The Dilemma Trap: DeSantis’ Coalition Of the Shareholders

The devil loves the dilemma trap: giving people two opposing options, both of which are evil, then playing one side off the other. This tactic is so often employed that I’ve become automatically suspicions of any socio-political arrangement that offers only two options. A major, current example is the SWIFT banking system versus the BRICS banking system. Which one is not the New World Order? Trick question, the answer is Bitcoin. And I’m just waiting to hear how BRICS is as opposed to Bitcoin as GAE.

We have no allies in the halls of power. One that often looks good, Gov. DeSantis of Florida, is merely another Zionist and political animal. He just announced a coalition of right-leaning state governments to oppose the ESG agenda… and in doing so, proves that he, like nearly all Republicans, misses the point so completely and carefully that ignorance is not an option.

The joint announcement:

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March 16, 2023

This month, Congress exercised its powers under the Congressional Review Act to disapprove of the Department of Labor Rule relating to “Prudence and Loyalty in Selecting Plan Investments and Exercising Shareholder Rights.. Yet again, President Biden put his political agenda above the wellbeing and individual freedoms of hardworking Americans. We as freedom loving states can work together and leverage our state pension funds to force change in how major asset managers invest the money of hardworking Americans, ensuring corporations are focused on maximizing shareholder value, rather than the proliferation of woke ideology.

I boldfaced the fails. One, this “coalition of the pension shareholders” is only concerned for its own welfare. Worse and Two, their goal is mercenary profit. Nothing matters but money! Which is how, for example, the American railroads disintegrated into “East Palestine”: maximizing shareholder returns on investment is best done at the cost of preventative maintenance and redundant safety procedures.

This is the dilemma trap I described at the start. We’re being given the choice between woke ideology and no ideology. Both are evil. We DO need an ideology that overrides the mercenary instincts of our corpocracy. That ideology needs to be Western Civilization in general and Christianity specifically, and the only reason I don’t put Christ first is because I cannot demand unbelievers act like believers.

(I could demand it, of course, but that’s what Satan and Mohammed do. They only care about the externals of belief. Satan even prefers if you believe differently from your actions. You hypocrite.)

It’s not enough to “stop feminism”. We need patriarchy.

It’s not enough to stop the worship of government as God. We need to publicly worship Christ as God.

It’s not enough to defund ESG. The perpetrators must be punished.

And it goes without saying, that it’s not enough for the Deep State to protect itself. Those government pensions must end entirely because government pensions, in nearly all cases, are pure evil. They reward loyalty to government-the-bureaucracy instead of government as an end to something more important than government.

These taxpayer-backed guarantees of cradle-to-grave benevolence are what enable government to be worshiped as God.

In response to Congress taking action to keep politics out of Americans. retirement funds, President Biden threatened to veto this measure, which puts the pensions of thousands of hardworking Americans at risk to the radical environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) movement, rather than prioritizing investment decisions on the highest rate of return. Retirees, already suffering from the reckless fiscal policies of the Biden Administration, will continue to experience diminished returns on the investment of their hard-earned money while the corporate elite continue to use their economic power to impose policies on the country that they could not achieve at the ballot box.

Cry me a river, pensioners. I wasn’t even alive when you signed me up to pay for your retirement. I don’t even want there to be a pension for me. If there’s a worse fate than becoming dependent upon my Christ-hating regime, it’s legitimizing their crimes with my willing participation.

I’d rather die penniless and then stand witness on Judgment Day. I say that knowing there’s a good chance that God will call me on it. He will probably want such witnesses, now won’t He? People who were forced to pay into the corrupt pension systems, but who refused to justify the thefts after the fact by taking their turn?

The proliferation of ESG throughout America is a direct threat to the American economy, individual economic freedom, and our way of life, putting investment decisions in the hands of the woke mob to bypass the ballot box and inject political ideology into investment decisions, corporate governance, and the
everyday economy.

Screw your economy, DeSantis. I want my country back, and my country is not a continent-sized kosher bodega. My country is white and Christian and owned by human beings, not corporations that, by design, value neither their customers nor their employees. Shareholder value uber alles!

To protect individuals [GQ: read, government employees] from the ESG movement that threatens the vitality of the American economy and Americans. economic freedom, we agree to lead state-level efforts [GQ: QED], including:

I. Protecting taxpayers from ESG influences across state systems: Among other actions, this may include blocking the use of ESG in all investment decisions at the state and local level, ensuring that only financial factors are considered to maximize the return on investment, protecting retirees and taxpayers alike.

This may also include eliminating consideration of ESG factors by state and local governments when issuing bonds or prohibiting state fund managers from considering ESG factors when investing taxpayer money.

This doesn’t even qualify as whistling past the graveyard. [GQ points at last week’s banking system failure.] The Village People Of Florida can rest assured that IF their pensions exist next year, they’ll have cleaned out their children at the highest possible rate of return.

II. Protecting citizens from ESG influences in the financial sector: Among other actions, this may include banning the financial sector from considering so called “Social Credit Scores” in banking and lending practices aimed to prevent citizens from obtaining financial services like loans, lines of credit, and bank accounts. This may also include stopping financial institutions from discriminating against customers for their religious, political, or social beliefs, such as owning a firearm, securing the border, or increasing our energy independence.

Thwarting ESG isn’t the way to do any of that. You want legal firearms, government officials? Then legalize them. You want energy independence? Build more power plants. You want secure borders? Then sink the boats, to quote another blogger.

You want these problems solved, DeSantis & friends? Then FRACKING SOLVE THEM ALREADY. The solution lies on the ground in front of you like a hundred-dollar bill. Just… pick… it… up… already.

Oh, but that would endanger your cushy career, not to mention your pension and cocktail invites from the Correct People.

As Governors, we are committed to protecting the interests of our constituents and will keep fighting the Administration’s decision to jeopardize retirement savings for millions of Americans to promote far left priorities.

“As functionally Godless economic units, we are committed to living a mortal life as long and comfortable as possible, and we shall… as formal policy… do nothing that imperils that comfortable slide into oblivion. Neither the religion of Marx nor the religion of Christ shall be tolerated to interfere with financializing our childrens’ futures for our present-day gain.”

That’s what we not-pensioners hear when we’re told about “highest rate of return for our retirements”. It’s not the currently retiring people who are going to pay those maximized rates unrestrained by ideology, now is it?

If no mortal relief comes for Clown World then at least we’ll get the spectacle of Marxists and Zionists pointing fingers at each other on Judgment Day. Maybe I won’t be needed as a witness after all, as they compete to be the lesser evil, not realizing how absurd that would sound even before a human judge. “I squeezed as much money out of my country as I could, but at least I didn’t push the ESG agenda! That means you have to let me off! You MUST approve of my conduct, Judge, because the Village People already do!”

One thought on “The Dilemma Trap: DeSantis’ Coalition Of the Shareholders

  1. Will Ronny D get (s)elected before failed nation status and the Blue Helmets march on the streets?
    Big Corporate is much bigger than Ronny D and he is going to need a good yarmulke stockpile in order to be preezy of the steezy.

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