Sunlight. Women Most Affected!

In America, everything that lasts long enough becomes a grift. Including sunlight!

Los Angeles ridiculed for ‘life-changing’ female shade poles

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By David Millward for Los Angeles Slimes, 22 May 2023

Where’s MY shade pole, huh? In my trousers… oh, that’s right. Male privilege!

A Los Angeles bus shelter with no seats has drawn ridicule after claiming its purpose was to provide potentially .life-changing. shade to women and minorities.

The so-called Sombrita, which cost $10,000, is essentially a pole with a lip that provides some shade, or a solar-powered light at night-time.

It has been mooted as potentially the most pointless piece of civic architecture in the world, rivalling anything produced by Britain’s councils.

So, what is a “sombrita”? Other than an overpriced alcoholic beverage?

They can’t figure out how to make shade? in a city that doesn’t even have weather?

The Los Angeles Department of Transportation said the 6,000 new shelters for stops with narrow pavements were vital to protect women using the transport network and hailed it as “low cost” infrastructure.

.The lack of essential amenities like shade and lighting isn’t just a simple inconvenience. For women and gender minorities . half of our population . it can change the trajectory of their lives,. said Chelina Odbert, founding principal of the Kounkuey Design Initiative, which developed the structures with input from female transit riders.

Their hatred of men means they can’t even say “shade for people”.

Scott Adams should introduce an “Oddbert” character.

The Sombrita is around 18 inches wide and barely provides enough shade for two people even when the sun is at the right angle.

According to images posted online, the light at night also leaves the pavement below almost pitch-black, illuminating only the upper portion of the pole.

Stay safe, gender minorities! Only the most transparent scams are good enough for you!

Whatever were they thinking?

Kounkey said the design was a response to the fact that only one quarter of LA.s bus stops have shelters. They added that a typical bus shelter costs $50,000 and requires the co-ordination of eight separate government departments.

.The first-gen Sombrita was designed to avoid permit and multi-agency co-ordination,. Kounkey said…

We are still not approaching peak feminism, but we may be approaching peak government, when it becomes so dysfunctional that people cheer whatever warlord burns it to the ground.


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San Francisco politicians will gather at the Noe Valley Town Square Wednesday afternoon to congratulate themselves for securing state money for a long-desired toilet in the northeast corner of the charming plaza.

America! We make it happen!

The toilet . just one loo in 150 square feet of space . is projected to cost $1.7 million, about the same as a single-family home in this wildly overpriced city. And it won’t be ready for use until 2025.

America! We make $hit happen!

Assemblymember Matt Haney (D-San Francisco) secured the $1.7 million from the state for the toilet after hearing “loud and clear” from the community that families needed a bathroom. The plumbing is already there, added when the plaza was constructed six years ago, but there was never money for the actual bathroom. Until Haney stepped in.

The former San Francisco supervisor said the Recreation and Parks Department told him the going rate for one public bathroom was $1.7 million so he secured the full amount, not questioning the pricetag.

.They told me $1.7 million, and I got [ten percent err,] $1.7 million,. Haney explained. .I didn’t have the option of bringing home less of the bacon when it comes to building a toilet. A half a toilet or a toilet-maybe-someday is not much use to anyone..

So why is a public bathroom so insanely expensive, and why does it take so long to build? A joint statement from Rec and Park and the Department of Public Works, which will work together to build this extravagant bathroom, pointed to several reasons.

For one thing, the cost to build anything in San Francisco is exorbitant.


Like everywhere, construction costs have risen…


…global supply chain issues and the rising costs of fuel, labor and materials….


.It.s important to note that public projects and their overall cost estimates don’t just reflect the price of erecting structures,. the statement said. .They include planning, drawing, permits, reviews and public outreach..

Yes. AKA corruption, graft, bribery and, oh, let’s see, reparations for the slavery that California never practiced.

An architect will draw plans for the bathroom that the city will share with the community for feedback. It will also head to the Arts Commission’s Civic Design Review committee comprised of two architects, a landscape architect and two other design professionals who, under city charter, “conduct a multi-phase review. of all city projects on public land . ranging from buildings to bathrooms to historic plaques, fences and lamps.

The project will then head to the Rec and Park Commission and to the Board of Supervisors. According to the city’s statement, it will also be subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act. Then, the city will put the project up for bid.

.Once we start the project, we’ll have a clearer timeline, but we expect to be able to complete the project in 2025,. the statement read.

The city said the $1.7 million estimate “is extremely rough” and budgets “for the worst-case scenario due to the onerous demands and unpredictable costs levied by PG&E,. the possibility code requirements could change during the project and in case other unexpected circumstances come up.

That’s how democracies end. The theft of tax funds and red tape of pet causes make the entire system impossible. Gridlock ensues until one of the factions gains enough clout, by whatever means, to push their reforms through.

End segue

Local authorities in Barnsley, Brighton, Nuneaton or Prestwich, may not have the weather of Los Angeles or celebrity voters like Jack Nicholson, Kim Kardashian or Angelina Jolie.

None of whom you’d see dead at a bus stop, shaded or otherwise.

But the next time bus passengers there are huddling under shelter from the latest downpour, they can always console themselves by knowing things could be worse. They could be in Los Angeles.

They’re been saying that for YEARS, dude. At least the toilet got canceled after Newsom wasn’t promised a cut. London forgot that Nancy Pelosi is the real mayor of Sodom Francisco. London Breed, I mean.

The wrinkle in USA’s end-of-democracy is that it’s happening artificially. A shadow government is already in place and maneuvering to seize control via lockdowns, but it’s anybody’s guess if they can pull it off between the Scylla of their bureaucracy and the Charybdis of their homicidal compulsions.

Meanwhile… women most affected.

One thought on “Sunlight. Women Most Affected!

  1. Is Zima still around? (honk!)
    I would laugh at the wymyn’s bridge in FLA that collapsed but some real people were injured and killed.
    Gynocracys are already destroyed as the hour glass is tipped.
    The “peaceful religion” and external enemies are licking their chops while stating that you have the watches, we have the time.

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