FTX Pleads Guilty At the Speed Of Science

This turned out to be a very prescient comment from the Z-Man blog:

h ttps://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=28913#comment-334755

Tars Tarkas on December 23, 2022 at 11:44 am said:
This whole SBF thing stinks to the high heavens. His co-conspirators all plead guilty already. WHAT?! WHY?! You can’t plea guilty to shoplifting in such a short time frame. It takes longer to go to traffic court for a speeding ticket. They don’t even know yet to the extent they would possibly need any cooperation. Does anyone believe they have fully went over the books and transactions and unwound all this in the time frame since the bankruptcy?

ALL OF THEM should be getting life in prison without parole. No deals, at least not yet. Why all of them? People are sent to prison for life for far less.

It just shows there are laws for us and laws for them.

At the time, I just shrugged and figured the second-tier crooks were rushing to turn state’s evidence before the state decided it had enough evidence to prosecute the incredibly protected first-tier crooks. It’s the only play in the FBI playbook, getting the perps to tattle on each other. Using informants is but a variation on the play.

Turns out I was right, but it wasn’t that simple.

FTX.s Gary Wang, Alameda’s Caroline Ellison plead guilty to federal charges, cooperating with prosecutors

h ttps://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/22/ftxs-gary-wang-alamedas-caroline-ellison-plead-guilty-to-federal-charges-cooperating-with-prosecutors.html

By MacKenzie Sigalos & Rohan Goswami, 21 December 2022

FTX co-founder Gary Wang and former Alameda Research co-CEO Caroline Ellison have both pleaded guilty to federal charges, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, Damian Williams, said Wednesday.

Wang pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy to commit commodities fraud and conspiracy to commit securities fraud. Ellison pleaded guilty to two counts of wire fraud, two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, conspiracy to commit commodities fraud, conspiracy to commit securities fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

The duo’s plea agreements were signed Monday, the day Bankman-Fried was originally supposed to return to the U.S. before a court hearing in the Bahamas devolved into chaos.

Yep, that fits exactly with my opening assumption.

Wait a minute… what do they mean, “the charges were RELEASED”?

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Michael J. Driscoll, the Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (.FBI.), announced the extradition of SAMUEL BANKMAN-FRIED, a/k/a .SBF,. yesterday from the Bahamas.

Also unsealed are the guilty pleas of CAROLINE ELLISON, former CEO of Alameda Research, and GARY WANG, co-founder and former Chief Technology Officer of FTX. ELLISON and WANG pled guilty before U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams on December 19, 2022, to charges arising from their participation in schemes to defraud FTX.s customers and investors, and related crimes, and are cooperating with the Government.

What? Indictments and warrants get sealed in order to not alert the perps before a mass arrest can be done. Why would one sealed a FELONY CRIMINAL CONVICTION? And why would those records be sealed for only three days?

FBI Assistant Director Michael J. Driscoll said: .With the pleas announced today, Ms. Ellison and Mr. Wang admitted they were willing participants in schemes to defraud FTX.com’s customers and backers out of their money…”

Updated December 22, 2022

Western Rifle Shooters has a screencap of exactly what got updated.

“Also unsealed are the guilty pleas of CAROLINE ELLISON, former CEO of Alameda Research, and GARY WANG, co-founder and former Chief Technology Officer of FTX. ELLISON and WANG pled guilty before U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams on January 19, 2022”.

That would change EVERYTHING about this case, and destroy either the Regime or the rule of law as well. Maybe it was just a typo?

I was unable to find a source confirming a January 2022 sealing date. Between that and what would (should) be nation-ending consequences, I believe it was just a typo.

Also, I discovered a plausible reason why they would seal convictions for three days.

Judge kept FTX execs’ plea deals secret to get founder to US

h ttps://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/judge-ftx-execs-plea-deals-secret-founder-us-95756520

NEW YORK — A judge kept secret that two of Sam Bankman-Fried.s closest associates had turned against him so the cryptocurrency entrepreneur wouldn’t get spooked and fight extradition from the Bahamas, according to court transcripts made public Friday.

I was instantly suspicious when Bankster-Fraud was reported as AGREEING to extradition. The honor system is not how extradition works. Why would any Jewish crook agree to going home to face multiple life sentences instead of ((going home)) to Tel Aviv?

U.S. prosecutors in New York waited until Bankman-Fried, the founder of the collapsed crypto exchange FTX, was in FBI custody before revealing that his business partners, Carolyn Ellison and Gary Wang, had secretly pleaded guilty to fraud charges and were cooperating, which can earn them leniency at sentencing.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams announced the guilty pleas when Bankman-Fried was in the air late Wednesday.

Afro Sam’s ((cousins)) are not playing nice with him like they usually do.

Prosecutors had been concerned that if Bankman-Fried found out his friends were cooperating, he might try to fight extradition from the Bahamas, where he had been arrested at the request of U.S. authorities.

I sense much leverage being applied to the Bahamas government. Also, I sense that Afro Sam is about to have a very bad future if he cannot find the cash to repay a certain few investors. That $250m bond he posted to walk free is surely just the down payment, and seeing as he is NOT currently in Tel Aviv living the life of a billionaire pervert, I don’t see a bright future for him.

Which also argues against a January 2022 sealed-conviction conspiracy. Allowing FTX to fund the Democrat machine for the midterm elections is a compelling motive, but the inner circle would not allow THEIR money to be risked in such a scheme.

I think it’s unprecedented to have the convictions be sealed in order to trick the next perp. It would be interesting to read exactly what Afro Sam thought he was agreeing to. But then, his being arrested by the Bahamas government before agreeing to U.S. extradition might be EXACTLY why he isn’t in Tel Aviv at this moment.

This ABC News article didn’t name the judge who agreed to seal the convictions.

Judge Ronnie Abrams recuses self from Sam Bankman-Fried case because husband’s firm advised FTX

h ttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/judge-ronnie-abrams-recuses-self-from-sam-bankman-fried-case-because-husband-s-firm-advised-ftx/ar-AA15CeES

By Patrick Reilly, 23 December 2022

The federal judge slated to oversee FTX founder Sam Bankman Fried’s case has recused herself because her husband’s law firm advised the bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange.

Ronnie Abrams, a district judge for the Southern District of New York, said in a court order on Friday that the law firm of Davis Polk and Wardwell LLP . where her husband is a partner . advised FTX in 2021.

If this was true then she would have recused herself long before “agreeing” to seal the criminal convictions of two of FTX’s officers in order to trick a Jew into returning to Jew York City. I’ve a hunch that her participation was not entirely voluntary.

Abrams. husband, Greg D. Andres, is former Brooklyn federal prosecutor who later served as a deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department, The New York Times reported earlier this month.

Andres was part of special counsel Robert S. Mueller’s team that investigated Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Before she was appointed by President Barack Obama in 2012…

What a small world it is at the top. A brief review of Judge Abrams’ history shows that she is very comfortable with conflicts of interest… here’s one…


Obama Appointed Judge whose Husband Was a Member of the Mueller Gang Overturned a Unanimous Jury Conviction of Burisma Board Member Devon Archer

h ttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/obama-appointed-judge-whose-husband-was-a-member-of-the-mueller-gang-overturned-a-unanimous-jury-conviction-of-burisma-board-member-devon-archer/

By Joe Hoft, 20 February 2020

“A federal judge on Thursday overturned the conviction of a New York man on charges that he helped run a scheme to defraud a Native American tribe and multiple pension funds through the issue of $60 million worth of tribal bonds.

U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams in Manhattan ruled that the evidence at the trial earlier this year had not shown that the man, Devon Archer, knew that the bond issue was fraudulent, or that he received any personal benefit from it. Abrams said she was “left with an unwavering concern that Archer is innocent of the crimes charged..

She upheld the convictions of John Galanis and Bevan Cooney, who were tried and convicted alongside Archer.”

So the judge whose husband was a member of the Mueller gang overturned the unanimous jury conviction of Devon Archer after having a change of heart? Who said there is a two-tiered system of justice?

For context here, Devon Archer cofounded Rosemont Holdings with Hunter Biden. Judge Abrams suddenly deciding he must have been innocent after a jury unanimously found him guilty, says everything you need to know about 1. her connections and 2. her vulnerability to ‘pressure from the top’.

What a small world it is at the top.

End Segue

…So, the REAL reason she recused herself after helping to trick Afro Sam into returning, is because that was the moment she discovered exactly how much pain was going to drop on Afro Sam. She didn’t want none of that! Nobody wants to be the grease between the satanic plutocrats and the tool who pricked them.

My initial hunch was right after all. The reason this criminal “investigation” is moving so quickly, is simply because… well, Z-Man once had an interesting insight that stuck with me. All these clever banksters and goblins, when they’re doing their thieving and grifting, they play ten-dimensional chess and the long game perfectly, but if you hurt them… REALLY hurt them, even if it’s just a toothache… they lash out blindly and with no regard for consequences.

Afro Sam stole from his own Tribe of thieves, and thus, everything about this case has had the subtlety of a dragon hunting for the thief who stole a single cup.

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