Mayor Carpetbagger Rapefugee Proves Democracy Is A Sham

When did anybody decide that democracy is a source of legitimacy? If there ever was a defense for that idea, it died when GAE began weaponizing migration to stack the deck of voters.

German town elects Syrian refugee as mayor: ‘I am not planning to become a supporter for other refugees’

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By Andrew Chapados, 24 April 2023

A 29-year-old Syrian refugee was recently elected mayor of a small town in southwest Germany, years after fleeing his home country to avoid conscription, NBC News reports.

Ryyan Alshebl was elected mayor in the small German town of Ostelheim, home to a population of just 2,500 residents. Alshebl has been in the country just eight years but won the election in early April 2023, pulling in a total of 55.4% of the vote against two other candidates.

Alshebl said many of his supporters are families who have lived in the region for generations and voted for him based purely on his platform. His campaign was reportedly focused on social cohesion and municipal infrastructure policy. He visitied over 200 homes on the campaign trail.

.Those who voted for me are Germans, Swabians, people who have always lived here,. he said. .The majority voted for the one with the better concept. And this reveals that democracy really works. I can hardly imagine stronger proof that democracy works..

I can hardly imagine stronger proof that democracy DOESN’T. “Hello, German people! I am best choice to rule over you because I am nothing like you! and have no history here!”

The Syrian says he fled his home in 2015 to avoid military service, traversing illegally through several countries until landing in Germany.

.Either I had to do military service and thus be forced to be exploited by a warring party in the war or leave the country and surrender to an uncertain fate,. Alshebl said. .I gave myself up to this fate unconditionally and set off on the escape route,” he continued.

.I definitely could not serve for Assad regime,. the new mayor added. After crossing the border into Lebanon, he continued through Turkey before embarking on a dangerous boating expedition to the Greek island of Lesbos.

It is honorable for a man to refuse conscription because he’d be serving sex predators. It is extraordinarily DIS-honorable, however, to refuse conscription because you’re LOYAL to sex predators such as GAE.

Alshebl chose to become a criminal against his government because he sympathized with GAE’s foreign agendas of perversion, color revolution and/or economic games of conquest. GAE then selected him for government leadership:

After traveling through the Balkans, he made his way to Germany to benefit from a 2015 German stance that was referred to an “open-arms policy” on refugees. German leaders welcomed 1 million refugees, which would eventually strain the nation, even causing an alarming rise in sexual assaults.

After arriving, the refugee said that an apprenticeship in city administration sparked his interests in politics. His supervisor at the town hall encouraged him to run for office.

Sure he wasn’t interested in politics until he was prepared for politics. The word here is CARPETBAGGER. “I cannot serve my government, but I will happily be parachuted into this other country to take over its government. Don’t worry, I won’t use your people to help my people the way I used your people to help me.”

I don’t know that Alsebl is himself a rapist… perhaps it was the other men in his refugee demographic causing that spike in sex crimes… but no explanation is given for why GAE liked Alsebl enough to prep him to rule in their name, and no explanation for why, as mayor, he would punish his own people for those sex crimes in defense of a people alien to him.

However, the new mayor said he isn’t focused on being a refugee supporter or role model, but rather wishes to support the town.

.I want to support Ostelsheim,. he said. .The realization that I could also be an example or role model for someone else is, of course, also gratifying. There’s justifiable pride there. But my job is mainly to move Ostelsheim forward. I am not planning to become a supporter for other refugees. I’m the mayor, not a refugee commissioner,” he explained.

The state’s integration minister encouraged the town’s move, saying he hoped the election would encourage “more people with a migration history to run for political office..

The immivasion minister didn’t coordinate his lies with Alshebl’s. Perhaps there was a language or cultural barrier.

The former mayor, J?rgen Fuchs, did not run for re-election according to, but remarked that the “local people voted according to the candidates. qualifications.”

The Regime lost its previous incumbent and promoted their groomed Syrian prot?g? for a politically loyal replacement.

We always knew that democracy was bad for financial reasons. As soon as people figure out how to vote themselves other peoples’ money, insolvency hits within a century.

But now, in the modern age of cheap transportation, we see that democracy also incentivizes ethnic genocide. Just import more loyalists and poof, you’re the majority. While this could be theoretically interesting, the idea of people organizing according to interests and personality, the sad truth is that the lowest common denominator of humanity is envious parasite.

The devil’s servants will always be better able to organize than God’s servants. One reason is simply because there are so many of the former. Another reason is that they can identify each other more easily. One evil deed can be a tighter restraint than any handcuffs, meaning blackmail, whereas one righteous deed is forgotten or undone as quickly as it’s performed. An odd situation, that.

God has appointed government to be the defender against such wicked men & deeds.

Which means that democracy cannot be the basis of any legitimate government. Evil will simply import more evil until that democratic government redefines evil as good because majority rule, and no longer defends the interests of its original people who created that government.

Which means Alshebl is not, and never will or can be, the legitimate mayor of Ostelsheim.

2 thoughts on “Mayor Carpetbagger Rapefugee Proves Democracy Is A Sham

  1. Those memes of the Euro girls with refugees welcome signs always produce a good laugh.
    One that wasn’t so funny showed the before and after with a severed head of one of the girls, a victim of enrichment.
    Who knows why the entire West is going kamikaze and impaling itself on the wall.
    Years of mind rot virus faulty programming will do that.
    What if AI is the real great replacement?

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