A Misgendered False Flag: Audrey Hale (Was/Were)

We know sexual behavior. Women prefer serial monogamy; men prefer harems on tap. This also applies to homicide. Female multiple-murderers usually kill one at a time and in the context of a relationship. Men will bang anything that moves, subject only to reloading.

This pattern has held into Current Year America, when firearms are readily available. Women STILL prefer indirect violence such as poison and sabotage, and prefer to kill one at a time. It’s men who are, still, the mass murderers with high body counts.

The recent Nashville shooter, female-towards-male tranny Audrey Hale, went on a killing spree. There are three possibilities.

  1. Audrey Hale is the first female to commit male-pattern mass murder.
  2. Hormone therapy masculinized Audrey Hale into male patterns of behavior.
  3. False Flag.

Let’s rule out this being a freak [cough] incident. Nothing is happening by accident these days.

Hormones do alter behavior, particularly emotions. But they do not alter brain structures. I have anecdotal accounts of female bodybuilders who were unwise with testosterone. Their bodies masculinized but their minds never did. A quote, without citation, from such a female who ended up with male-level libido: “You men are ALWAYS like this?! How do you LIVE?!”

Those accounts are hardly conclusive, of course. We’re about to learn more about teenage hormone dysfunction than we ever should have been able to, so maybe I’ll be proven wrong… but based on circulating pictures, I don’t believe Audrey was on brain-changing high levels of testosterone regardless. No facial hair, no acne.

What about false flag? Let’s see what’s trending on Twitter.

You’ve got to be kidding me. A call for an explicitly violent protest at the U.S. Supreme Court… on April Fool’s Day? That gets followed by a tranny mass-murder on Christians? We got ourselves a windup toy.

Somebody with a sick sense of humor is trying to provoke Christians into attending a rally in D.C. that is preapproved for punitive law enforcing in the most GAE jurisdiction in North America. Perhaps the real lesson here, is that sexually damaged people are the most easily programmed. The last three shooters being trannies lends credence to that.

This is confirmed by Hale bringing, per media accounts, “two military-style rifles” to the shooting. That is tactically stupid. There are only disadvantage to having two rifles at one time, and how did a student-slash-graphics illustrator on hormone therapy afford approximately $4,000 of firepower? Well, there is one advantage to having two AR-15s in hand. Scary optics for hysterical fools.

4 thoughts on “A Misgendered False Flag: Audrey Hale (Was/Were)

  1. I suppose that having a chick (sort of) be the shooter in this event was TPTB’s idea of “varying the script.” Unfortunately for them, the rest of the scenario was boilerplate. Still, probably well enough executed to fool the majority of the marching morons.

  2. There was no doubt the decision to wear a red ballcap was deliberate. Same for the designer camo pants. The concealment illogic of wearing a leaf pattern camo bottom and and a bright red hat to elective indoor combat demonstrates that the intent was not tactical, but instead to visually represent a white male Maga shooter, despite that being the polar opposite of the truth.

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