includes stockpiling supplies and gaining survival knowledge and skills.

Prepping is good for crises. You need the ability to get through a month or winter of sudden hardships, persecution etc. But there’s no prepping for an apocalypse. Similar to Fantasy Amish, and possibly even a derivative of Fantasy Amish, is the Conservative presumption that living in a hut away in the woods with people just like you (but no immigration restrictions!) will make you bulletproof against the coming troubles. Sure, you won’t have ‘conveniences’, but when the Zombie Bureau of Investigation makes its slow, shuffling, moaning way up your driveway, you’ll get to sit on the porch and pick ’em off with a rifle.

GAE won’t just fly a kamikaze drone though the window of your barricaded redoubt because… reasons.

Look, we’re past “make their world work somehow”. We’re at “avoid them if you can, fight them if you must.”

So then, if I don’t approve of the stock Cuck answers to State control of the economy, what’s MY oh-so-expert advice?

Simple: wait patiently for greed to find a way.

What is Gab Pay?

h ttps://help.gab.com/article/gab-pay-overview

14 November 2021

Recently launched, Gab Pay moves us into the #ParallelEconomy.

Gab Pay will power the Parallel Economy by enabling peer-to-peer payment processing. Gab has built a custom option for you to make on-line transactions, similar to other well-known payment processors. Features will be added in the coming months to basic options.

Gab’s vision and plans:
An alternative to PayPal has never been more important now that the ADL will be combing through your financial transactions and ruining people’s lives for financially supporting people and organizations they don’t like.
Gab has been banned from any online payment processing, limited only to checks, money orders and bitcoin to operate the business.

God had a plan and getting banned only led us to build GabPay

I’m still not sold on Torba’s take on Christian Nationalism but will happily make use of GabPay in the near future. Especially for suspicious and potentially criminal purchases such as beef and heating oil.

There will be other payment processors, too, because Paypal is hemorrhaging accounts after its “$2500 fine for political misinformation” stunt, and that’s a lot of wealth seeking a new home. I see the WISE financial group is testing the waters of payment processing….

There will be a LOT of people who don’t like CBDCs, not just dissident Christians. That means a lot of money waiting to be tapped. That means the merchants who want to sell, will work with us who want to buy. No need to form a new community of Amish gold miners.

Not until the Mark of Beast comes, but that won’t be a CBDC.

Another reason for doing nothing, is to watch and see what governments do with their newfangled CBDCs. The ones who exploit the tyrannical possibilities as much and quickly as possible, will see mass monetary disloyalty a la Paypal. The Americans will switch to the Mexican CBDC, or the French, or the Chinese, or the Botswanan if GAE starts issuing arrest warrants based on purchasing patterns.

What is more likely, is that governments will try to push adoption of CBDCs by using the tyranny-tools to incentivize rather than punish & control. Like they already do with credit cards… cash back, discounts at approved merchants etc.

It gets frustrating to be offered advice that is increasingly difficult to implement, ineffective at the actual problem, and even in theory, nothing more than a bandage on the spurting neck wound of they intend to destroy us. Perhaps if Normie Conservative was willing to confront frightful modern reality instead of offering useless advice to people who can’t follow it… how many gold bricks can YOU afford, assuming you wanted to?… they would have a chance to actually defeat evil.

Don’t stress. Let CBDCs happen, unless you are in a position to thwart them. Keep prepping for emergencies… which is a much smaller, easier and more affordable scale than prepping for “the rest of your life” shitpocalypses… and make new friends where you live regardless of whether the other guy is a skilled blacksmith. Meanwhile, shun the useless advice of “buy gold and live Amish”. Its only purpose is to reassure the speaker that the problem is merely economic.

3 thoughts on “99 Problems But A CBDC Ain’t One

  1. Prepping sounds better as it will probably be Mad Max world before it gets to the statist utopians wet dream global soviet control grid matrix.
    The utopia part is their lavish lifestyle while we will all be equal in socialist misery.
    Waldgangers is the way and those Pineland Rules might be the 2022 Christmas present.
    For those who are anxious about the recently released National Defense Strategy 2022 naming YT as the domestic extremist, this is the same government that took 20 years to replace the Taliban with the Taliban.

  2. You deride the Fantasy Amish. Yet you believe in Fantasy Boomers.

    There is this unfortunate tendency on the right to ascribe anything one doesn’t like to Boomers.

    In reality, there are no Boomers. Generational divides are a marketing device. Is someone born in 1964 (a Boomer) so vastly different in mindset than someone born in 1965 (an Xer)? Does an Ivy League Millennial have more in common with an illiterate migrant Millennial than with an Ivy League Xer?

    I’m a Boomer, and I tire of all the Boomer memes.

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