Stick Some Christ In That Female-Led Revival

We live in one of Christianity’s darkest hours over the last two thousand years. The entire Church closed its doors because the government claimed there was a weird disease going around… the same Church that stayed open during Justinian’s Plague AND the Black Death. Child molestation and genital mutilation have gone from horrific crimes to formal government policy in barely a decade. Marriage is GONE. Fatherhood is a crime. Female rebellion against men, aka Original Sin, is the one and only civil right. Men have lost their careers and been court-martialed for refusing to submit their God-given bodies to plague merchants enjoying blanket liability. Clergy pride themselves on obedience to the State. Entire denominations align with the synagogue of Satan. The Pope isn’t Catholic.

What would a revival look like in Current Year? My guess would be…

…”Not a free concert.”

A nonstop revival breaks out at Kentucky college. Now, it’s viral on TikTok

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By Haadiza Ogwude for Cincinnati Enquirer, 20 February 2023

A religious service at a Christian college in Kentucky has captured the attention of social media users across the globe.

During a scheduled chapel service at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, Feb. 8, a religious revival broke out. Over a week later, the service is still going strong, with folks traveling from as far as Singapore to join.

Videos of students participating in the nonstop prayer and worship service have made their way to social media, sparking international attention. As of Feb. 16, posts with the #AsburyRevival hashtag have generated 34.5 million views on TikTok.

The service experienced its largest crowd yet Feb. 14, with over 3,000 attendees, two-thirds of which were from out of state, NBC reports. The crowd was so large the revival had to expand to four additional facilities in the college town.

Sigh, Christian revival does not resemble a flash mob.

We all have Bibles, yes? We have dozens of recorded encounters with the supernatural. Ecstasy and joy are the rarest outcomes. I look for spontaneous confessions because increased awareness of our internal darkness is a routine consequence of exposure to the divine.

Whoever became a Christian thinking it would be FUN? Our most common symbol is the Roman equivalent to the hangman’s noose. Christ did it, now it’s your turn! …yeah, it’s kind of a downer. But it’s also the truth and worth the cost.

Skeptics often view revivals as “manifestations of superstition, hysteria and social contagion,” per the Lexington Herald Leader. Others view them as reactions to major social events. But for believers, revivals are renewals of a person’s faith.

Yeah, basically. Which is why I’m suspicious. Out-of-state tourists don’t need to fly in to Asbury, Kentucky, to get their lives back on track with God, and one-off events rarely do the trick anyway.

Is repentance and confession happening?

Line Stretches Half a Mile as the Fruit of Revival Is on Display at Asbury: ‘A Very, Very Healing Experience’

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By Wendy Griffith, 17 February 2023

WILMORE, Kentucky . The revival at Asbury University is now in its 10th day as thousands of people continue to make the spiritual pilgrimage to this town in hopes of encountering more of God.

The revival is now officially in overflow mode with the line of people to get inside stretching nearly a half mile long. CBN News spoke with folks from all over the country who were waiting patiently to get into Hughes Auditorium here at Asbury so they can experience revival for themselves.

Andrew Hager of Lexington, Kentucky said, “God is here! God is here and He’s working right now, come and get you some, you hear me.”

Yeeeah… I gotta get me some Jeebus goo before it goes out of style. On second thought, who’s Andrew Hagar and why is he offering me a hit?

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14 December 2022

VERSAILLES, Ky. (LEX 18) . Andrew Hager has turned his life around from decades of drug addiction and crime.

Hager now focuses on helping people heal from the disease of addiction. He spent decades in jails throughout central Kentucky for more than 20 years. Next February will mark nine years clean and sober.

“Oh, it makes me so proud,” said Woodford County Jailer Michele Rankin. “It makes me so proud.”

Rankin knows Hager from his days as an inmate. Now, he returns to the Woodford County Detention Center to inspire current inmates that they can live more promising and fulfilling lives.

That’s nice. Honestly, it is. But… ever notice that all clergy are from one of two moulds? Either clerical work was their goal from an early age, and Scripture alone should be sufficient warning about the behavior of formal priesthoods, or they’re broken men who with the Holy Spirit’s help, find the strength to maintain a daily routine.

What about us righteous men who were ruined for doing right? There’s not a single clergyman from our ranks.

Other than Artur Pawlowski.

Mark Vaught came from Cincinnati, Ohio. “When I was saved I got the Holy Spirit, but always looking for more and really hoping when I walk through the doors, it’s poured out on me,” he told CBN News.

Not revival.

Daniel Moye, a 24-year-old Asbury Seminary student, told us, “It’s been a really hard couple of years, and not just for me but for a lot of my friends, and I just felt like the Lord was releasing me from a lot of bitterness and anger that I’ve had just about all kinds of stuff, even some of it towards God and so I would say for me personally, the biggest word I can use is that it’s been a very, very healing experience for me.”

No course correction. No repentance. Not revival.

21-year-old Student Body President Allison Perfater was there when revival broke out.

“You just didn’t want to leave. It’s not that anyone was saying ‘oh let’s see how long we can last,’ we just didn’t want to go. I came in, I had a lot of like anger issues and like really struggled with my anger and I was able to talk with God first and that never would have happened on my own time,” she said.

SHE said?

Had this been a genuine revival, President Allison would have resigned immediately, quit school and begun wearing a head covering. There is no place in Christianity for female leaders, full stop.

Instead, she gave an interview to Tucker Carlson.

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Fox News host Tucker Carlson described the nonstop Christian meeting that has been taking place at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, as “amazing” on his Wednesday program, adding it is a much-needed counterweight to all the evil in the world.

Yeah, baby, some feel-goodism will put those Cultural Marxists in their place!

Carlson interviewed Alison Perfater, the student body president at the university, to get her firsthand account of what exactly is happening.

He began the segment arguing it’s getting harder and harder not to categorize all that is happening in the world in theological terms, like good and evil.

And a lot of things out there are “just evil..

.And the good news is a lot of people are starting to think about what happens when you die, and they’re becoming much more interested in the spiritual life, which has been basically extinguished in the public square for a long time,. Carlson contended.

A brief time, actually. It’s hard to believe how fast things are happening.

Carlson confirmed that the whole thing began during a regular chapel service when a young man got up and transparently confessed some of his sins. The atmosphere then changed.

Okay, that could be the start of a legit revival. But I suspect he wasn’t confessing sodomy and plagiarism, but rather, being attracted to girls that didn’t like him. Must be the cynic in me.

Meanwhile, Perfater meeting with Carlson is consistent with reports that this is a student-led revival. Children running the show is a bad sign. Student LGBT activists have attacked at Asbury in the recent past, for example staging a walkout in October 2022, so this could easily be a form of Convergence.

.That.s completely what happened,. Perfater answered. .For seemingly no reason at first on Wednesday, February 8 it didn’t end. That’s kind of the logistical side of what’s been going on..

.On the deeper side of things, what’s been happening here since Wednesday is there’s a young army of believers who are rising to claim Christianity, the faith, as their own, as a young generation and as a free generation, and that’s why people cannot get enough,. she said.

.That.s amazing,. Carlson responded, adding that “everything finds equilibrium..

Perhaps he meant the younger generation had been pushed so hard by institutions toward a secular, statist worldview, there was bound to be a counter-reaction.

This Jeebus party is not what the counter-reaction will look like. There will be a high death toll. All the thieves and rebels, feral woman and murdering bureaucrats, there is only one righteous punishment for many of their crimes.

Christianity is not a joke. It’s not Sunday Morning Nightclub for skanks. It’s not forgiveness for the unrepentant. God only knows when the tide of wickedness will turn, but it WILL turn.

Perfater offered that the lockdowns of 2020 impacted her generation a lot.

.And so you have to wonder, .What’s going to break?. In this case, the Holy Spirit has interceded for us here at Asbury and across the nation,. she said.

As bad as the Plandemic was for kids, it’s not as bad as the idea that female leadership is a good thing in Christian contexts. All that the Sodomites, spiteful mutants and bureaucrats have done, was take advantage of the opportunity presented by mass apostasy in the form of female empowerment.

THAT is when we’ll have revival. When boring, righteous men are great again, and Student Body President Alison is ashamed of her past as a false man.

5 thoughts on “Stick Some Christ In That Female-Led Revival

  1. “Sigh, Christian revival does not resemble a flash mob.”

    You’re on fire.

    “We all have Bibles, yes?”

    We should. Gutenberg was a million years ago.

    “Whoever became a Christian thinking it would be FUN? Our most common symbol is the Roman equivalent to the hangman.s noose. Christ did it, now it.s your turn! .yeah, it.s kind of a downer. But it.s also the truth and worth the cost.”

    Oof. A lot of truth for one blog post.

  2. I confess I watched The Kingsman movie and I recall the scene in a KENTUCKY Church where they all go bananas on each other. Hmm. Bet some of the psychos would really get a kick out of triggering that. Can you imagine Francis Chan vs Rick Warren. Sorry, couldn.t help myself.

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