Obama’s Birth Certificate Meets Damar Hamlin’s Death Certificate

I’ve been following the Schrodinger’s Hamlin case with interest. Quick recap, Damar Hamlin is a football player who had a heart attack on the field. The FBI descended on the hospital, he was declared recovered, and then afterwards, was only seen shrouded in hoodies & sunglasses behind security escorts.

People naturally began speculating the he’d died of the Pfi$er jab and the authorities were trying to cover it up. I made a bet with myself, that if Hamlin’s public comeback was only on video then it meant he was dead and deepfaked.

h ttps://www.theblaze.com/news/damar-hamlin-speaks-for-first-time-since-on-field-collapse-with-god-s-guidance-i-will-continue-to-do-wonderful-and-great-things

.Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin has issued a video statement on Instagram, marking the first time most people have seen his face up close and heard his voice since he suffered a cardiac arrest on the field earlier this month..

Yep, he be daid!

Deti called me on that over at Spawneyspace, however. I listen to my critics, it’s part of my weirdness, so I spent a minute entertaining what GAE might gain from keeping Hamlin alive in this state of uncertainty.

And not only did I think of a good reason, I remembered the LAST TIME this happened!

Barak Obama was an illegitimate president. Literally so; U.S. Presidents are required to be natural-born citizens. Congress & Supreme Court can be immigrated citizens but not the Prez. Obama was known by reputable sources to have been born in Kenya, for example, as was claimed on the paperwork for an Indonesian Islamic school that he once attended.

Fortunately for Obama, he also had a birth certificate saying he’d been born in Hawaii. The full certificate was never released; the people curious about the matter were simply told that the ‘correct authorities’ had checked and everything was fine and they shouldn’t believe any records that said otherwise. Such as Obama’s estranged family.

Joseph Farah of WND.com went all-in on this story, paying for “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” signs and billboards across the USA. There was indeed a serious groundswell of doubt over whether the sitting President was even qualified for the office.

Eventually during Farah’s campaign, Obama DID release the long-form certificate. Liberals everywhere cheered that his enemies had been totally pwned, while Farah’s supporters gave up and left him alone.

Alone, with all the professional document examiners who agreed that the released birth certificate was a forgery.

And then, the Hawaiian official who released that birth certificate Arkancided in a small place crash. Nobody cared.

Which brings us to Current Year. The Regime needs to stop the growing speculation that all the athletes dying of Suddenly, are dying of the Covid vexx that the Regime forced upon them. It’s not hard to imagine them adapting the Birth Certificate play to the “sportsballer with Suddenly”.

Find an athlete who survived the Suddenly. Make a big scene of Deep State jackboots swarming him like they’re covering something up. Incite speculation with sightings of “might or might not be Damar”. And once the skeptics are confident that Damar was a Vaxxident, release Damar from hiding to play a token game of sportsball with a message of “Suddenly can happen to Anybody!”

The fans will cheer, the Beautiful People will get to sneer at dissidents and the proles will continue lining up for Med-MIC boosters.

Of course, the two cases are not exactly parallel. Obama didn’t want the forgery held up to public inspection, so he waited for the scandal to die out. Thanks to Farah, it didn’t. Finally in desperation, he orchestrated its release with the media, hoping the fight could be ended just by declaring victory. The gambit paid off.

Damar’s case would be deliberately done, tricking dissidents into overextending themselves. As I just did.

Maybe not. Habeas corpus and all that. But the shoe fits very well.

One thought on “Obama’s Birth Certificate Meets Damar Hamlin’s Death Certificate

  1. Barry Soetoro had it so rough living with white banksters while attending a $30,000 a year private academy in that racist hellhole Hawaii.
    Only a soft weak and stupid society would elevate this Criminals In Action creation to demigod status.
    Isn’t that odd how banksters and communism always go together like peanut butter and jelly.
    Brandon better slow down or there won’t be anything left for Big Mike to destroy.
    As for the sportsballer it looked suspicious from the start with all the fed minions swooping in at the hospital.
    Maybe some treatment that only apparatchiks get or getting measurements for the deep faking?
    No need to overreact comrades, sportsball fans aren’t that smart.

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