Full Retard Complementarianism

We’re back at the Southern Baptist Convention today, where they heroically strained out the gnat of female pastors and swallowed the camel of female church officials wielding authority over pastors. It’s complementarianism unmasked and on crack!

One must try hard to fail this badly. And yet, I must disqualify their effort on the grounds of not obeying the rules.

SBC seminary passes resolution affirming pastoral roles should be limited to men

h ttps://www.christianpost.com/news/sbc-seminary-passes-resolution-limiting-pastoral-roles-to-men.html

By Michael Gryboski, 19 October 2022

A Southern Baptist Convention seminary passed a resolution affirming its president’s stance that only men can be pastors, an indirect response to Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church ordaining three women pastors last year.

Heh, they did an “indirect response” to a direct provocation.

In May 2021, Saddleback Church garnered controversy in SBC circles by ordaining three women . Liz Puffer, Cynthia Petty and Katie Edwards . despite the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 stating the “office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture.”

No process for a swift excommunication of blatant heretics? Did they think that such a process wouldn’t be needed in Current Year? Those ain’t just for Catholics! 

At their fall meeting last week, the trustees at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, unanimously approved a resolution encouraging the seminary’s administration to continue theologically training both men and women…

“It is further resolved that this Board encourages The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary administration and faculty to continue its theological training with this stated conviction “graduating both men and women for service to the church, but with men alone reserved for the office and function, and thereby title of pastor,” stated the resolution, in part.

So… women can still train to be pastors, they just can’t sit in the chair. The SBC fears that being too devout would hurt enrollment at their seminaries!

The resolution commended the stance of SBTS President Albert Mohler, who helped craft the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, the official statement of faith for the SBC.

Mohler took to his official Twitter to post his support on Tuesday for the trustees’ resolution, saying he is “thankful” for their work.

“Our @SBTS trustees made an important statement last week, passing a unanimous resolution defining pastor as both function and office and limited to men by Scripture as confessed by Southern Baptists in the Baptist Faith & Message,” tweeted Mohler.

There are Christian leaders still using Twitter? Do Baptists STILL not know anybody who has been Canceled by GAE social media for Christ-based dissent against Satan?

Mohler penned a column denouncing Saddleback’s ordinations as “contrary to Scripture” and “an attempt to redefine and reformulate the convictional foundation of Southern Baptist faith and cooperative ministry.”

“The theological issues have not changed since the year 2000 when Southern Baptists spoke clearly and precisely in the Baptist Faith & Message. More importantly, the Holy Scriptures have not changed and cannot change,” wrote Mohler at the time.

Too wordy. Next time, try “go to Hell and take your witches with you!”

Some within the SBC pushed for Saddleback to be disfellowshiped from the nation’s largest Protestant denomination.

Not me, I’m outside the SBC and saying that.

However, the SBC Credentials Committee, which handles issues regarding whether member churches are abiding by the SBC standards, announced at the SBC Annual Meeting in June that it would delay a decision on Saddleback.

Committee Chair Linda Cooper told the messengers at the annual meeting that “we have concluded that we are not yet prepared to make a recommendation regarding Saddleback Church, recognizing there are differing opinions regarding the intent of the office of pastor as stated in the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.”


And speak of the witches.

A national committee with authority to take action against pastors & individual churches… is headed by a woman. Who refused to condemn the concept of female clergy even though the Bible does AND EVEN THOUGH THE SBC NOW DOES. Thus, the men under her authority are not permitted to take action against female clergy. Somebody got grandfathered in! Or grandmothered, as it were.

They went full retard Complementarian.

“We feel it is very important for you to know that it is the unanimous opinion of the Credentials Committee that the majority of Southern Baptists hold to the belief that the function of lead pastor, elder, bishop or overseer is limited to men as qualified by Scripture,” she added.

“[However, we have] found little information evidencing convention beliefs regarding the use of the title of pastor, for staff positions with different responsibilities and authority than that of lead pastor role.”

I see you, you unclean spirit of lies. “Of course women cannot be LEAD pastors! But there are other kinds of pastors, too. And God wants women in those positions even if some Church traditions once said otherwise.”

Linda Cooper needs to be exorcised of a demon and the SBC needs to be exorcised of Linda Cooper.

The Credentials Committee initially recommended that the SBC messengers vote to create a study committee that would report at next year’s annual meeting a “recommendation to provide clarity regarding the office of pastor.” However, Mohler voiced opposition to the idea.

“If we eventually have to form a study committee over every word of our confession of faith, then we are doomed and we are no longer a confessional people,” Mohler said to applause from the crowd.

[The Credentials Committee withdrew the recommendation.]

Amazing! Mohler’s laziness accomplished what his spiritual insight could not.

It’s getting bad out there. The SBC is dying in blatant lies and feminism, just like every other Christian organization.

2 thoughts on “Full Retard Complementarianism

  1. Once you accept that everything has gone full retard then it all makes sense.
    WRSA had the Expendables mocking meme with that theme a few years back around Stig Beal time.
    Zero use for any organized religion as it was all infiltrated and conquered long ago.
    The CCCP checked that off the list back in the 1950’s at least in South America with the Catholics.

  2. “No process for a swift excommunication of blatant heretics? Did they think that such a process wouldn.t be needed in Current Year? Those ain.t just for Catholics!”

    Yes, we Catholics have a process for that! And I hope someday the Bishops will actually start using the process again. I can dream, can’t I?

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