‘Uncle G’ Teaches Us To Thwart Ourselves From Home Ownership

The true danger of “Synagogue of Satan” is apparent if you rephrase it “School of Satan”. A wicked man does his own evil, but a true diabolist teaches others to do evil. Whether the chumps know they’re students or not.

Today’s example is how they encourage us to destroy our own dreams of home ownership.

.The worst investment you.ll ever make.: Financial guru Grant Cardone says too many Americans are chasing after the dream of homeownership. Here’s what he thinks you should do instead

h ttps://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/worst-investment-ll-ever-financial-130000294.html

By Bethan Moorcraft, 13 June 2023

Home ownership will be critical to your survival in the coming years, so much so that the State will do (and has already done) everything it can to thwart your efforts. Homes give you a base of operations, a place to live, to create, to store. Without that, pretty much everything in your life must be rented from others… who, overwhelmingly you’ll notice, are landowners themselves.

In fact, real estate is the PRIMARY form of investment for humanity. Blah blah stock market derivative hedge fund portfolios, but even a moron understands the importance of going HOME at the end of the workday. One of the most fundamental purposes of legitimate government is guaranteeing you ownership of your land. A lack of enforced private land ownership is how any society goes Hutu In Haiti in a hurry.

Homeownership has long been a cornerstone of the American dream. It symbolizes independence, financial security and prosperity . (things we all yearn for) . but is it a dream worth chasing?

If you ask Jesus the Messiah, yes. [Mark 10:29-30] .Truly I tell you,. Jesus replied, .no one who has left home or [family] or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, [family] and fields.along with persecutions.and in the age to come, eternal life.” Jesus understands that homes & fields are as important as families.

Not if you ask real estate investment guru Grant Cardone.

.Buying a home without a doubt is the WORST investment people can make, yet it’s also the most common one,. he wrote in an Instagram post earlier this month.

.Is it because [of] the lack of knowledge people have when it comes to financial education? Or is it just because too many people are trying to fulfill their American dream?.

Whatever the reason, Cardone . who goes by the nickname Uncle G . is on a mission to “change the trajectory.” Here’s what he thinks you should do instead of sinking deep into debt to buy a home.

He moves the goalposts from the indefensible “you shouldn’t own a home” to the easily defensible “you shouldn’t enslave yourself to banksters and hucksters like me”. Also, banksters and hucksters like YOU, if you take his imminent investment advice.

Dissing homeownership is bold coming from a man who made his millions by investing in real estate . but Cardone has his reasons, which he shared in that Instagram post.

Yes, he has his reasons for committing blatant hypocrisy.

No, he didn’t share them with us… us students.

He gave the example of spending $576,000 on a home that you keep for 10 years. On top of that huge total, Cardone said you.d also have to pay the following fees over a decade:

    • 12%, or $69,120, in broker fees;

    • 10%, or $57,600, in maintenance fees;

    • 20%, or $115,200, in property taxes; and

    • 70%, or $403,200, to the bank

Those additional costs add up to $645,120 . and when added to the original price of the home ($576,000), brings the total to a staggering $1,221,120.

You still pay the maintenance and property costs by renting. In California, the rental equivalent of a small house is about $4,000 per month… ten years… $480k, so about 80% of that purchase, except you don’t end up with any equity and have a landlord restricting what you can do with “your property”.

You do get to walk away at the drop of a lease, which is advantageous considering how fast the Mayorkas Migrant Express can enrich a neighborhood, but I digress.

Meanwhile, SEVENTY PERCENT to the Big Guy. THAT is why home ownership is often a bad idea. Not because of the concept… because of the malicious gatekeeping by Banksters.

He described the exercise as “dead money. . a term used for an investment that has shown little increase in value or is locked up for a long time with little yield.

.They’re serving a master,. said Uncle G [alias of author Grant Cardone]. .They.ll borrow money from the Bank of America. And then if they can get some more money, they.ll have a little retirement account . [and] that funds Wall Street. This is a big game..

True, but Step Two in living free of a master is owning your own land.

Step One is becoming debt-free. What a surprise that our usurious Elites have done their Damnedest to make the two mutually exclusive.

What Cardone thinks you should do instead

Instead of buying a house, the real estate investment guru says you should rent where you live and use the $100,000 you saved for a down payment to instead invest in real estate that generates passive income.

Look, everybody! “You will own nothing and be happy!”

He advocates for residential real estate, which has managed to maintain its strong fundamentals through the economic turmoil of recent years, while other parts of the commercial real estate sector . like offices, hotels and retail . have struggled.

That’s IMMIVASION odd. Normally, if there’s no IMMIVASION jobs then housing prices IMMIVASION decline.

These days, you don’t even need to buy a rental property outright or deal with the hassles of being a landlord to invest in real estate. Instead you can invest in a residential real estate investment trust (REIT), which are publicly-traded companies that collect rent from tenants and pass that rent to shareholders in the form of regular dividend payments.

…Uncle G said the priority is to generate cash flow . which you can invest and grow over time, until you have enough money to get on the housing ladder without all the financial challenges.

You may also consider crowdfunding platforms . a process championed by Cardone . that allow everyday investors to pool their money to purchase property (or a share of property) as a group.

The O.G. crowdfunding model was… extended families pooling their resources. But today, we’re advanced enough that you can pool resources with random Venezuelans fresh off the bus instead. Pro-tip for white crowdfunding investors: you’re the only guy in the room who wants everybody to benefit, because you’re the only not-racist in the room.

.I just don’t need to own a home on the way up. I need to own assets that pay me on the way up,. he said. “And once I have enough cash flow from the assets, then if I want to go buy a house or a watch or a car, I buy it out of the passive income..

Time was, owning a home in a man’s youth was HOW he worked up. Wife maintained the home (lower maintenance costs), raised the kids (no childcare costs) and cooked healthy food (lower healthcare & food costs) while he paid no more than property taxes and utilities. Additional income streams were typically from his parents (both sets) who gave it gladly because 1. he was going to inherit that money anyway, 2. they wanted their son to succeed and 3. grandkids.

Now in matriarchy, Barbie goes Eat Pray Love in Thai-One-On-Land until she runs out of money then grudgingly settles for a man who managed to succeed despite being disinherited for Barbie’s benefit. It’s like the Parable of the Prodigal Son with the genders corrected.

[Micah 2:1-2]Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds!
At morning’s light they carry it out because it is in their power to do it.

They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them.
They defraud people of their homes, they rob them of their inheritance.

Our rulers are teaching us to price ourselves out of the very home ownership we want via evils such as REITs. They are teaching us to destroy ourselves. This was explicit in the Covid vexxinations, but they also encourage us to commit usury against our neighbor for our passing, material benefit. These are not evils that benefit them, at least, not directly. Or materially.

I wonder if the difference between authoritarian government and totalitarian government can be defined as… the former does evil, but the latter TEACHES evil… and you will be forced to learn.

3 thoughts on “‘Uncle G’ Teaches Us To Thwart Ourselves From Home Ownership

  1. 2030, Winston sits at the Bidenville shanty waiting on the New Civility Unity Uber Alles update on his colostomy bag phone.
    The rainbow clown message comes in as he chomps into a cricket kebab and washes it down with canola oil, it was all he could keep down after the 4357th experimental gene therapy booster.
    He could feel his IQ and cognitive abilities decline after watching the mommygov agitprop spam.
    You’ll own nothing and like it because property is theft and to each according to his needs.
    Cargo cult czar apparatchiks are rated indispensable and Vermont MIC voters will live large in dachas because some are a little more equal than those others.

  2. Wow… so Uncle G says I can rent a house for cheaper than owning a house? So that means every landlord with a mortgage (most of them) are LOSING money by renting the house for less than their mortgage payment. And doing maintenance for me to boot! What an awesome deal! Does Uncle G have a house to rent to me?
    Also, the REIT’s I invested in a couple of years ago are doing great! IIPR is currently down a mere 71% from where I bought, and LAND is only down 35% from where I bought. What a great investment!

    On a more serious note, these REIT’s being down so much is a clue to how bad things are getting behind the scenes. IIPR is an industrial REIT, LAND is real estate in general. IIPR is worth pennies on the dollar compared to two years ago, suggesting a retraction in industrial rents.

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