USA Begins the First Round Of Conscription… Like A Ho

The latest insanity from GAE has led me to an epiphany. The reason our rulers are detached from reality is not because they’re diabolists or war-profiteering murderers. (Not all of them, anyway.)

They’re pussies. Psychologically speaking.

Horowitz: National Guard ordering suspended unjabbed soldiers back to duty, under threat and with no back pay

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By Daniel Horowitz, 15 February 2023

Last May, a 20-year-old infantryman in a state guard unit who is the son of one of my podcast listeners, among thousands of others who chose not to inject the gene therapy, had his gear confiscated and was suspended from service. He never heard from his unit commander since then and had obviously moved on with his life, making immutable career changes. It was sad and tragic that he had to abort his military career on account of a shot that even the government concedes can cause myocarditis, particularly for young males, but it was a decision he was forced to accept.

A great evil, and one I still don’t understand. Using your military for medical guinea pigs (if not deliberately poisoning them) while trusting your military honor guards to not drill you in the back, is way more stupid than evil. As in, an evil man would never do that. He needs his enforcers… especially if he plans to slow-genocide the rest of his population.

What kind of man would harm his own bodyguards while actively making enemies? Not a good man. Not an evil man, either.

It’s scary how well that shoe fits, when one stops to think about the possibility of men rejecting Christ and patriarchy to the extent that they become feminized at the level of Proverbs 14:1. “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.

One supposes that it would have been too honest, had the Bidenreich imported the Chinese military to secure D.C. in the wake of J6. As it was, I’m surprised that no fraggings or revolts happened. The likes of Schiff were so eyes-rolled-back, spittle-spewing deranged that they forced those Guardsmen to live in unheated parking garages for the winter of 2020… as punishment for them maybe having voted for Trump.

It remains the greatest display of guilty conscience that I have ever seen. They knew they were guilty. They acted guilty though none pursued. The accusations they projected were like self-indictments. My ultimate… final… impression…

…is that they wanted to be punished. They wanted the Guardsmen to turn on them. Yes, it would have justified their accusations after the fact, but that would not have helped them escape D.C. under the very Trump-Supporter martial law that they ordered, now would it have? The winners would not have been kind while writing the history books. “They ordered us to put them behind razor wire then bullied us until we snapped. Honest! We have video!”

More and more, as I watch Cabal behavior… sabotaging entire industries, mutilating children, betraying allies while planning two-front global thermonuclear war… either they’re diabolists driven insane by desperate haste, and they can’t all be demon-possessed like that, or they’re trying to provoke somebody into stopping them.

The only way to know, is if they whisper “thank you” at the gallows.

Out of nowhere, the 20-year-old discharged soldier received a memorandum from his commander titled, .Notification of Return to Duty Requirements for Soldiers Not Fully Vaccinated for COVID-19..

…The memo begins by referencing the change in policy and first inviting the rejected soldier to come back and resume participation in regular drills and training. Well, that is a reasonable invitation. It would have been nice to offer back pay, but it’s a nice gesture to reinvite them, nonetheless. However, the letter continues to emphatically clarify that this is not a mere invitation; it’s an order. .If you fail to participate in training on or after 20 March 2023 without an approved STA or other exemption you will be considered Absent Without Leave (AWOL) and may become subject to MCMJ or other adverse administration actions..

That has got to be an anomaly. They couldn’t poss… -hic- They absolutely could be that stupid and probably are.

Indeed, it is true that the January 18 memorandum referenced by this letter seemed to indicate that they can be ordered back to duty. “All currently serving nonfederalized Army National Guard and Air National Guard members who are not fully vaccinated for COVID-19, but are otherwise qualified and eligible are no longer prohibited from, and may be directed to resume participation in drills, training and/or other duty conducted under Title 32,. states the memorandum from National Guard Bureau Chief Daniel Hokanson. (Emphasis added.)

However, this is scandalous for the unelected National Guard leadership to take a statute passed by Congress and signed by the president terminating the vaccine mandate, and then order those cast away to return against their will. And to add insult to injury, there is no back pay.

Is GAE engineering a military revolt & tribunal against itself? Because this would be how to do it. Treat military personnel with a conscienceless sadism so complete, that incarceration will no longer be a deterrent.

Do our rulers in D.C. have the exact same mindset as a harpy smashing the family heirlooms because her husband refuses to discipline her?

This revelation comes amid widespread reports that the military leadership continues to discriminate against unvaccinated soldiers. While they are no longer being discharged, deployments, travel, and honors are affected, as well as continuing other restrictions.

Vote harder! HARDER! Speaker McCarthy commands you! Trust the Science!

Yeah, no. This is straight-up conscription & slavery. Like Christianity, the situation is easy to understand and hard to accept:

Cabal: “We need more bodies in uniform to maintain control of our global empire. However, recruitment is way down since we mandated sodomy and involuntary genetic experimentation. We’re vulnerable! Either you find a solution or I find another ass-kissing sycophant.”

Ass-Kissing Pentagon Sycophant: “Technically speaking, those unvaxxed soldiers that we got rid of several years ago are still under military authority. We’ll just reactivate them.”

Cabal: “Exxxcelent! They’re disciplined and already trained! But they’re also Christians willing to suffer for their beliefs. I want them maltreated and shamed and sodomized. After you give them their guns and tanks back, you break their spirits, understand? NO BACK PAY!”

It’s hard to accept that they can be so self-destructively, malignantly, stupidly evil, unless they subconsciously want the predictable consequences.

Even the guilty would be happier, although they might never admit it. There is supposed to be justice in this world, after all; why else does injustice upset us?

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