The Library Of Patmos

The endless tide of defeats is quite disappointing, of course. However. As much as the mainstream media tries to not report wins for Team Christ, lest they accidentally encourage us, butthurt will always find a way!

Outrage Over A Single Book Is Shutting Down This Town’s Library

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By Nathalie Baptiste for Huffington Post, 13 January 2023

Butthurt will always find a way… because we live in a matriarchy and emoting is how women operate.

Last year, residents voted to defund the Patmos Library following a push from conservatives to remove the book “Gender Queer” by Maia Kababe from the public library’s shelves.

The Patmos Library in Jamestown, Michigan, was Chavala Ymker’s refuge for years.


The Q&A Queerzine

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Chavala Ymker (they/them) is a queer storyteller living in the Midwest. They work in communications and development in nonprofit spaces. When not writing, they run a queer writing group, record queer oral histories and pursue other hobbies including theatre and keeping up with the latest films.

No way is this about “one book”.

End segue

.We didn’t have the internet, and the library was the only place I had access to books and a space outside of my home,. said Ymker, 23, who was home-schooled while growing up in the small town.

Good news, now we DO have an Internet! But she probably still got sent to college so she’d never have to depend upon a husband.

But within a couple of years, that place of escape will probably not exist.

Last year, residents of Jamestown, a township made up of nearly 10,000 people, voted to defund the public library following a push from conservatives to remove the book “Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe from shelves.

Hmm. They should have defunded Ymker directly, but since the library would surely have ended up controlled by a Globohomo replacement, it’s just as well the entire institution is ended.

Conservatives across the country have targeted the memoir . in fact, it’s been banned in more states than any other book in America . about Kobabe’s journey to figuring out their own gender identity. They mainly take issue with a passage on consent that contains a page about sex toys, and they falsely claim that just reading the book can make a child change their gender identity or sexual orientation.

Which it it? “It’s not pedophilia; there’s only one part that counts as pedophilia; and Meanie Fringe People are trying to stop children from being taught pedophilia.”

.The library is a disaster because of one book,. Ymker said.

The second one, then? Hir chose hir’s answer… poorly.

The Patmos Library said it even moved “Gender Queer” behind the counter after initial complaints.

“You’re sodomizing my children!”

“Here, let me hide the evidence. When do you think you’ll be back to pick your kid up?”

“Never, because I’m defunding this place.”


“Relax, it’s only one line in the budget.”

.Some people were handing out fliers that claim librarians are groomers and giving out pornography at the library,. said Salem Sousley, a Jamestown resident and co-founder of Inclusive Ottawa County, a group working to foster diversity and inclusion in the area.

Et tu, Salem?

.It.s going to be hard to lose this resource,. Sousley said. .Kids from the local schools host their clubs there…”


.Jamestown is not a friendly place to be right now,. Sousley said. .My wife is trans, and I’m nonbinary. It’s hard living here every day knowing that your neighbors think you’re disgusting and an abomination..

Jamestown is in Ottawa County, a traditionally conservative area where Donald Trump won about 60% of votes in both 2016 and 2020. The county’s board of supervisors is under review by the state’s attorney general due to several actions it took immediately after being sworn in earlier this month . including eliminating the county’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Office.

Conservatives have targeted the institutions, claiming librarians are trying to indoctrinate or groom children with books with LGBTQ characters and themes. That isn’t true, but the conspiracy theories have spread . with significant consequences, including… protesting at family-friend story hours hosted by drag queens.

The author is not even hiding the crime. She’s dropping the crime on the floor and telling us we can’t see it.

How is it that these people are the ones ruling the world? Not by human effort, obviously. Post author Natalie is such a bad liar, I bet she can’t even lie on the ground. (Because there’s a crime on it. Hah!)

Weeks after it was successfully defunded, debate over the Patmos Library continues.

Enough donations have poured in to keep the Patmos Library operational for a few months after funding runs out. A GoFundMe that was set up last August raised more than $12,000, while author Nora Roberts donated $50,000 and a Michigan family that had never even been to the library gave another $100,000. But library officials say private donations are not a sustainable option.

Not sustainable because…

Last month, Shane Trejo, a Michigan GOP official who does not live near Jamestown, posted on Facebook: .Time to shut down the library by force. And then perhaps charge the people writing these checks as accessories for child abuse.. He later told Bridge Michigan, a nonprofit news outlet, that he meant through the force of law.

…SJWs are cowards when they aren’t sheltered by Amenable Authorities. It’s why they prefer to live in groupthink hives. If they were capable of independent existence then they’d occasionally entertain independent thoughts.

Yay Shane! That’s how you do it. The way to fight Globohomo isn’t how, it’s who. The Enemy paved that road since deposing the Tsar so feel free to walk it yourself.

A few days after the initial comment, the Patmos Library closed early, citing safety concerns. The library did not provide a specific reason to HuffPost for the closure, but local police said they weren’t made aware of any safety concerns that would require the library to close early.

Cowardice again. One would think the Librarian of Patmos would be well-read, including a certain bestseller in which “Johnnie” is exiled to the Island of Patmos and proceeds to have a vivid dream of what happens to child molesters, and be fearful on the CORRECT side of history, but no, that’ll be then and this is now.

One library staffer, who has not been named publicly, took umbrage with the accusations and addressed the room.

.We have a breaking point. We have been threatened, we have been cursed,. she said, according to a TikTok that went viral. .I.m tired, and I’m tired of all of you. I moved to this town two and a half years ago, and I [have] regretted it every day for the last year..

One thought on “The Library Of Patmos

  1. Groomer clowns are the prime example of you get what you tolerate.
    Moving is always an option if the glorious land of Wretchen Whitler is inhospitable.
    Hamtramck and Dearbornistan might be more tolerant! (sarc honk)
    During the run up to the Stig Beal in 2020 there was only one Bejing Brandon/Cackler sign up outside a school in south central MI Amish and lake country.
    The Trump no more BS signs were everywhere and were still up until December.

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