The Latest From WEF: “You Vill Heat Zee Bugs”

It’s not enough that people won’t be allowed to leave their homes once Satan takes his throne. People won’t be allowed to survive in their homes, either.

What’s it going to take for Normie to understand, that he’s the carbon the Regime is trying to reduce? We’ve even ruled out chest pains!

Energy Technologies 2030: Decarbonising Heating

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June 2021

Scale required . heat pumps meet <3% of global heat needs in buildings. China and North America account for 80% of domestic heat pump market, currently 8.1m and 2.7m respectively.

18m households purchased heat pumps in 2018. Heat pump deployment will need to increase to 253m units by 2050.The impact of heat pumps on carbon emissions will vary depending on their time of use and efficiency but research estimates savings of 46-54% compared to natural gas, and they will likely be a core component of home heating decarbonisation.

The idea of heat pumps is that the ground is a different tempterature than the air, so you can change the air temperature by pumping it through underground pipes. Perhaps a solar array-style setup on the roof, too.

In other words, you vill heat zee bugs!

One wonders why such a beautiful, efficient technology wasn’t voluntarily adopted until megalomaniacal sociopaths forced it? Eh, maybe not. To ask the question is to answer it.

This post is mainly so you can connect your government’s sudden interest in heat pump technology with the WEF’s COP27 conference in November 2022. Also, I get to mock some carbon-tax-exempt, sacred cows.

Incentive-based policy frameworks should target upstream, midstream and
downstream markets to achieve successful transformation. Alignment of primary energy subsidies is required to remove distortion in retail prices, but reforms require care and consideration to ensure the vulnerable and fuel poor are not penalized.

Poor Bill Gates, he’s been so abuuused for millennia that the least we can do is let him keep that fleet of private jets even though they’re why the planet is about to explode. For his consolation in infirmity, of course. Soggy manboobs can happen to anybody!

Meanwhile, who knew that the Rothschilds were American Indians? They must be, why else are they getting all those profitable, race-based exemptions?

Learning from Sweden

Sweden has the highest carbon tax on natural gas in Europe . which generated .2.4bn in 2018.

Sweden successfully built low-carbon heat markets through carbon tax, policy stability and discrete subsides for heat pumps . 1.8m heat pumps.

Yay! Sweden won’t freeze to death anymore because it jacked up the cost of heating! How is that working out for them?

Winter Power Shortages to Create Serious Risks for Sweden

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19 September 2022

On Sunday, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) warned that patients on life-sustaining medical equipment may be in danger this winter as there is a possibility of power cuts in Sweden due to the energy crunch.

“There is always a risk for people who need life-sustaining machines or are in home health care if there is a power outage,” Jan-Olof Olsson, the MSB manager of supply preparedness, told Swedish Television (SVT).

Even though hospitals have backup electricity systems, there will be a delay before they are engaged, and this could have dire consequences even if the delay is brief. Furthermore, power cuts could cause other problems such as jammed electronic locks, non-functioning traffic lights, and heating issues.

Maybe making literally everything an extension of the power grid isn’t such a… hot idea. Why are they doing such an obviously stupid thing?

The Tech Behind Microsoft’s Sustainable Data Center Plan in Sweden

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By Wylie Wong, 14 December 2020

Microsoft plans to open new sustainable data centers in Sweden next year to meet increasing demand for cloud services in the country. It will be the first deployment of a system that uses Azure IoT technology that monitors energy consumption to match it with renewable energy from its power company Vattenfall on an hourly basis, ensuring that its data centers use 100 percent renewable energy, the company said.

Powering data centers with renewable energy directly and around the clock is a complex puzzle some of the largest operators have been working hard to solve in recent years.

The problem here is not ‘enough energy’. The problem is ‘can you prove that this kilowatt-hour was organically farmed?’

And the solution, is a massive data center that monitors (and shuts off when needed) the home heating supply of every person in Sweden. In the Swedish winter.

Data center operators in Europe buy Guarantees of Origin (GOs), which are electronic documents that prove that the energy they consume comes from renewable sources. Historically, the industry has used GOs to match energy consumption with renewable energy production over a one-year period, according to Vattenfall, so the ability by the Vattenfall 24/7 Matching solution to perform the matching on an hourly basis is a huge improvement.

That’s a pretty obvious Trojan horse you got there, Billy Gates Of Hell. “Our new Internet-of-Things cloud computing data center will monitor your entire society’s energy usage in real-time in order to… uhhh… ensure your energy is green on an hourly basis instead of an annual basis. Not to play God. Of course not! Why would we even think of such a thing? Pay no attention to our founder and benefactor’s third attempt to blot out the sun, which he named SATAN.”

(Aside: do you need proof that Google was originally founded by the Alphabet Agencies? When it needed to reincorporate in order to duck a basketful of lawsuits, Google changed its name to… Alphabet. How randomly consistent with the conspiracy theories! It’s right there, hidden in plain sight.)

The technology allows Vattenfall to more precisely understand its customers. renewable energy demands, while allowing Microsoft and other Vattenfall customers to validate energy consumed every hour is renewable.

Microsoft and Vattenfall initially piloted the hourly matching technology at their respective Swedish headquarters in 2019.

Is this centrally-dictated heat-pump technology being introduced elsewhere?

Residential Heat Pumps Could Cut U.S. Energy Consumption In Half

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By Editor of, 17 March 2023

In November of last year, some of the greatest minds and biggest influencers in the global energy sector gathered in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt for the 27th annual Conference of the Parties (COP27) to discuss climate change.

Houston, we got a Kool-Aid drinker!

Already, there is a lot of chatter about energy pumps. In the United States, the Biden administration’s landmark Inflation Reduction Act has earmarked $500 million in tax breaks for U.S. residents who install heat pumps in their houses. Tesla, often an industry trendsetter, has talked about getting into the heating up heat pump market. In Europe, annual sales of heat pumps have gone through the roof since the start of the energy crisis spurred by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. According to some figures, heat pumps have already prevented 8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions in Europe. All of this is a promising development, but the kind of climate-saving heat pump revolution described by CleanTechnica is going to require a takeover of epic proportions that we have yet to see.

Yeah, a Gates Foundation-sized takeover. Or a massive, engineered economic collapse.

And how are those newfangled heat pumps in inappropriate geological locations working out? Let’s go to the customers who, long after the installation of their IoT-enabled, big, beautiful heat pumps, have FINALLY been consulted for their opinion!

Letters: The heat pump drive is the product of a half-baked energy strategy

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Letters to The Editor Of the Telegraph, 17 March 2023

SIR . Matthew Lynn (Comment, March 16) is spot on in his analysis of the heat pump fiasco. It is a perfect example of this Government’s half-baked policy-making.

Where is all the electricity going to come from (not just to power the heat pumps, but also the electric cars we are going to be forced to buy)?

The Government has shown support for small modular reactors, a sensible solution. But even on this it is dithering, opening up a competition to build them (report, March 16) when Rolls-Royce is ready to go.

Alan Frobisher
Ely, Cambridgeshire

Interesting. Everything is being made electricity-dependent even as the supply of electricity is being strangled.

SIR . Some years ago, in the United States, we lived in a new-build house with an air-source heat pump.

It was the most dreadful method of heating a home we have ever experienced, failing to heat the property to a comfortable level in a reasonable time frame. We had to install a wood-burning stove to compensate. The outside unit was unsightly and noisy, and the ducting at floor level simply created draughts.

How anyone can think that these devices are the future is beyond me.

William Sykes
Malmesbury, Wiltshire

The trick is to already be heating your portfolio of luxury villas with the burning souls of sex-trafficked children. Remember, ye globalists, the two principles for which you sold your souls! You shall be as God… and… there is no God.

SIR . My experience of air-source heat pumps is that they work fine in relatively warm weather, but in temperatures below 5C they don’t provide any worthwhile heat.

So effectively in the winter, when you need heat most, they are useless.

Graham Mitchell
Haslemere, Surrey

That fits my uninformed assumption on heat pumps. Ground is usually colder than air, and is rarely room-temperature or above.

SIR . As demonstrated in your article (.Fitting a heat pump has been an expensive waste of time.,, March 12), there is a pressing need for more skilled workers to retrofit Britain’s historic buildings.

A report published last week by Historic England, Grosvenor, Peabody, the Crown Estate and the National Trust highlights that this country has only half the skilled workers necessary to take on this task.

We need more than 105,000 new workers, including plumbers and electricians, to work solely on decarbonising our historic buildings for the next three decades in order to meet our 2050 net zero target. This is both a challenge and an opportunity to boost economic output and create jobs, while also future-proofing our precious heritage.

Ian Morrison
Director of Policy and Evidence, Historic England
London EC4

“We don’t have the people to solve the unaffordable problem that didn’t exist before the Bolsheviks arrived.”

The heartache of Clown World, is that everybody knows which carbon needs reducing, but it’s the carbon running the circus.

2 thoughts on “The Latest From WEF: “You Vill Heat Zee Bugs”

  1. How vill vee heat zem without das wood burning stove? (honk!)
    Control freaks always end up controlling nothing.
    Not even a dank fetid bunker in Berlin while a berserk artillery barrage and 24-7 bombing goes on.
    Dumbed down dullards will never figure it out as they aren’t meant to.
    Some of them would probably even sacrifice themselves like that scene in Conan where they leap to their doom on the command of a serpent.
    Those who are awake were probably always that way.
    Thank You God.

  2. From what I have read, a heat pump that would work in say the Rocky Mountain West would cost close to $30,000, vs a natgas furnace which can be had for 4-5K. The people proposing this are deluded. And yeah, where will the juice come from?

    Bottom line: they want us all to freeze.

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