What ELSE is Causing Male Loneliness?

I see the occasional article noting that men are lonely because of the romantic scene, which is true but not actionable. The Pareto Principle is what it is, and young women aren’t going to be taking any hints from the men they already reject.

It is also NOT the sum total of why men are lonely today.

It’s spring in California and I’m anticipating a year full of weekend breaks, vacations and other fun activities. With a couple exceptions involving out-of-state relations, I also anticipate doing them alone. There are several points of failure:

1. Me: “Let’s go camping!”

Friend: “Sure, when?”

Me: “Literally any weekend between now and Thanksgiving.”

Friend: “Sorry, can’t make it.”

2. Me: “Let’s hang out!”

New guy: “Okay!” brings girlfriend.

3. Me: “Please let’s do anything!!!”

Everybody: “Government said no. I might get sick.”

3. Me: “I should take up a team sport.”

Checks out Meetup, Craigslist, local gyms and random Internet searches. Nothing?! And half of Meetup is drinking opportunities.

4. No friends left.

5. Contemplate going to church again, this time for the social club that it is. But why? Sit in a pew, get lectured at by some mangina tool about something irrelevant, sing a couple 7-11 songs… seven words repeated eleven times… and dismissed. How am I supposed to socialize like that? “Come to our midweek Bible study.”

Back when I had a fix-it mentality, I would have tried to address each of those efforts as if they were independent problems. But they aren’t, now are they?

Male spaces have vanished from society as well as from the marital home. I am slowly coming to the conclusion that social life is a zero-sum behavior. A society arranged to benefit female socializing, cannot also benefit male socializing. This has been explicit since the Covid Coup but implicit for a long time before. It also puts a new perspective on a woman’s place being in the home.

Our freedom of association has been abrogated, but not by the State… by women pushing into male spaces then hanging curtains. That’s why nobody noticed; the enemy isn’t jackbooted Government thugs this time.

Or better, why nobody called out the abrogation.

Men are lonely because male loneliness is emergent behavior from female empowerment. We have no more ownership in society, no place to call our own, and that absolutely wrecks a man’s self-image. Which makes him less likely to seek out male companionship.

Men define ourselves by our position, accomplishments and experiences… and we don’t have any more of those. Just sports and hobbies, and those only grudgingly & if we let the girls play, too.

Women covet male status but they don’t invest their ego in it. Their ego is invested in all the flattery they get from men for displacing (other) men.

Men do not create anymore. We do not explore. We have less living space every year, less wealth for “non-essentials” like friendships, and whatever we get around to doing is always under the watchful gaze of She.

Life just ain’t rewarding anymore.

That’s extraordinarily bad because when the next Covid Coup hits, people (men) will be more accepting of “a different way to live”. But it’ll be the same lie yet again. The same feminism, doubled down, re-breaded and baked to hide the rot.

All of this is being done to break down male resistance to female authority. Demons do it consciously, women instinctively, but their common goal is as in Eden: get the man’s buy-in before God shows up to reassert patriarchy.

I don’t have a solution to offer, but when it comes, it’ll look like “No Girls Allowed”. Meanwhile, you can hold the line by mocking every globohomo freak show and finding ways to enjoy life. With friends if you can, alone if you must, but we always will have the option to defy the devil.

5 thoughts on “What ELSE is Causing Male Loneliness?

  1. ”I don.t have a solution to offer, but when it comes, it.ll look like .No Girls Allowed.. Meanwhile, you can hold the line by mocking every globohomo freak show and finding ways to enjoy life. With friends if you can, alone if you must, but we always will have the option to defy the devil.”
    Why NOT by playin'(& becoming ”experts” at old -school ”games” like i, ROISSY&SNAPPERtrx dude!?
    P.s.SEE where ‘ole DEREK RAMSEY is on a roll again at his site GUNNER!?

  2. All of this is being done to break down male resistance to female authority. Demons do it consciously, women instinctively[.]

    Are you sure that there is any difference anymore between women and demons? Or are the former such dedicated and enthusiastic servants of the latter as to blur the distinction?

  3. When Jerome wrote “Marriage propagates the world, virginity the heavens” he had to be imagining a “males only” section for him and his huds in heaven.

  4. I think there are probably only two potential genuine preventers of serious loneliness in middle and later life: marriage +/- have a family, or live with your birth-family.

    In traditional societies that’s how people lived, for centuries. Those men who did not marry, stayed with their birth families.

    There used to be some decent institutional mens’ partial-substitutes for families (living in monasteries, colleges or schools, for example); but (at least in the UK) they have been all-but destroyed or disappeared over the past few decades.

    But I agree that loneliness is The BIG problem of modern life, far commoner and much worse to endure than generally acknowledged: https://charltonteaching.blogspot.com/2013/11/what-endemic-loneliness-tell-us-about.html

  5. I think our gang, the little rascals, called it the he man women haters club. Or maybe I.m just showing my age…

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