Brazil’s Lula Offers Open Letter To Evangelical Voters But Doesn’t Let Us Read It

Lula is Bolsonaro’s close competitor for president of Brazil, the election for which has reached the runoff stage. What you need to know about Lula is that he was a toady of the globalists in his Brazil presidency 2003-2011 until the people got rid of him when they had the chance.

Now it’s time to erase that mistake, as Robocop’s Dick Jones once put it.

You also should know that, as is typical for South America, all of Brazil’s voters identify as Catholic and one-third of them identify as evangelical Protestants. Thus, the evangelicals are shaping up to be the swing voters in this run-off.

And so Lula held a press conference, reading an open letter to evangelicals containing a promise that he won’t go Socialist on them… while noting that he DID go Socialist the last time he had the chance. That means we can trust him! The GAE press is buzzing over the fact that the press conference was held… but nobody linked to the actual letter and the only publicly-offered recording of Lula reading the letter on the entire Internet does not have an English translation.


This is what I pieced together from excerpts of English-speaking, mainstream sources.

Open Letter To Brazilian Evangelicals Asking Them To Change Loyalties At the Last Second To the Godless Socialist

.My administration will never use symbols of your faith for partisan political ends, respecting the laws and traditions that separate State and Church, so there’s no political interference in the practice of faith,. the former president said. .The attempt to use faith politically to divide Brazilians doesn’t help anyone..

Maybe Brazil does it differently, but separating Church & State is the State promising to never allow itself to be burdened by Christian beliefs and moral demands. Also, I can think of a couple reasons why Lula intends to avoid ANY display of Crosses.

Political interference in religion is one thing. Religious interference in politics is another. Is a country’s government supposed to NOT reflect its people? Very. Serious. Question.

.We are living at a time in which lies are used intensively with the objective of stoking fear in people of good faith, pushing them away from a candidacy that is defending them more,. the letter said. .That is why I felt a need to reaffirm my commitment to freedom of religion in our country..

Possibly a reference to a viral TikTok video in which an unnamed, self-described Satanist praises Lula, already removed. It’s unusual for such an unsourceable media to be widely believed outside the UFO community.

Lula is not a Satanist. I checked. He worships Lucumi, not Lucifer. Lucumi are… Afro-Cubans…


Brazil: Socialist Lula Disavows Support from Satanic Sorcerers, Says He’s Never Made a Deal with the Devil

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Cancel your Netflix. GunnerQ is here with your FREE weekend entertainment!

Flavio Bolsonaro also shared a post that recalled Lula appearing at an event with followers of the Nigerian Yoruba religion, known commonly as santer?a in much of Latin America, and receiving as a gift a ceremonial ax associated with the African deity Chang? (Xang? in Portuguese). Santer?a, Lucum?, or Nigerian Yoruba paganism by its other names does not have any association with Lucifer as he is known in the Judeo-Christian faiths, though many Christians in countries where santer?a is common, such as Cuba, consider worshipping the Yoruba gods a sin.

Yeeeah… I vaguely recall a commandment… or two… “Thou Shalt Have No Cubans Before Me”, or something like that…

End segue

.To me, life is sacred, the work of God the creator, and my commitment always has been and will be to protect it,. he said.

.I am personally against abortion, and remind everyone that it is an issue to be decided by Congress, not the president.” [Brazil currently bans abortion in all cases except rape, incest or risk to the mother’s life.]

Which is it? “Life is sacred as God decrees” or “Life is disposable as government decrees”?

“My government will not adopt any policies that hurt religious liberty or create obstacles for churches to function freely,” he said.

Until his government decides that women can kill their babies, and churches don’t get with the pogrom. Program, I mean.

“The Brazilian people know that I took care, with special affection, of the poorest and, with God’s blessings, my government contributed to improve the lives of millions of families,” the former president said.

Now he’s just lying. We have accumulated almost two hundred years of history demonstrating that all Socialists view “the poor” as tools. “You Christians don’t love the poor because the poor exist! I love them and that’s why I appointed myself their representative without asking their approval! I get to steal your property and wealth for redistribution to my supporters because the poor said so! Don’t be too quick to hate me… you’re about to become poor yourself!”

Unless Bolsonaro wins the run-off election.

That needs to stop. Elections, I mean. GAE has mastered the art of vote manipulation to the point that the democratic process is the WEF process. Every nation is about to become a dictatorship anyway, so I wish the decent types such as Bolsonaro would seize the advantage of their mass popularity and choose to win… instead of Lulu the Generic Globalist Despot.

They have nothing to lose but their chains, their feminists and their Dominion Voting Machines.

3 thoughts on “Brazil’s Lula Offers Open Letter To Evangelical Voters But Doesn’t Let Us Read It

  1. Favela future for the FUSA isn’t fine.
    Now that CCP owns Panama Canal I wonder if any sympathetic regimes in South America would let a Trojan Horse land?
    Naw, that’s only in 1980’s movies.

  2. Remember when comrade pope got that blasphemous hammer and sickle crucifix from Evo Morales?
    He didn’t throw it away.

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