Why Aren’t Oil Companies Raising Private Armies? Materialism?

Understand, I’m not advocating for anybody to raise private armies. Heavens, no! Violence is never the answer! unless Communists do it! because shut up!

That being said, it’s legit to ask why the titular question isn’t happening. The executives cannot possibly be waiting on the suggestion box to see the writing on THIS wall:

Sunak is pulling the plug on the North Sea . watch UK oil drain away

h ttps://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/sunak-pulling-plug-north-sea-050000991.html

By Liam Halligan for the Telegraph, 29 April 2023

Far better to pump our own hydrocarbons than relying on imports in an increasingly uncertain world.

Renewables are clearly important . powering 36pc of UK electricity generation last year, up from 11pc a decade ago.

But oil remains essential for transportation and a range of industrial processes. And gas-fired turbines generated 40pc of electricity used in the UK last year, up from 30pc in 2012.

Even the Climate Change Committee, a government-created advisory body, acknowledges that oil and gas will still account for half the UK.s energy usage in the late 2030s. At a time when energy security has become critical, it makes economic and geostrategic sense to make the most of our own resources.

Plus, using North Sea energy involves far fewer carbon emissions than doubling down on the UK.s sharply increased reliance on gas drilled in the US and Qatar.

That would be the perpetrator’s motivation; but today, I’m wondering about the oil producers who AREN’T guaranteed inner-circle seats.

Environmentalists ignore such realities when they block roads and wreck high-profile sporting events, screaming for North Sea production immediately to cease.

For all these reasons, the Government’s windfall tax on UK oil and gas producers is deeply counterproductive. Little more than a year ago, when other UK businesses paid 19pc corporation tax, North Sea producers were charged 30pc plus a 10pc “supplementary levy” on top.

Since then, tax on North Sea profits has risen from 40pc to 65pc and now 75pc . thanks to then Chancellor Rishi Sunak and his successor Jeremy Hunt. This windfall tax also now applies not until 2025, as originally announced, but until 2028.

The Tories are keen to parade their green credentials . despite evidence even from the government’s own net-zero cheerleader that ongoing North Sea production will be environmentally useful for at least another decade and more.

Ministers are also under the impression this windfall tax will raise lots of revenue, helping to plug the huge post-lockdown hole in our national accounts.

It’s the same everywhere in GAE, excepting some friends of Creepy Joe that may or may not be Chinese: oil producers are being hit with State-sanctioned threats, State-sanctioned violence and State windfall taxes explicitly intended to punish and bankrupt those producers for the crime of existing.

Now, if the government came to me, blamed me for the imminent extinction of all human life, threatened to put me out of business forever no matter how much my customers suffered from my absence, gave itself a deadline by which to see me gone forever, and proceeded to confiscate my wealth on the grounds that it exists, and pass laws whose stated purpose is ruining me…

…Well, that’s a bit obviously existential, now isn’t it? “We want you destroyed by 2030” is not something that normalcy bias can sweep under the rug for a decade or two.

I would start thinking that maybe I, too, should bring an army to that negotiating table. I would start thinking that instead of quietly retraining for subsistence agriculture, I should work towards independence from government while I have the chance.

Which isn’t happening in the oil industry even though it can afford to, and even though the industry is in the habit of working under the protection of national militaries.

That’s a curious thing.

The last time I saw such behavior, it was the insurance industry back when Obamacare was going to nationalize their entire industries. They were conspicuous (to me) by their total silence. Did they not know what the consequences of nationalization would be? Did they not have an opinion on their own industry’s fate?

They didn’t. Of course, they told themselves that nationalization would be good for business. The government forces everybody to be their customer, and pays them for those customers who can’t afford to purchase. Guaranteed business! What could go wrong?

Other than the government micromanaging you until suicide looks like the heroic solution. “Did you attend your daily DIE indoctrination? Why do we have TWO insurance companies instead of only one, since everybody offers only the same, government-written policy? I smell excess headcount and untapped equity!”

But today, the promise is for no more customers, not mandatory customers. Which means that copacetic behavior makes even less sense. The oil industry in GAE appears to be quietly going to its destruction followed by buyout at fire-sale prices by literal Satanists.

More than that, GAE oil companies were QUITE willing to make use of the US military over the last several decades. Now that “mil is getting in touch with its genderqueer side, a private army is a necessity just to continue business as usual.

Possible explanations:

  1. They really are preparing contingency plans. But if so, NOW is when we would be seeing them. Those windfall taxes are meant to destroy them. California is already shuttering refineries; Germany is basically doomed.
  2. Normalcy bias. Just because it would be insane at this point, doesn’t mean that energy executives are not, in fact, insane.
  3. The entire oil industry’s leadership has already been replaced by the Green Cult. I don’t believe so because they aren’t proactively destroying themselves. See: Budweiser.
  4. My guess: materialism.

The true damage of materialism, the belief that there is only this mortal life and no chance of anything else, is that one’s priority becomes long life at literally all costs because this life, however miserable, is all you get. When the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box. Why be a hero? Why not be a villain, if it’s the easier path?

And that’s what I see the oil industry executives doing. They look at the risks of fighting, then they look at their golden parachutes, and they carefully choose to be losers. What matters to them, being Godless materialists, is living the most calendar days possible. No matter if you spend those days grabbing your ankles and thinking of England sucking on Creepy Joe’s liquified gas terminal.

EVERYBODY IN A POSITION TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, GIVES UP INSTEAD OF TRYING! How is it that we saints are not anywhere, anybody in a position of leadership?

Only the devout who have a hope beyond death, are capable of virtue, because we’re the only ones with a motivation. Christianity alone… so far as I’m aware… teaches that this mortal life has an eternal purpose, of giving us the chance to become who we want to be for eternity.

To become is the 180-degree opposite of materialism’s to gain.

Most religions… and even some flavors of Churchianity… teach that you obey in this life in order to get a payout next life, but that’s not Christianity. Salvation comes upfront and freely given, because Christ wants the paperwork out of the way so we can be participants in life. Agents. Actors. People of import, however humble our station. Not customers feeding coins into the vending machine of divine favors.

This life matters… in quality, not quantity. That path leads to virtue. The path of quantity is cowardice and going through the motions. What a waste. Especially when that attitude turns up in leadership.

If you love mortal life then you’ll never really live it. If you risk your life to make a difference, however, then you’ll be significant however long your life is or however humble your station. To paraphrase John 12:25.

Methinks the reason everybody in GAE is a quitter, is because their religion’s central tenet is that nothing they ever do can possibly be significant.

One thought on “Why Aren’t Oil Companies Raising Private Armies? Materialism?

  1. The demoralization that Yuri Bezmenov spoke of.
    Only a soft weak effeminate society would stand around with a thumb up its ass as a millions strong Trojan Horse moves right in.
    Iran has seized another tanker and there will be more.
    Meanwhile a 700,000 strong caravan is making its way north.
    The well dressed well fed military aged male replacements are getting huge assistance from NGO’s and religious charity groups while the cash registers cha-ching away.

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