The Downfall Of Paul Pelosi Began With His Porsche

It’s always dangerous to blog on stuff so recent that it’s all hot takes. I’m making an exception for the Paul Pelosi home invasion, however, because most of what I have is not actually that event.

This has been coming for months.

As usual, I am probably wrong so this is not any kind of accusation. You probably know about the Pelosi DUI but a recap is in order:

Drunk-Crashing Paul Pelosi’s Situation WORSE Than Imagined, Jesse Watters Reports Additional Drug Use And Huge Judicial Scandal

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by Hailey Sanibel, 3 August 2022

Fox News. Jesse Watters is one of the few journalists willing to look into the drunk-driving of Smirnoff Nancy’s husband and his dogged efforts have unveiled a story even worse . and it was already bad . than we could even have imagined.

I compared this to Fox News’ own post a day earlier:

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…and it’s less informative than this one, despite this one citing a Fox News journo. Curious, but I digress, and the Fox News link at least offers the initial police report.

Previously, we were told that hubby Paul was driving home from a bender and caused a collision. Occupants in both cars were fine aside from the hassle of dealing with police and insurance. Of course, even at the time it was almost impossible to get a mugshot and basic report from the incident, but that was to be expected from a highly-connected family.

Paul was arrested at 10pm but his mugshot was taken at roughly 4:30am. My suspicion is the police put him in the drunk tank until his face no longer displayed inebriation… a ‘courtesy for a gentleman’. I saw the resulting mugshot and you wouldn’t even know it was a mugshot without a label.

Now, Watters uncovers a scandal so outrageous that is blood-boilingly infuriating. Here is Watters with a hugely critical five-minute expose:

Let.s break that entire video down. For starters, it wasn’t just Chardonnay, as Watters humorously notes. It was drugs of a certain sort. And that “Papa Paulie was absolutely plastered.” The police report mentioned red/watery eyes and a stupor so ridiculous it’s incredible he could even find the gas pedal.

Indeed, the police report makes clear that Pelosi was under the influence of both “an alcoholic beverage and a drug..

Probably cocaine, but never referenced as such in official documents. Paul’s breath was not tested for alcohol, leading me to believe claims that he refused the breathalyzer. That would be an automatic confession in California. Instead, the report asserts that Paul failed field sobriety tests followed by a blood test. The latter would surely have confirmed what the ‘other drug’ is.

Other accounts state that Paul had a teenage passenger and was subsequently re-arrested for kiddie porn and a crack pipe, but I cannot confirm.

Both of them declined medical treatment at the scene, but Doe on June 2 told Napa County prosecutors that he had begun suffering pain in his upper right arm, right shoulder and neck the day after the crash. He also complained of headaches and said it was difficult to lift things with his right arm, according to the documents.

Probably dislocations of bones & joints. I’d recommend a chiropractor over a doctor. John Doe was never identified, which means Paul paid him off in return for silence. Which is fine, I suppose. Doe probably enjoys his new Jeep.

Then there is the injury sustained by the victim. It was a complete lie that everyone was fine. Again, the police report details how the other driver suffered injuries enough to be afflicted by pain in the arm, shoulder and neck, and was even suffering from headaches so much so he required attention by a physician. Is that not a felony DUI at this point?

Since Doe refused medical treatment at the time, not at that point.

Watters ends the segment with the most incredulous reporting in an already-outrageous scandal. On the eve of the trial, the presiding judge “mysteriously” stepped down and in their place a Democrat who has never presided over a criminal trial was placed on the bench.

And it gets worse. The judge received campaign donations from the assistant district attorney who would be prosecuting the case. This new judge also received campaign donations from the D.A for Napa County whom Watters keeps saying hello to in a joking matter. Hey, Allie.

To top it all off, this new judge has a special relationship with Gavin Newsom, himself connected to Clan Pelosi.

It.s, as Watters says, deck stacking of the highest magnitude a once more a clear-cut example of America’s ruinous two-tier justice system

The conviction didn’t mention the ‘other drug’ and Paul was sentenced to time served & bail paid. His driving record wasn’t even touched… you can’t even run a stop sign in California without getting a point on your driving record.

The point here is to establish that Paul has a severe drug problem as recently as this year, and not just alcohol.

I have unconfirmed reports that Nancy sent Paul to rehab in the trendy Aton Centers under the name-anagram Louie Lapps, but I believe it. The DUI was a humiliation to Nancy so criminal justice & family concern aside, she would surely act to prevent a second such incident.

California has a number of boutique and eye-wateringly expensive sex & drug rehabilitation clinics that found a niche in cleaning up after Hollywood degeneracy, and expanded to include globalist degeneracy. Despite the price, their recidivism rate is unimpressive.

Next article:


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By American Patriot, 29 June 2021

[Formatted for readability]

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi personally rents office space to a child welfare group, First 5 San Mateo County, that was set up by a convicted pedophile. The group partners with a nonprofit that ran a group house where child molestation occurred and partners with a conflict resolution center that had a volunteer convicted for storing hundreds of images of child porn.

NATIONAL FILE has exclusively obtained the lease documents showing that Nancy Pelosi is the group’s landlady dating back to 2002, the same year monstrous pedophile Dr. William Ayres was given an award by city politicians for his work with the group. By that time, numerous pedophilia allegations including a police report had been made against Ayres, who was later convicted on pedophilia charges in 2007 and died in prison.

First 5 is a statewide supposed child welfare group in California that was previously chaired on a state level by Rob Reiner, and is funded with cigarette tax money.

This suggests that the Pelosis are associated with child traffickers, after the fact if not before. Which explains why the might have… other curious associations.

Indeed, and I’ll be coming back to this, I have trouble believing that 82yo Paul is still sexually active. There’s a biological age limit on such things.

San Mateo County, where pedophile Ayres set up the local First 5 chapter that calls Pelosi landlady, is arguably the center of the child sex trafficking crisis in California. Nancy Pelosi spends a lot of time in San Mateo due to her friendship with San Mateo lawyer and Democrat fundraiser Joe Cotchett. Cotchett, who is picking federal judges for the Biden administration, and was accused by his ex-wife in his divorce case of physically assaulting his children and being nude around his daughters. A partner in Cotchett’s law firm protects judges from her perch on the Commission on Judicial Performance…

Nancy Pelosi Is First 5 San Mateo County’s Landlady, dating back to when the group was called the San Mateo County Children and Families First Commission and Ayres was still at large terrorizing children.

Following up on the Cotchett mention,

Sealed With A Dis

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By Will Harper and Mary Spicuzza, 23 May 2007

For those of you not familiar with the name, Cotchett is one of Gavin Newsom’s longtime business partners in Plumpjack and he’s sometimes described as one of the best trial lawyers in the country. The 68-year-old Hillsborough resident is currently representing outed CIA officer Valerie Plame in her lawsuit against key members of the Bush administration including Dick Cheney.

What a small world it is at the top.

Cotchett, who served many years as Gov. Gray Davis’ appointee to the state park and recreation commission, is also a major national political player. He has personally donated $68,900 to federal candidates and political action committees this year alone, according to the Federal Election Commission. A couple of months ago, he hosted a fundraiser for presidential hopeful (and fellow trial lawyer) John Edwards. Cotchett has been rumored to have his own political aspirations; a few years ago, his name came up as a possible Democratic candidate for attorney general.

Victoria Cotchett, an art critic, filed for divorce in San Mateo County Superior Court in September… In her March 28 sworn declaration, she accused Cotchett of being a name-calling tyrant, one who would push his kids’ faces into their plates, or pull them away from the table by their hair when they didn’t finish their meals. She also described him as a foul-mouthed heavy drinker who averaged one bottle of wine each evening and drove with a plastic glass of wine, sometimes when the girls were in the car with him. She claimed her hubby liked to walk around the house naked . even as the couple’s two daughters grew older and became uncomfortable with his nudity. When she asked him to stop, he allegedly screamed he would do “whatever he fucking well pleased,” according to her court declaration. (Cotchett filed depositions of a nanny and a housekeeper who said they never witnessed any sort of abuse.)

And the Pelosi attacker was found in his underpants, too. Hmm. I didn’t find a connection, but this suggests that Depape being a nudie around kiddies would not be the red flag to Nancy Pelosi that it might have been to ordinary people.

Next, background on the suspect:

David Depape, Paul Pelosi Suspect: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

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By Jessica McBride, 30 October 2022

Police confirmed the suspect’s name. Depape is a Berkeley, California, resident. What are Depape’s politics and was he on social media? On a blog and website, he was fixated on censorship and made antisemitic comments. In one post, he ranted about government attempts to control information, calling for the arrest of journalists from prominent news organizations. He also posted COVID and election conspiracy theories online and made posts about QAnon. Online records give Depape’s age as 42.

The coverups were FAST on this one, and more phony than a store-bought Halloween costume. But I’m here for the historical facts.

An older picture of Depape, a Canadian-born resident of Berkeley with a history of drug use, showed him alongside a prominent Berkeley nudist activist with whom he helped raise children. She is incarcerated after being convicted in the stalking of a teenage boy.


1. David Depape, Described as “Very Odd,. Is a “Former Castro Nudist Protester. & Hemp “Jewelry Maker. Who Once Lived in a Berkeley Storage Shed, Reports Say

Linda Schneider, who has known Depape for years, told CNN that he once lived in a storage unit and had done hard drugs. She later received “really disturbing” emails where Depape sounded like a “megalomaniac and so out of touch with reality,. she told the cable news network. She stopped communicating with him “because it seemed so dangerous,. adding to CNN that he used “Biblical justification to do harm..

Laura Hayes worked with Depape making hemp bracelets years ago.

.He was very odd. He didn’t make eye contact very well,. Hayes said to CNN, adding that he told her “he talks to angels and there will be a hard time coming..

A psycho is not surprising. A psycho on visiting terms with the Pelosis, however? This was a struggle for me from the beginning, what common ground existed between an international bankster like Paul and a no-life pervert living in a van down by the San Francisco sewer?

Because one incontrovertible fact, is that Paul let this freakjob through his extensive home security. Don’t tell me a homeless bum in his underpants just walked into the official residence of the U.S. Speaker Of the House.

TMZ obtained dispatch audio of the police response to the Pelosi home. .He states there is a male in the home and that he is going to wait for his wife. He stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but that his name is David and that he is a friend. He sounded somewhat confused,. the dispatcher told an officer.

Said audio is so heavily redacted that it’s not even a firsthand account. It certainly doesn’t have the infamous “Where’s Nancy?” recorded.

Methinks that Paul is going around the bend. He’s not the first of his generation to do so [sly look at Potato Joe] and his doing hard drugs is more likely the cope than the cause. It’s not like his wife loves him. Neither do those hundreds of millions of stolen dollars in the bank comfort him at night.

According to CNN, threats against lawmakers and their family are on the rise.

Was David threatening Nancy the Lawmaker, Nancy the Landlord or Nancy the Head Of Household?

Or… was David asking for her assistance?

2. Depape Has Helped Raise Three Children With Taub, a Now-Incarcerated Russian-Born Activist Who Has Worked a Homeless Youth Director, Old Newspaper Articles Reveal

According to The New York Post, DePape was “living in a dilapidated yellow school bus on the street in front of” the home of nudity activist Gypsy Taub in Berkeley. .A Black Lives Matter sign and a flag combining pot-leaf symbols and the LGBTQ rainbow decorate the debris-strewn property. Out front, an unpainted wooden fence sports a hand-lettered sign: .News Reporters Go Away,’. the Post recounted.

No way was Depape a right-winger.

Despite her naked wedding to someone else, the Daily Beast reported that Depape still lived with Taub… However, in 2021, Taub was convicted of serious crimes after being accused of stalking a teenage boy.

She is currently incarcerated at the California Institution for Women, according to VINE LINK. Her real name is Oxane Taub.

Taub.s Facebook page says she is from Moscow, Russia, and is “the homeless youth director at Jerry Garcia Family Healing Clinic..

Depape grew up in Powell River, British Columbia, CNN reported. He moved to California 20 years ago “to pursue a relationship,. the network reported.

What’s this Jerry Garcia Clinic?


Jerry Garcia Family Clinic was founded in December of 2016 by activist / shamanic healer Gypsy Taub. It is named after the leader of the Grateful Dead band, Jerry Garcia.

The other 3 members of the street kids project are Gypsy’s 3 children: Inti Gonzalez (age 18), Nebosvod Gonzalez (16) and Daniel Gonzalez (14).

The same kids that Depape helped raise.

Jerry Garcia Family Clinic (or Life on the Street Support Services) is a 501 C(3) non-profit organization.
EIN: 83-2701341

Our headquarters are in Berkeley, California, United States.
We currently provide services in the East Bay, CA and in Mexico.

We help homeless people in general but our main focus is street kids and homeless youth.

A homeless organization headed by known child molesters and homosexual nudists, maintains operations in both USA and Mexico. That’s a perfect setup for child trafficking. But what might be the Pelosi’s interest?

We help street kids with everything they need: shelter, food, clothing, counseling, therapy, natural medicine. We also help them quit drugs using natural and alternative remedies.

We know Paul has a drug problem, and it’s a pretty safe bet that whatever luxury rehab center he went to after that infamous DUI didn’t fix it.

We are strongly against forced treatment. Our rehab programs are based on free will 100%. Instead of threatening and shaming our patients we reward them (we buy them phones and bicycles as a reward for undergoing an ibogaine treatment).

I couldn’t identify who funds them, but the Pelosis are on record associating with such ‘charities’. Some of whom have nudist leaders.

Ibogaine is one of if not the most magical healing medicinal plants on this planet. It is by far the most effective medicine known to humankind against addiction, PTSD, depression and anything else related to early infant and childhood trauma no matter how severe.

Ibogaine is legal in Mexico. We are currently working on legalizing it in the US and worldwide.

In addition to child trafficking, they were doing drug trafficking also. Only in San Francisco could they operate in the open like this… with the local government protecting them from Federal authorities.

When it comes to conventional rehabs in the US, in most of their so-called “success” cases they just take the patients off of one drug and put them on another. Prescription medications can be 50 times stronger than heroin and are often more damaging and more addictive than street drugs, not to mention that they are often made of the exact same thing as heroin: opium.

And what is ibogaine?

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Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive substance found in plants in the family Apocynaceae such as Tabernanthe iboga, Voacanga africana, and Tabernaemontana undulata. It is a psychedelic with dissociative properties.

Preliminary research indicates that it may help counter drug addiction.


Its use has been associated with serious side effects and death.

Too soon.

Between the years 1990 and 2008, a total of 19 fatalities temporally associated with the ingestion of ibogaine were reported, from which six subjects died of acute heart failure or cardiopulmonary arrest. The total number of subjects who have used it without major side effects during this period remains unknown. It is used as an alternative medicine treatment for drug addiction in some countries. Its prohibition in other countries has slowed scientific research. Ibogaine is also used to facilitate psychological introspection and spiritual exploration.

Sooo, Nancy has a problem. Paul has a drug habit bad enough to be a political liability. She already sent him to Aton Center and he relapsed. But here’s the thing, the reason those rehab centers cost megabucks is for discretion, not results.

Nancy needs a discreet alternative to those discreet rehab centers. Emphasis on discreet. And she needs results, because the family money laundering won’t happen without Paul. No way would she put Paul in a normal rehab program. The political risks are obvious.

Maybe she reviewed her investment portfolios and the Jerry Garcia Clinic For Homeless Teen Crackheads jumped out. Maybe she simply asked her peers & domestic staff for ideas. Despite their being ultrawealthy, I can personally vouch that many Elites prefer servants who are illegal immigrants with minimal language function, to their middle-class neighbors.

She probably liked the idea of Depape… presumably the operating manager of the Jerry Garcia Clinic, now that its founder is in prison… making home visits to treat Paul with ibogaine. Either it’ll work and problem solved, or Paul will go certified-insane and Nancy can lock him away in a retirement home. Depape won’t talk to the press because he’s very obviously compromised.

Privacy guaranteed, cure possible. Nancy put Paul on ibogaine.

Mash et al. (2000), using lower oral doses (10.12 mg/kg) in 27 patients, demonstrated significantly lower objective opiate withdrawal scores in heroin addicts 36 hours after treatment, with self-reports of decreased cocaine and opiate craving and alleviated depression symptoms. Many of these effects appeared sustainable over a one-month post-discharge follow-up.

That’s why Depape had access to the Pelosi residence. He wasn’t just Paul’s drug supplier. He was Paul’s therapist.

In case it needs to be said, money is not wisdom. Thus did the inevitable happen. My opinion:

Depape showed up for a therapy session and decided the therapy should include some free love. He drugged Paul with hallucinogenic ibogaine and proceeded to undress & generally unnerve Paul. That’s when Paul went to the bathroom and made the curious phone call. A typical account:

According to SFPD “RP [Reporting Person] stated that there’s a male in the home and that he’s going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but he advised that his name is David, and that he is a friend,. the dispatch official said. .RP sounded somewhat confused..

Possibly because he was already under the drug’s influence. Awkward situation, when your home’s private security answers to Nancy who let somebody like Depape inside because it was in her career’s best interest.

Police did a welfare check based on the call, and it being the Pelosi residence, bumped the priority to Code 1. They arrived to find Paul & Depape fighting in their underpants. When Depape realized the police had been called in, well, he was an international drug trafficker and pedophile caught in the act of buttraping Nancy’s husband. Enraged, he grabbed a hammer and did what damage he could.

Which explains why an 82yo man wasn’t killed outright by that beating with a hammer. Until the cops showed up, it was only aggravated rape.

And when Depape asked “Where’s Nancy?”, it was not because he was trying to murder the Speaker Of the House. It’s because Nancy was his employer with the power to protect him.

Which she didn’t. She couldn’t afford to be associated with him after the mess caught the public eye.

Police offer new details in Paul Pelosi assault

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SAN FRANCISCO . Police said Friday evening the attack on Paul Pelosi, the husband of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was “intentional.”

The man accused of entering the Pelosi home and attacking Paul Pelosi with a hammer specifically targeted the California Democrat, San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott confirmed on Friday. That was consistent with the revelation that the assailant, a 42-year-old Berkeley resident, had asked “Where is Nancy?. before his assault.

“Where’s Nancy? She’ll vouch for me. I’m tight with her, cops, you just watch yourselves. Where’s Nancy?”

.This was intentional,. Scott told reporters, adding politicians. families .don’t sign up for this..

Just because it happened to a politician, doesn’t mean it had to be political, Police Chief. But I see your investigation is already over.

David DePape forced his way into the home through a back entrance, Scott said. Officers arrived at the house, knocked on the front door and were let inside by an unknown person.

Bullshit an “unknown person”. I suspect Nancy arranged for private security to be off-site in order to minimize the witnesses to Paul’s therapy sessions, and it was the police who had to break in. That explains why the official narrative is “we don’t know who let us into the house”. Also why Depape thought he could get away with rape.

They discovered DePape and Pelosi struggling for a hammer, and after they instructed them to drop the weapon, Scott said, DePape took the hammer and “violently attacked. Pelosi.

“You called the cops on me?! Damn you! I only wanted a little fun and now you ruined everything!”

Police have taken DePape into custody and said he will be booked for attempted homicide, burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated battery with serious bodily injury, elder abuse, infliction of great bodily injury on the elderly, dissuading a victim, threatening a family member of a public official, and damaging or preventing a communication for an emergency call.

Police threw the book at him as Step One in negotiation. She’s holding the rest of his life; he’s holding the rest of her career. No mention of drugs, though. The crazy naked guy with a hammer wasn’t on drugs?

Pelosi has undergone successful surgery for fractures to his skull and arms.

“He’s expected to make a full recovery” say other accounts, but I betcha that instead, Nancy will have him declared incompetent so she can put him away before another drug episode happens. It’ll be a harsh blow to the Pelosi family… Nancy will have to marry another well-connected, stock-trading insider.

The emerging portrait of a politically motivated attack by a man who consumed fringe conspiracy theories has shocked San Francisco and stoked fresh concerns about elected officials facing violence.

While authorities have not detailed a motive, DePape’s online history indicates that he subscribed to the discredited narrative that the 2020 presidential election was illegitimate and espoused a range of bigoted and radical beliefs. He expressed anti-Semitic views and appeared to embrace the QAnon movement, which posits a secret cabal of pedophiles has been protected by people in power.

The only right-wing radical in one of the Gay Area’s most notoriously homosexual neighborhoods. How did nobody notice him? He didn’t keep to himself.

Scott also thanked the responding emergency dispatcher Heather Grives for recognizing something was wrong when Paul Pelosi dialed 911, allowing police to spring into action.

She recognized the address, that’s all. Chief is trying to distract from talking about the actual incident.

POLITICO reported earlier Friday that Pelosi had been able to dial 911 after telling the intruder he had to use the restroom and then called from inside, where his phone had been charging.

Why would a murderer looking for a Congressman allow that? He wouldn’t. Because it wasn’t a murder attempt.

It was a date-rape attempt.

2 thoughts on “The Downfall Of Paul Pelosi Began With His Porsche

  1. Co-president Pelosi (CCP) will do whatever the F’ she wants and her family as well.
    Welcome to the Sopranos sporting goods store bust out gone nationwide.
    At least the tweets are approved by Tony Stark in his den of techno triumphalism sponsored by the WEF.
    Let’s plug in to the neurolink for hivemind happy thought time. (not really)

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