Reaping What They Stole

When the bankster stands before Almighty God on Judgment Day, he’ll offer God a bribe to pervert justice. When God refuses, he’ll cock his head to the side like a dog hearing a new noise, then offer a bigger bribe. Refused again, he’ll start threatening God to stop acting so holy and righteous.

Behold divine muzzle velocity! I bet Hell will be more cratered than the Moon, from the impacts of arriving ultrawealthy inmates.

What got my motor spun up today, you ask?

U.S. production of bullets, shells, and missiles sidelined by explosion at 1 Louisiana gunpowder mill

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By Peter Weber, 27 April 2023

When a gunpowder mill in Minden, Louisiana, caught spark and blew up in June 2021, the Pentagon lost its sole domestic producer of black powder, the original gunpowder developed in China in the 9th century and a crucial ingredient for more than 300 types of munitions, The Wall Street Journal reports…

Estes Industries, the model-rocket maker, bought the Minden mill from Hodgdon last year and plans to have it back in service this summer, after the completion of $3.5 million in safety upgrades paid for by the Pentagon through the Defense Production Act.

Take a moment to comprehend the incomprehensible stupidity of that. The Pentagon’s sole supplier of black powder exploded two years ago… and they hope to get it online soon. In the midst of all their Forever Wars spreading child molestation to the far ends of the Earth, winning hearts and minds and blood libels dating back to the very first time they were punished for usury.

The Biden administration has used that law to start bringing critical elements of industrial production, from certain chemicals to factories, back to the U.S. In the meantime, defense contractors who rely on black powder have been using up reserves or importing it from abroad, the Journal reports.

Alas, poor Estes. I have fond childhood memories of playing with their toy rocket motors and launchers. Now that they’ve signed onto the Mil-MIC’s Terms Of Service, they’ll be gutted of equity before they can gasp “I was trying to help you!”

Where did all that MIC money go? Not into supply chain redundancy:

The closure of the black powder mill in Minden, 30 miles from Shreveport, highlights the many “single source” producers in the Pentagon’s supply chains, the Journal reports. Only one company makes the rocket motors for Javelin anti-tank missiles, or example, and one foundry forges all the titanium casings used in howitzers. These potential bottlenecks to U.S. industrial munitions production are tied to industry consolidation after the Cold War . the dozens of major Pentagon arms suppliers in the 1990s has shrunk to just five, while the overall defense industrial base has declined to 55,000 vendors, from 69,000 in 2016, the Journal reports.

Hmm. 20% decline in name brands, 99% decline in actual suppliers. I agree, that is the endgame of corporate merging & consolidation.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that the Regime intending to murder me for being a rightful heir to America, starved its thugs before it dared to sic them on me. Regardless, I do hope they get marooned on that Caribbean island with no food, no water, no shelter, no innocent victims, nothing but 100 million billion trillion quadrillion dollars and no way to spend it.

My read is the banksters intended to do to America what they tried to do to Russia in the 1990s. Disarm us, split us up, then strip-mine our natural resources into oblivion. Probably with a U.N. occupying force, seeing how heavily armed USA still is, and remembering how exactly that was the purpose of the American military post-WW2.

Then, the little hats and banksters got roadblocked from exiting the USA-dollar. All those economic sanctions targeting Russian plutocrats at the start of 404? I bet the plan was to exterminate Russia’s economic elites then triumphantly sail into Russia in their enemies’ own luxury yachts, using 404 to bleed the American military to the breaking point. (This is also why so much equipment was left behind in Afghanistan. USA was being disarmed in preparation for its planned collapse.)

Putin decided to NOT play along once he got installed. He fought off the economic sanctions instead of opening the gates. GAE in its Kagan Cult-fueled bloodlust, couldn’t stop the 404 war once it had begun.

It’s not that Putin is a champion of Christ and defender of nationalist Russia. He’s hardcore WEF. It’s that he, along with the entire rest of the planet, is weary of the sniveling, cheating, lying GAE banksters that would make even Beelzebub look good by comparison.

Now those banksters, via Puppet Joe’s Defense Production Act, are trying to reindustrialize USA enough to survive the very economic apocalypse that they engineered. It ain’t gonna happen because they still aren’t desperate enough to stop the usury that got them into this mess to begin with. Vultures gonna vulture.

How will Satan rescue his spiteful little mutants this time, one wonders? Rocket science?

One thought on “Reaping What They Stole

  1. When the bankster stands before Almighty God on Judgment Day, he.ll offer God a bribe to pervert justice. When God refuses, he.ll cock his head to the side like a dog hearing a new noise, then offer a bigger bribe. Refused again, he.ll start threatening God to stop acting so holy and righteous.

    I’ve heard it said by some preachers that God’s presence on Judgment Day will be so awe-and-fear-inspiring that mo one, no matter how defiant in this life, will be able to say a word in His presence. I don’t doubt for a second that this is true, but I just cannot make myself imagine atheists, Communists, Jews, or women (I know I’m being redundant here) NOT opening their brain-free yaps and getting belligerent with the God who will caste them into Gehenna for all eternity with a careless puff of His breath.

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