Fentanyl Took Dave Hollis To A Better Place… Where His Ex-Wife Isn’t

The modern Church has turned the parable of the Prodigal Son into a license for evil. You can spend your days doing whatever you feel like, and at the end of it all, God is willing to forgive you! No catch!

Yeah, okay, that is indeed half of the story. The other half is the catch, that the Prodigal is a permanent charity case, in Heaven with nothing to show for his time on Earth, gaining salvation “as a refugee fleeing through the flames.”

It’s bad to end up a Prodigal. It’s not the end of the world, no… but as Dave Hollis’ recent suicide will demonstrate, it can still be a life-ender.

Christian author Dave Hollis died from accidental overdose of cocaine, ethanol and fentanyl

h ttps://www.christianpost.com/news/christian-author-dave-hollis-died-of-accidental-overdose.html

By CP Staff, 26 April 2023

Dave Hollis, a former executive for Disney, Christian author and the ex-husband of Girl Wash Your Face author Rachel Hollis, died of an accidental overdose, a medical examiner’s office revealed nearly three months after the 47-year-old.s death.

According to an autopsy report obtained by NBC News from the Travis County Medical Examiner’s Office, Hollis had lethal amounts of cocaine, fentanyl and alcohol in his system. The report also revealed that Hollis had a history of drug and alcohol abuse, high blood pressure, depression, hypertensive and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and moderate to severe atherosclerosis in his heart. The Medical Examiner ruled Hollis’ death as an accident.

That was a suicide, not an accident. Accident is “Excuse me, waiter? I think somebody dropped a speedball in my martini… uh, chest pains…”

And Hollis had much to die for:

Hollis led theatrical distribution at Disney from 2011 to 2018, helping to launch successful film franchises like “Frozen” and “Black Panther.” He left Disney in 2018 to relocate to Texas with his family and ran Chic Media, which was owned by his then-wife Rachel.

A Devil Mouse executive turned kitchen bitch for a feral woman. Living in Austin, the most feminized hole in Texas. Publishing books & podcasts about how his downward spiral was bringing him closer to God.

He wasn’t wrong.

In a 2021 interview with The Christian Post, Hollis said 2020 had been the “hardest year” of his life, .outpacing any other year by a factor of 100. due to his highly-publicized divorce.

Yet, he said he was the “strongest” he’d ever been, mentally, emotionally, relationally and spiritually.”

.There is, for every single one of us, a very intentional purpose that our Creator has placed us on this planet for, and our work in this life we have is to do everything we can, every single day, to honor the intention of that Creator,. he said at the time.

The Creator’s intention was male headship. Also, not divorcing. His wife did the divorce, but he didn’t see it coming even as he set it up because he acted like God’s intention was female empowerment.

Sex roles are not personal choices. They are life-and-death important for both individuals and societies. I won’t pretend or respect otherwise. How God-Damned, pigheaded stupid must a man be, to claim Christ but practice female rebellion for decades?

We are out of time to stop this foolishness.

Hollis’ ex-wife, Rachel Hollis, an author and influencer, said in a statement that they were devastated by his death and requested prayers for their four children: sons Jackson, Sawyer and Ford, and daughter Noah.

No female introspection detected.

. The couple was married for 16 years before announcing their split in June 2020.

Better to say, they were married for only two years after Dave quit being an Important Disney Executive in order to serve his wife at her media company in 2018. A textbook case for the Red-Pilled: she lost respect for him because his social standing went from “top of the entertainment world” to “kitchen bitch”. Never mind that he did it for her sake. Women do not appreciate sacrifice. They aren’t men.

I cannot accuse Hollis of wickedness because he followed his own beliefs to his own destruction, but how did he never notice Original Sin? You can’t be both a Christian and a feminist.

You can’t be both a Christian and a feminist.

You CANNOT be both a Christian and a feminist!

And one has doubts about that high-level career at Devil Mouse.

Regardless of whether you’re stupid or evil, a life spent in defiance of God’s Will is likely to end in a bottle. Forgiveness or no. The Church needs to quit with its Prodigal-Son idolatry. It is not a free pass, and unless a pastor points out that the loyal son in the story is the only son with an inheritance, he risks his audience hearing “free pass for sin”.

It’s far more common, for clergy to portray the Loyal Son as bitter and butthurt about Daddy seeming to play favorites… as having a sin of his own to repent of.

More about Hollis’ divorce:

h ttps://www.christianpost.com/books/dave-hollis-opens-up-about-divorce-from-rachel-hollis.html

Dave Hollis still cringes slightly when he remembers the speech he gave at the Hollis Company Christmas party in 2019.

.I audaciously, to our collective team at a Christmas party, said I was going to have my best year ever in 2020,. The New York Times bestselling author and host of the Rise Together podcast told The Christian Post.

.I’d saved it for my 45th year on the planet, it was going to be the best year ever. And what I did not appreciate in the declaration was that I would not have a say in the conditions through which my best year would show up..

That year, Hollis weathered a highly publicized divorce from his wife, Rachel Hollis, the controversial self-help author of Girl Wash Your Face. His book tour was subsequently canceled, and he transitioned away from the company he’d spent years building with his wife.

Navigating a pandemic, grappling with the fallout from the end of a yearslong marriage and parenting four children alone, Hollis said, was anything but easy.

Dave Hollis misspent his life in feminism’s service, but at least he has the chance to enter Heaven as a Prodigal. Zero is better than Hell. He’ll also be much better off on Judgment Day than Ex-Wife Rachel the Adulteress will be… offing himself demonstrates remorse and a willingness to stop the evil. Whereas Rachel took the income then left him with the kids.

Yay Prodigal going home? Or, should the Church rediscover the concept of living like you actually believe all that Jeebus morality stuff?

2 thoughts on “Fentanyl Took Dave Hollis To A Better Place… Where His Ex-Wife Isn’t

  1. So, just asking, .what does zero in heaven look like? I mean, does he just get to stand inside the gate, a little to the left, and face to the wall for all eternity? And what do the low, mid, and top earners get? And by gosh, I would like to see that earning point chart, chapter and verse please.

  2. Feminism and Satan’s mouse will never end well and they aren’t meant to.
    Being mad at daddy and trying to get back at him has just about destroyed this society.
    Enjoy it girls because the replacements don’t play that game.
    Self-murder won’t bring you closer to God and one shouldn’t pickle their brain with drug cocktails.

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