Gio the Gatekeeping Hypocrite

Not all publicity is good publicity, Mr. Filotto. I’m not surprised that most people apparently ignore you as much as I do. See, you’re Catholic (which is fine, just not my world), you talk too much about yourself (which is not fine) and you talk tough in cyberspace (which nobody respects).

You lashing out at being ignored is the only apparent reason for throwing an unlit firebrand like this one. Enjoy your fifteen minutes of fame?

I think Bruce Charlton is a gatekeeper

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I am not yet convinced he is an intentional gatekeeper, like say, Milo Yankmypolus, but he is undoubtedly adding to the level of blackpilling despair.

Gatekeeping is not blackpilling is not despair. I doubt “unintentional gatekeeping” exists but maybe somebody can make a case without invoking hallucinogens and/or Jordan Peterson.

I am more liable to put this down to his being the intellectual coward he is, as well as being a gnostic heretic, which, intentional deceiver or not, can only lead to Hellish effects, results, conclusions and beliefs.

“Unintentional deception” certainly doesn’t exist. Being wrong is not a sin and being technically correct is no shield against deception.

I’ll listen to the charges of gatekeeping, heresy and gnosticism, but people who publicly post esoteric ideas on the Internet under their real names… without a media empire to backstop them… are not cowards.

You got a lot of ground to cover today, Gio. The score is already 0 for 1 with a penalty-meme for moving the goalposts.

Let.s take a look at his “take” on certain things. Here is a screenshot of his latest posts:

Omitted because formatting issues. You aren’t missing much.

So, out of six posts, we have:

– 2 posts equating, implying or directly saying that computers/the internet and so on could be/are/would be influenced by or used by demons.

I have seen computers be used by demons. Remember those QR codes used to enforce vexxine passports? Remember Bill Gates founded Microsoft? So, it’s not impossible that demons might use computers to advance their agenda.

I don’t believe demons could possess a computer directly because it’s an inanimate object. Even so, mind/machine interfacing has been a no-funds-barred, top priority of the Cabal for decades… possibly to allow exactly this.

Pardon my intellectual cowardice unto gatekeeping?

– One post on psychology that is really quite absurd, don’t take my word for it, go on, read it yourself and let me know how it changed your life.

Title: “The ‘Psychological’ Nature of Mainstream Modern Metaphysics“. I recall not understanding its point. If Mr. Charlton wrote it to change my life then he failed, but who says that’s why he wrote it? Not him.

Meanwhile, spoiler for you: Filotto wrote this article intending to change your life. He wants to poison you against Mr. Charlton.

– One on the doom and gloom idea that even if we try to fight back against the forces of evil we are only contributing to the overall evil and destruction of all and his completely nihilistic nonsense ends with the panacea that we must only rely on the “spirit” since all battles in meatspace are only adding to the evil.

Bruce was discussing what I call the dilemma trap, a favorite of the devil. He wants to frame every moral decision as an either/or choice. That way, everybody escaping the one lie gets trapped in the other. Furthermore, IIRC Bruce made the valid point that mortal success is not what Christianity is concerned with.

Meanwhile, I don’t get Filotto’s raging against doom and gloom. It’s okay to be depressed about “they said they’re going to kill you; they’ve been killing people for three years already; and everybody you know STILL just laughs nervously and pretends it isn’t happening.” I know Catholics have a “sin of despair”, which from my investigation of it, is merely institutionalized objection to self-offing by comfortably sinecured bureaucrats. It wasn’t thought out well because it assumes that people feeling hopeless are best helped with threats and shaming.

Regardless, I don’t see Charlton practicing that sin.

Bruce is obviously of the opinion that the Spartans should have just gone quietly into the night, and so too the knights of Malta and everyone who ever picked up a weapon and fought the tyrants and won. Pathetic, disgusting black-pilling coward.

That’s not what C said. Filotto, you know what those two groups have in common, assuming you refer to Thermopylae and the Great Siege, respectively?

They were gatekeepers.

And as you say, Mr. Charlton is nothing like them.

– One in which he totally cripples the very idea of precognition, which, by the way is a verifiable scientific fact… and which I also have personal experience…

Is THAT why you took exception with Bruce musing about the limitations of demons, Filotto? You know better because you’re suffused with occult powers of knowledge?

– Lastly, one in which Earth becomes some giant being that “chooses” to be resurrected and everything is beings. honestly, it’s like the fever dream of a heroin addict, a bunch of utterly gnostic rubbish.

I do not think gnostic means what Filotto thinks it means.

Bruce Charlton is your typical British geek, he clearly has been an incel most of his life and retreated in his specialboi . idea that he is very smart and has very important ideas to share with the world.

With the score at 1 for 5… I think Charlton is, indeed, English… Filotto presents new charges of being Vox Day and unpopular with women.

In short, Bruce Charlton is not promoting anything real that will improve your life, your faith, or, especially, your reasoning ability. He is a fraud and ultimately a negative one.

The score is now 0 proven for 9 accusations. Upon review, I decided that being English shouldn’t count as a crime.

Some are liable to say that I criticise everyone and are not sufficiently supportive of those that are “on our side..

Of all the complaints to be made against you for this asinine publicity stunt, Gio, those two are unlikely.

Let me state the obvious again.

There is ONE truth. ONE.

It is the same for you, me and the entire rest of the Universe.

Yes it’s true that none of us sees it perfectly…

You should have stopped there, peewee. You don’t have a monopoly on truth, so don’t act like it. God holds that monopoly and thus far, He refuses to share it with us.

You are not responsible for the decisions and errors of others.

You are not responsible for the salvation of others, either. This is basic Christianity.

Being correct is unnecessary for salvation. Being repentant is what counts.

Lastly, if you had ever pretended to be as smart and tough in real life as you pretend to be online, you would have gotten this kind of stupid childish shit beaten out of you in the gym. “Hey you, you’re lifting those weights wrong. I don’t care what you think, it’s not helping me, now do it the way I told you, you no-balls gnostic CLAAAANG

Do I think Bruce Charlton is evil incarnate? No. I assume he’s your typically pedestrian Brit…

I’ve done more personal attacks than perhaps anybody else in this corner of the Internet, and I’ve never done one just because the other guy was wrong. I have publicly disagreed, sure, but the name-calling and mocking is reserved for the willfully evil… and particularly, those whose job or other self-identification requires them to be good. I see a pastor preach Original Sin and welcome unrepentant Sodomites, yeah, that’s a tongue-lashing.

I see a sex-damaged freak try to ban bacon because COVID left too many people still alive, yeah, that’s a tongue-lashing.

I hear an Internet twit disrespecting an ally with an accusation that he cannot maintain for one single sentence of his own explanation, and he does it in the names of God and truth, yeah, that’s a tongue-lashing. Twit.

Me not understanding a psychological perspective on metaphysics? Me disagreeing whether Microsoft Outlook can spread unclean spirits as easily as it spreads viruses? No.

Me not gaining a lifechanging benefit from reading random Internet articles? Dude… what’s your beef with Bruce? It ain’t what you said it was.

…while sharing it with others in an effort to make himself feel more relevant as a whole, but instead, just spreading despair, nihilism, and heresy. I don’t care about Bruce. I am far more concerned with the people he might influence into taking his gnostic nonsense on board in any way.

THAT. IS. GATEKEEPING. Insisting that your view is the only view. Poisoning people against listening to voices that you, personally, disapprove of. Have you no shame, Filotto? “I don’t care about Bruce” after I had to omit paragraphs of you cursing him, just for brevity’s sake?

Are you jealous that Mr. Charlton is smarter than you? Are you trying to AMOG the Synlogos aggregator? Perhaps Mr. Charlton banned you, thereby crushing your ego beyond repair, so you’re lashing out with the accuracy and cunning of a blacktivist with a toothache. You wouldn’t be the first on the ‘Net.

I don’t know and I don’t care. It’s enough for me, that you are shamelessly guilty of the very gatekeeping that you accused him of. YOU HYPOCRITE. Stick that up your universal truth.

I listened to your arguments and the summation is, “like all Gnostic heretics ever, BC had six posts in a row that I didn’t approve.”

You remain unworthy of my time.

4 thoughts on “Gio the Gatekeeping Hypocrite

  1. “I don.t believe demons could possess a computer directly because it.s an inanimate object.”

    My understanding is that yes, it is possible for demons to have a hold on an inanimate object, such as a building (or computer). The exorcists call this “infestation”, not “possession”.

  2. Also, demons cannot inhabit or possess inanimate objects. The belief that they do is Animism, a type of paganism.

  3. Missed this at the time it was posted – but enjoyed it nonetheless!

    Thanks for your time, effort, attitude, and ability in doing this.

    (I’ll say no more to avoid feeding the troll.)

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