Christian Process Versus Product

The hallmark of a bureaucrat is valuing the process over the product. So long as the payroll taxes get filed on time, it doesn’t really matter that the factory is producing dingbats when it should be making wingnuts.

Or, that the Church closed for Chinkypox and reopened only when concerts were permitted.

Why I don’t agree with making church, Bible relevant

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By Wes Lindsey, 20 November 2022

Good. We begin with agreement that Church and Bible ARE irrelevant to current society and may proceed to debate if we should try to make them relevant. I will argue ‘yes’ and this established leader of mainstream Churchianity will argue ‘no’. (Lindsey is the Senior Director of Marketing for Medi-Share/Christian Care Ministry… a bureaucrat.)

There are few things in life that I wish for more than a bright future for my children. Yes, I want them to be successful in whatever career or ministry God calls them to. Of course, I want them to experience the joy that comes from raising a family of their own. Sure, I would even love to leave them a nice inheritance, have their college aspirations fully funded, and keep them from experiencing many of the learning pains I had as a young adult.

His argument: “You can have a perfectly fine career, family and retirement without God. But not without additional Marxist indoctrination.”

My argument: I would rather have God. For me, it’s an easy choice because the latter two have been denied me. But I do have a career. It’s my third career, too, me having had to repeatedly reboot my adult life… maybe fifth career, depending on how you count… and y’know, having to start over again and again like my parents never had to, makes it okay if obeying God costs me my current career.

Some of us are just born lucky like that. /sarc But even if you aren’t and are staring at the possibility that following God may cost you everything… for several of my readers, it already did during the Plandemic… you have God’s own promise that He’ll make it up to you.

And not just by protecting you from dying of Suddenly.

However, in the words of 3 John 1:4, I will have no greater joy than to know my children have made their own decision to walk in truth with a love for their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

1 John 3:14: “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love each other. Anyone who does not love remains in death.”

It’s a bad sign when a Christian pundit claims God is Love is God. A possibility emerges from the fog, explaining why he’s dismissive of Church tradition and moral demands: if the process feels good then the product can’t be bad!

I would argue here that meeting God’s moral demands are mandatory and often requires not-nice feelings towards ourselves and others, but… do I really have to? Does anybody expect Christianity to be FUN?

It’s also a bad sign when a Christian pundit cannot distinguish between his beliefs and his family. It is often a sign of… of…

Admittedly, being a father of four girls…

May God have mercy on this poor fool because I cannot. Not when he’s spreading false dogma and putting his 6yo girl’s name on the Internet. It’s not safe to discuss your little kids on social media in modern America. This man isn’t just disobeying God, his humblebragging is opening doors for child molesters.

Why does that even have to be said? There was a recent mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado. That event billed itself as an ALL-AGES event. For a moment, I had hoped that the perp actually was a MAGA type, protecting his family in extremis. But instead, it was a pedophile-friendly event, in public and government-protected. THAT is how unsafe it is to discuss your little girls on the Internet.

(Amusingly, the initial claim the perp was a MAGA type prevented the media from covering up the fact that the perp was not only “non-binary” xirself, it was actually xir’s second public attempt at mass murder. The first one was, inexplicably, not prosecuted despite the bomb squad evacuating the neighborhood and his grandparents making media statements that he intended to kill them.)

[Being a father of four girls] is more than a little intimidating in a society that seems increasingly less focused on instilling the truths of God’s Word and more focused on propagating fake agendas and distortions of reality. My wife and I…

“My wife and I”. That’s another Cuckservative tell. Yes, please, let’s discuss distortions of reality such as Biblical gender roles.

…have frequently discussed how to find a balance in keeping their precious minds from the chaos of this present world, while also ensuring they are armed with information and tools to equip them for the realities of young adulthood.

It’s not chaos. It’s Satan. The headlines are happening for reasons, as in cause & effect from deliberate plans such as Agenda 2030. Randomness would be a great improvement.

You want to protect your daughter? Keep her off social media, train her to avoid predators then marry her off young so the devil has no chance at defiling her. No “finding herself” during a missionary position in Bangkok. NO COLLEGE.

We do not claim to have all the answers, and frankly we’ve made a lot of mistakes as parents over the past 17 years. I’m sure we will make many more.

I showed up for a fight but instead, I ask this author… with full honesty and sincerity… “d00d, why u keep hitting yourself?”

But, I will never apologize for every time we’ve taken them to church, prayed together, or opened and discussed the Bible as a family. I will never apologize for teaching them values and the difference between right and wrong. Yes, there is a difference.

I’m curious, which of those were the mistakes he’s talking about? Church attendance? Prayer? Scripture? I can argue the latter; women should study men more than the Bible; but if this glass jaw wants to argue that there’s a difference between right and wrong then maybe I’m out of my league here.

Sorry, Peewees, I’m in the wrong room. I’ll leave you be until you’re old enough to understand the difference between values and morals. Not all of you will make it that far in Christ’s Kingdom, sad to say.

And, no matter what life throws at them, dad and mom will always have open arms to love and point them toward the cross.

“I just had an abortion.”

“Jeebus wuvs you! Wuv conquers all! Wuv brings us from death to life, like Scripture says!”

“But I don’t want my baby back.”

Over the past decade I’ve heard a lot about “making church relevant” for the younger generation. While I certainly agree that we should provide programs and resources that appeal to children, teens, and young adults alike, I do not agree, on principle, that the Bible needs to be changed to be “relevant.”

FINALLY! The debate that I thought we were going to have. Notice the strawman being set up here.

1. Some people think the church should be relevant.

2. We should make the church interesting to children, but…

3. The Bible doesn’t need to be changed.

Church is not Bible. Church relevance is a social problem whereas Biblical relevance is a personal problem.

Church should become relevant because its purpose is to organize and assist believers. Its irrelevance to masculine men and feminine women, is a choice made by its clergy. Not us outsiders.

The Bible should be made relevant, too, as in application. Don’t just memorize it; do what it says, like the civil rights violation of women submitting to men.

In fact, there is nothing more relevant than God’s Word.

No other writing has stood the test of time, transcending different centuries and cultures, and yet, when opened and read today, is still able to speak to each of us in a very relevant way. The Bible is both a historical book and a living book. We learn Bible history while the living Word guides us through life.

It’s a fine book, yes, but did Cucky ever read Genesis Chapter Three… and accept the meaning & implications of Original Sin?

Each year for the past seven years at least one of our daughters has participated in a Bible verse memorization and competitive quizzing program. It is a half-year-long season covering a few hundred pre-selected verses that are memorized verbatim.

Each “quizzer” typically invests up to an hour per day on memorization and review. That might seem like a large investment but in reality, they’ve really just replaced excessive “screen time.” It’s amazing how their motivation for Bible Quizzing has built on its own over time. We initially introduced them to the program but I must say, never have we pleaded, bribed, or required participation.

A few years ago, one of our daughters dropped out for a season. She felt she wanted to focus on school, which we supported wholeheartedly. By the end of the year, she had told her friends and us that she never wanted to miss a season again. She missed the focus, community, and competition. In fact, each of the kids has developed a passion, pushed through fears of public speaking, and found a way to boldly proclaim their faith. Hearing them share their faith with others, defend it with Scripture, and even encourage one another (Yes, they still have daily sibling squabbles!) is a blessing to us.

Memorizing Scripture is good, it’s practically a lost art now, but the point is not to have lots of Scripture memorized. That is bureaucracy. Christianity is doing what Scripture says, not quoting it at length followed by “I make lots of mistakes”.

The end result of all this family Bible studying is… drum roll…

As I think about my 17-year-old graduating this year, my parental radar goes on high alert again. I have to fight back the .what-ifs.. What if she doesn’t remember what we’ve instilled in her? What if.What if.

What if Harvard doesn’t accept her? What if she “finds herself” getting regret-raped in Bangkok? What if she ends up penniless and dependent upon a husband?

In discussing college a few weeks ago, she came to us almost in tears. .I feel like God wants me to go on a mission trip before I go to college. Would you be supportive?.

We needed no time to consider.

What’s the point of memorizing the Bible, when the end result is raising your daughter to be a man? They don’t have trivia quizzes at the Pearly Gates. They have a Savior who asks, “did you repent?”

The most popular wrong answer to that will be “No, because I’m loved. Ask me how smart I am!”

For the parent reading this who is trying to instill godly principles into your children, but feels the pressure of the world closing in, be strong and keep fighting. Your efforts will not return void. For the parent who may have a child who no longer attends church, I pray that you will keep believing. Don’t lose heart. You may not see a way right now, but God is working and He is able to do anything!

Now that we’re done talking about his smart daughters who after a career, will hopefully go on to raise a token Downy Baby about the time of menopause, we can discuss how maybe the reason men doesn’t want to go to church is because it has no place for us. Oh, wait… this author forgot to care about men during his humblebragging.

Church was just a process to him, a way to show how smart and educated his daughters were. Too bad that her smarts are not what gently bounces when she walks and healthy families are not the sum total of Church priorities.

Healthy men being interested in the product, are not going to endure a lifetime in a church box for the chance to become either a ball-busting feminist or a stay-at-home cheerleader for Mommy’s career.

Who needs Church and tradition and morality when your daughters are loved unconditionally and free to live however they want? Just follow the bureaucratic process of pew warming or Bible studying or correct-Mass-attending and that’s all God really cares about. Check the boxes, flip an alm to the poor and show the world how SMART your feminist daughters are!

2 thoughts on “Christian Process Versus Product

  1. The main methods used by Marxists in the West, Bezmenov explains, were to .corrupt the young, get them interested in sex, take them away from religion. Make them superficial and enfeebled [.] destroy people.s faith in their national leaders by holding the latter up for contempt, ridicule and disgrace [.] cause breakdown of the old moral virtues: honesty, sobriety, self-restraint, faith in the pledged word..

  2. Right-on again. Even though comments here are depressingly low in number, I am glad you wrote it. My church would grow more in godliness from discussing this post than from whatever sermon I will hear (that’s so even though the sermons are good).

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