Our Female-Run Military Admits It No Longer Understands Honor

I would not fault Con-servatives for not understanding what’s going on in Current Year, except they reject my explanation so quickly and confidently that their self-deception cannot actually be a deception.

“Why doesn’t society work anymore?”

“Because we’re ruled by women and foreigners.”

“No! You are wrong! Why doesn’t society work anymore?”

“Could you maybe spend one moment…”


Today, USAF Retired Colonel Ulrich and her all-female colleagues complain that the military no longer understands the concept of honor.

Me hairy caveman, make helpful suggestions where to stick it, ug ug!


h ttps://warontherocks.com/2023/04/renewing-democracy-through-oath-education-at-the-air-force-academy/

By Marybeth Ulrich, Lynne Chandler Garcia and Sydney Fitch

“I do solemnly swear to uphold and defend the Matriarchy from all enemies patrician and patriarchal… to prevent transsexual men from usurping the birthright glory of female achievement… and to wage as many Forever Wars against civilian populations as it takes to make the world’s children play nice with each other.”

America is experiencing declining trust in democratic institutions and an erosion of the democratic norms essential to maintaining them.

The U.S. military, which historically has enjoyed the status of being the most trusted national institution, has seen its trust levels decline in recent years.

“Why don’t you trust us anymore?”

“Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, all the way back to 9/11 when you waged war on Iraq because the Saudis blew up New York. Dare I mention Israel and the petrodollar, and by the way, where are your balls?”

“I bet you don’t think we’re credentialed enough. Is that it?”

Some attribute this to the perceived politicization of the armed forces. Others question whether the military’s professional ethos has been compromised to the point where it has become a political actor that increasingly strays from its nonpartisan ethic. Still others point to the over-representation of veterans in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol and conclude that the U.S. military may not be relied upon to uphold the rule of law.

Aaand some washed-up, old-time, mean-spirited Ozark geezers remember that the military worked back when it was MALE.

Speaking of, a MAN would not proceed to finding a solution without first concluding what the problem is. “Our aircraft is losing altitude. Some people think the left engine exploded but others think the hydraulics caught fire, so let’s increase power to the other engine. It could only help. Thank God that our pilot is precocious for a six-year-old!”

The status of the American military profession is declining and likely contributing to the armed-forces recruiting shortfalls. One piece of restoring public trust is to examine how we educate servicemembers in the professional norms related to military service in a democracy, starting with their oath to uphold the constitution.

The stupid, it HURTS! Which is it? “Always keep your promises” or “the right thing to do is the popular thing”? “I pledge allegiance to the Consensus of the United States…”

And which Constitution? The one the Framers wrote, which was NOT a democracy, or the one the Yankees wrote after democratically scraping the Confederacy off their boot heels? The Confederacy, Amerindians, Spain, Mexico, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Japan, Central America, South America, Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq again, Afghanistan, Russia, and soon, China and Mexico (again)?

At the Air Force Academy, we have worked to incorporate oath education into crafting a renewed professional ethos that would keep servicemembers focused on the norms of behavior in a military accountable to elected civilian leaders. Through these efforts, we believe that the military’s current “warrior ethos” can be complemented with an equally important “democracy ethos.” The Air Force Academy’s Oath Project is a cadet-led initiative to improve understanding of the Oath of Office among military students at academies and professional development institutions. This program provides education focused on civil-military norms and the importance of upholding the values inherent in an apolitical military. We encourage military leadership to embrace expansion of the program at other institutions and encourage Congress to support these efforts through increased funding of civil-military education programs.

Oath-taking is like Christianity. It’s not hard to understand, unless you want it to be.

But for the oath to work, the men and women who uphold it also need to understand it. Two years ago, the few cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy enrolled in a political science civil-military relations elective questioned the adequacy of what they learned about the oath in their pre-commissioning education.

If there was any justice in North America, the people slaughtered by the United States Armed Forces would be the people who need a political science class to properly understand the oaths they take. “I’m not educated enough to keep my word of honor!” bang bang and God bless America.

WHICH IS IT?! “The Air Force has been politicized” or “my Air Force Academy’s political science curriculum needs more funding”?

Even though [my students] were within months of becoming commissioned as 2nd lieutenants in the U.S. Air Force, at the beginning of the course they could not articulate what it meant “to support and defend the Constitution” beyond understanding that military members must obey the lawful orders promulgated by the military and civilian authorities with command responsibility for them.

That’s because the “all enemies foreign and domestic” clause includes many sitting members of Clowngress and a big chunk of “mil chain of command. They don’t want their liveried windup toys questioning their ultimate loyalties. But I don’t advocate any drastic action. The window of opportunity has passed.

The vaulted status of the American military profession stems from the public’s recognition of servicemembers. professional expertise and years of education.


Stupid females! You obsess over smartness because if you were WISE, you’d marry young and keep the home instead of enjoying a fabulous career in the prestigious Chair Force. And deep down, you know it.

Deep down, you love the lie because you hate the truth, that you should never have been allowed to wear the uniform. You women are not men and never will be. Ulrich’s entire career was a lie.

I am a nobody who routinely outperforms world-famous PhDs because I have one single piece of WISDOM, not gained in any institution of higher learning, that dicks are not chicks. Who knew, right? Not the biologists!

A deeper understanding of the national purpose and the commitment to preserve the democratic character of the nation through their oath contributes to military effectiveness and will give U.S. military members an edge in future conflicts waged against autocracies.

The national purpose is to steal, kill and destroy the entire planet, now including North America itself, in the names of Molech, Talmud and Mommy Loves You.

Although I admit, I do look forward to the inevitable matchup between a South American cartel backed by the Deep State, and the Hair Force backed by remedial classes in political science. “You aren’t literate enough to smash my skull op…”

4 thoughts on “Our Female-Run Military Admits It No Longer Understands Honor

  1. Honor is loyalty to the truth. And the truth is what ever subjective communist rubbish that is in style today. Since lots of our younguns’ have never heard the truth, they just spout whatever lies are in fashion, as they were never taught to think either. We have been set up by the wokesters to fail big, and our military cannot defend this country anymore.

  2. I cannot imagine ANYONE wanting to see a “strong” military defending this woke, Clown World country that has supplanted the American nation.

    “Enjoy the Decline” is definitely the operative phrase here. I, for one, am looking forward to seeing the spectacle of the GQT (Girl/Queer/Tranny) U.S. military trying to take on both China and Russia.

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