Following up on a claim that the US Fedgov 2023 Omnibus spending bill implements vehicle kill switches, I broke down and read the stupid thing.
At least, I did a bunch of keyword searches. I’m not masochistic, but that means this isn’t exhaustive.
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Most of the big-ticket amounts are earmarked for purchasing energy plants and infrastructure. De facto nationalization of the energy infrastructure?
Page 159: …For reimbursement of expenses of the Department of Justice associated with processing cases under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, $31,738,000, to be appropriated from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund and to remain available until expended.
Fedgov is already tapping reserves to pay costs regarding child vaxx injuries.
Page 189: $13,000,000 for a grant program to prevent and address economic, high technology, white collar, and Internet crime, including as authorized by section 401 of Public Law 110.403, of which not less than $2,500,000 is for intellectual property enforcement grants including as authorized by section 401, and $2,000,000 is for grants to develop databases on Internet of Things device capabilities and to build and execute training modules for law enforcement
Note the boldfaced wording. They aren’t trying to punish crime; they intend to use the Internet of Things to prevent crime. Not sure how that would work. Building a database on how various devices might be used illegally is… oh, that’s right. It’s not a crime when government does it. This supplements a directly assigned $15M.
Page 1046: For an additional amount for expenses necessary to prepare for or respond to an influenza pandemic, $335,000,000; of which $300,000,000 shall be available until expended, for activities including the development and purchase of vaccine, antivirals, necessary medical supplies, diagnostics, and other surveillance tools: Provided, That notwithstanding section 496(b) of the PHS Act, funds may be used for the construction or renovation of privately owned facilities for the production of pandemic influenza vaccines and other biologics, if the Secretary finds such construction or renovation necessary to secure sufficient supplies of such vaccines or biologics.
The concept of public-private partnership is alive and well in our literally fascist Regime. Meanwhile, $335M for the next wave of vaxxing but $28M for the damages of the previous wave of vaxxing.
Page 1676 funds $1M to the development of a government-run rideshare service. It’s doomed to fail, which explains the small amount.
Page 1307: For necessary expenses to carry out… the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, for global health activities, in addition to funds otherwise available for such purposes, $4,165,950,000… and which shall be apportioned directly to the United States Agency for International Development.
$4.2b straight out of America…
That funds appropriated under this paragraph may be made available for United States contributions to The GAVI Alliance and to a multilateral vaccine development partnership to support epidemic preparedness.
…and into the Gates Foundation’s GAVI Alliance. The next Plandemic just got funded.
Page 1441: …The authority of… the Arms Export Control Act (2217 U.S.C. 2763) may be used to provide financing to Israel, Egypt, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and major non-NATO allies for the procurement by leasing (including leasing with an option to purchase) of defense articles from United States commercial suppliers, not including Major Defense Equipment…
That boldfaced means Ukraine. USA has run out of munitions to give Zelensky so they’re resorting to what Socialists always do and are throwing money at the problem.
I sense something sinister about our national defense being so easily depleted. When the ethnic strife from endless immivasion kicks off, the National Guard will have no ability to control it. Which would be a textbook justification for a U.N. peacekeeping mission into North America.
Page 1536: $90,500,000 shall be made available for programs to pro19 mote Internet freedom globally: Provided, That such programs shall be prioritized for countries whose governments restrict freedom of expression on the Internet…
CEO Elon Musk says hey to GAE.
…and that are important to the national interest of the United States.
Hmm. Freedom of expression, but only in countries hostile to the United States? Let’s dig further.
…for programs to… promote Internet freedom and access to information in Iran, as required by section 414 of the Iran Threat Reduction…
Hello, Israel! $90M to destabilize Iran by foisting your porn sites upon them. Did you get any other funding?
Page 366: Of the amounts appropriated in this Act under the headings ..Procurement, Defense-Wide.. and ..Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide.., $500,000,000 shall be for the Israeli Cooperative Programs…
Specifically the Iron Dome system.
Page 1317: $5,000,000 shall be made available for refugees resettling in Israel.
Not Squatemalans, I’m guessing.
Page 1447: LIMITATION ON ASSISTANCE..None of the funds appropriated under titles III through VI of this Act may be provided to support a Palestinian state…
Page 1463: Of the funds appropriated by this Act under the heading ..Foreign Military Financing Program.., not less than $3,300,000,000 shall be available for grants only for Israel which shall be disbursed within 30 days of enactment of this Act.
((Thieves!)) You cannot spend $3.3b in thirty days with ANY kind of oversight.
Page 1531: …The Secretary of State shall report to the Committees on Appropriations not later than September 30, 2023, on the resolutions considered in the United Nations Human Rights Council during the previous 12 months, and on steps taken to remove Israel as a permanent agenda item…
And human rights violators!
SEC. 701. DESIGNATION OF THE KOL ISRAEL FOUNDATION HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL AS A NATIONAL MEMORIAL. Congress recognizes the significance of the Kol Israel Foundation Holocaust Memorial in preserving the memory of the 6,000,000 Jews murdered by the Nazi regime and allies and collaborators of the Nazi regime; and (2) honors the life and legacy of the Holocaust survivors who erected the Kol Israel Foundation Holocaust Memorial.
It’s FAR past time to close the books on World War 2. All the people involved are dead or close enough. The overcounted deaths of not-my-people in not-my-war on not-my-continent is not-my-problem. And shouldn’t be Congress’ either.
I wonder if that boldfaced is intended to mean Trump voters.
Enough with the Juice.
Self-explanatory. I do not approve. Government doing nothing would be beneficial because zero isn’t negative. I wonder how this got into the bill, considering that Tiktok is notorious Chicomm spyware. Haven’t they purchased enough politicians to get away with a little malware?
Yeah, it’s totally in the open now. The US government is merely the pocketbook for third-party entities. No wonder they’re adding 86,000 IRS agents. Collecting taxes is the only government function being left to them.
…ESTABLISHMENT OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP CONTRIBUTIONS ACCOUNTS..The Secretary shall establish the necessary accounts and process to accept contributions of private funds for the purposes of addressing the changing climate, sequestering carbon, improving wildlife habitat, protecting sources of drinking water, and addressing other natural resource priorities identified by the Secretary…
Can you say “conflict of interest”? Not if you work for Fedgov. “We’ll give you free money if you identify our agenda as your priority.”
This is depressing. On the upside, I didn’t find any mention of kill switches for private vehicles, which is what started this search in the first place. Perhaps the next claim will come with a reference.
When the ethnic strife from endless immivasion kicks off, the National Guard will have no ability to control it. Which would be a textbook justification for a U.N. peacekeeping mission into North America.
One wonders how well armed and battle-motivated are ragtag U.N. conscript forces compared to American Red-State patriots defending their home turf. One sincerely hopes that New Rome collapses from its own internal rot before we have to find out.
Gunner you missed it: The kill switches are in HR3684.
You missed it because Biden signed it into law OVER A YEAR AGO. It’s not the new bill.
Here’s the bill: it’s on pdf page 403:
Oh yeah, and it’s worse than we thought: it’s not just a kill switch. It’s a surveillance device.