Purity Spiral, Massachusetts

Broadly speaking, there are two ways to verbally defeat the Social Justice Warrior. The SJW’s fundamental motivation is envy; therefore, one way is to be happy and successful despite all that they do to you. “They can’t take the sky from me” and the best revenge is living well. Be calm & smug; remember their often-inconvenient past; and if you really want to piss them off, remind them of your white privilege and what a better human being you are.

The latter sounds like arrogance, but as a debate tactic, reminding them that you’re a superior human being drives their envious instincts into mistake-making overdrive. Besides, you ARE superior because you love truth and have honor. Never let them forget that.

The other way is based on the SJW’s primary operating mode of solipsism. It’s why they are immune to reason or consequences, have no future or past, and are dogmatically confident in concepts that mean nothing. They are the heroes of the movie playing in their heads. Thus, to defeat them, you crush their egos.

The first way drives them to double down; the second way drives them to project; and them refusing to be the villain in that movie playing in their heads, is why they always lie and cannot ever stop. It is the moral splinter in their souls that drived them to lie and lie and lie: they know they’re losers and refuse to admit it, which is the first step in recovery. Shunning that introspection, refusing to confront their internal evil, is what makes the Social Justice Warrior different for unbelieving Normals.

FORCING that introspection… holding up the mirror to the vampire… is how you do it… how you have FUN with them.

Sourced from h ttps://www.barnhardt.biz/2023/04/26/32-insmeme/

Envy is a social evil. Unlike greed, sloth, cowardice or even lust, envy REQUIRES the involvement of other people. It cannot exist in a vacuum. If the envious don’t have anybody else to feed off of, then they will turn upon each other.

Which brings us today, to the ancestral homeland of Puritanism.

Woke school district in shambles over petty PC obsessions

h ttps://nypost.com/2023/04/24/woke-school-district-in-shambles-over-pc-obsessions/

Opinion by Kristen Fleming, 24 April 2023

A few weeks ago, the town [of Easthampton, Mass.] made national headlines after their first choice for the job [of school superintendent]. longtime educator Vito Perrone . lost the gig during email negotiations when he addressed women on the school committee as “ladies.”

Perrone said that the school committee chairperson, Cynthia Kwiecinski, told him that using the plural of lady was a “microaggression” and “the fact that he didn’t know that as an educator was a problem..

Perrone said he was simply trying to be respectful during a good faith negotiation . but his offer was rescinded by the committee.

Maybe if he had read New York Magazine’s ridiculous etiquette rules back in February, he would know that addressing more than one woman as “ladies” is frowned upon. From men, it’s “oddly creepy;. from women, it’s “an unnecessary attempt to feign some kind of unity,. according to the magazine.

What should be a routine hiring became even more mired in the woke muck a few days ago when the second candidate, a woman named Erica Faginski-Stark, reportedly withdrew her application because she failed a student’s purity test.

An unnamed student wrote to the town’s mayor expressing “extreme concerns” about Faginski-Stark.s Facebook posts from two years ago.

Those posts included a petition to “Defend Title IX” and expressed a sentiment that would seem universally rational only a hot second ago: .Only girls should play girls. sports!.

In 2021, she posted a video from conservative site PragerU, writing, .For EVERY female athlete out there, it’s time to speak up. As a former Div. 1 scholarship athlete and academic & athletic ALL American, our young women just got stripped of their equal rights and equal opportunity..

The student wrote to Mayor Nicole LaChapelle: .Under the belief that this is her Facebook account, she has posted conservative transphobic rhetoric a multitude of times..

It.s unclear if Faginski-Stark withdrew her application because she was told it would go no further, but according to the Boston Herald, the police . in an excellent use of resources . verified that it was her Facebook account.

I sense sarcasm.

As much as I want to mock & fisk those purity-spiraling administrators… I can’t match their self-inflicted efforts. The Socialists are losing their minds because they won. We’re gone, evicted, ridden out of town with our tax money and our little dog Toto, too.

They can’t handle victory. They can’t envy NOBODY. So, they now attack their allies… TERFs versus trans, at this point… because that soul-splinter still burns. That “I’m still a loser trying to convince myself that I’m not, by tearing down everybody around me” splinter.

Her sin was expressing a belief that trans athletes should not compete against biological women. This sentiment is not only in line with the majority of Americans, but there is scientific evidence to back up the fact that biological men have an athletic advantage over women. This isn’t transphobic, rather it’s an acknowledgement of reality.

Now the district has no superintendent and the committee will meet Tuesday to discuss how to proceed.

Rather, it’s misandry. “Cis-men have an unfair natural advantage!”

“You are fired, banned, blacklisted and Canceled for acknowledging the unscientific concept, ‘reality’. We create our own fates! And anybody who ever created a different fate than today’s Narrative is worse than Spitler!”

Perhaps they should turn this into a reality show where educators parade their woke bonafides before a committee of easily offended children and adults who want trigger warnings on everything.

Pretty sure that’s what they’re doing. If you want results out of that purity spiral, just turn the cameras off and close the proceedings to the public.

Once the witnesses are gone, lock the women in the closet and start the bathroom swirlies.

The prize is being an underpaid school administrator with outsized agita and a mandate to please a small minority of the population.

No, no, no. The prize is hearing the world cheer and adore you, the celebrated head judge of the Nuremberg Trials, first among equals, as you fit the noose around Old Adolf’s neck, basking in approval and Me So Important while sneering at the pathetic begging of the Most Evil Man Who Ever, Ever Lived. You are powerful. You are glorious. Thy Will Be Done to a grateful and devoted humanity, united in admiration of your wisdom and righteousness. There is none like you.

Then the vision clears and you’re still a pussy-begging, mask-breathing minor bureaucrat in Podunk who just destroyed a man’s career because he tried to be polite in a way forbidden by the February 2023 issue of New York Magazine.

You beg Satan to lie to you again.

This entire debacle is not only self-inflicted by the powers in charge, but it surely makes the argument for school choice more compelling. Why have your kids see the bosses mud wrestling about nonsense when you can pick a school where they’re actually learning math, science and history?

Why not have your kids watch? The spectacle of deranged Socialist leaders purity-spiraling unto their own destruction is the best education the School-Industrial Complex (aka SIC) can offer in Current Year. “You can become just like us if you chop your dick off young enough!”

Some people find God and submit; others find the devil and search for an alternative. Both types are seekers of Truth.

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