Peerage And the Bell-Curve Split

It’s been remarked upon by a number of sources, that most of the opposition to the managerial state’s Covid Coup were both the smartest and dumbest fringes of the general public. Who could have guessed that the common ground between Stephen Hawking and Uncle Floyd would be love for truth, fun and oxygen?

Actually… the common ground is that civilization was built for NEITHER Hawking NOR Floyd. Being outsiders gave them an advantage in noticing evil on the inside, because they were not invested in the status quo.

By necessity, society is built for the average person. Most government services exist where most of the need is. Most people live where the most social services are. Rules are made for the benefit of as much of society as possible, which, mathematically speaking, is the area underneath the bell curve… which is mostly around the middle, aka the Normal.

People know this, subconsciously if not consciously. Normie knows that society was built for HIM, not the glandular freak on the left nor the brainitor on the right, so it’s a natural assumption that whatever the authorities do will be to his benefit first and foremost.

This is the driving force between a great many of social ills. The Oppenheimers are not going to believe that the newfangled welfare state was created for his benefit. Neither do the gong farmers love and trust the sources of all that downward-flowing excrement. But if the Regime has a plan to “save society”, Normie’s gonna read between the lines and smirk.

There has always been a subtle pact between the Normies and authorities, to build civilization at the expense of malcontents and outliers. This has a few implications.

  1. Most obviously for Current Year’s purpose, Normies are the ones who have the most trouble grokking “they are lying you”. That subtle pact brings the presumption that the deal is still on. It’s easy to notice that the government is acting against you when it always has been.

  2. Which in turn, is why Normies trust the bureaucrats’ say-so over the eggheads’ facts and the blakks’ memories of Tuskegee Airmen. They have not yet been wronged… and reasonably assume they never will be, because civilization would burn if the government betrayed literally everybody.

  3. There is nothing dissidents can do, politically, to solve the situation. We don’t have the numbers. The situation will change only when Normie realizes and accepts that for the first time in recent history, the authorities are betraying their own meal ticket.

  4. That realization been a long time in coming because Original Sin. Women are much more average than men. Geniuses and nimrods are overwhelmingly male, while the few women not close to ‘ordinary’ are driven by herd instinct to fake it.

  5. Combining female averageness with female desire for authoritarian masters, the social threat of emancipating women becomes obvious. “Society exists for the children!” no, society should exist for the men who build and maintain it.

And lastly, 6. by the time Normie wakes up to the fact of dissidents being right, he’s going to need to eat a lot of crow. Humans have trouble admitting they’ve been wrong for many years.

I don’t have a solution. The historical solution is that when enough Normal men are left poor & sexless, they will take by force what they cannot trade for by participation. Outliers, typically, know they are outliers and reach some level of compromise with the status quo… the alternative being a fight against literally everybody.

I’m just saying, the reason the smartest and dumbest were the strongest opponents of the managerial coup is because we were never “stakeholders” in the first place, to use the WEF’s dehumanizing language.

We can still theorize about what a recovered civilization will look like. Obviously, women must be submitted to male authority, but a generalization of that statement would be “dissidents need to be included in society, too”.

The way to do that is the middle class. Men who don’t have a lot of power, but DO have a lot of autonomy and enough wealth to make critical decisions for themselves. The ultra-poor don’t have choices and the ultra-rich don’t have feedback on the consequences of their choices. Meaning both monetary and social wealth… the middle class is not a caste.

It’s fair to say that when you reach a certain level of poverty, you stop trying to improve yourself (because you can’t) and instead, try to find somebody powerful to champion you. That’s the agenda behind WEF “stakeholder” language… humans are just commodities, livestock, so you deal with the rancher instead of the cattle.

Conversely, when you reach a certain level of wealth, managing your wealth becomes a full-time job. This is why all the rich people are bureaucrats or bankers, and never engineers or truck drivers. It’s not that engineering and transportation cannot be profitable; it’s that they cannot be iteratively profitable. “I make money by making money” versus “I make money by patenting new inventions”.

I call this the Game Of Kings And Pawns. People reduced to pawns demand a king; people who ascend to nobility, are driven to ever-greater power & wealth. The middle class are peers of each other. They offer neither Kings for the pawns not pawns for the Kings, and thus are hated by both.

We cannot simply outlaw being wealthy, of course. Whoever’s job it is to confiscate the wealth would have the same iteratively-wealthy situation. Neither can we mandate self-improvement.

This is a role for Christianity, in my opinion. God is a great equalizer because He doesn’t change and doesn’t play favorites, and the problem to be addressed is society being divided into mutually hostile camps defined by self-interests to be achieved at the expense of the other camps’ self-interests. That is a cannibal society.

The predictable winner of such a society will be the Normie-Government partnership because it’ll have critical mass. Until democracy gets fortified enough that Normie is no longer needed, and disposed of by being partitioned into still more factions.

The poor and the rich, the normal and the circus freak are all equal before God. Wealth and smarts and social status (or lack thereof) do not impress the Creator Of All. But no, today’s Church preaches that we’re equal in ways that we cannot ever be… men and women, Christ and Pharisee, the various races of humanity… and is treacherously silent about achieving equality in ways that we can… social and economic standing.

How is abandoning the Godly concept of “we are peers before an impartial God” working out for you, ye Churches? Oh, that’s right… you got classified as a nonessential business by your humanist King. Perhaps like God, you shouldn’t play favorites. Even God listens to His critics.

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