Is the Southern Baptists’ Purge Of Female Clergy A False Flag? Eh, Who Cares

The online religious world is abuzz over the SBC removing two churches because of female clergy, notably Saddleback megachurch that defiantly ordained three witches back in 2021 when nobody was allowed indoors to object. I was all excited for some good news! So I checked…

…and the Southern Baptists are now dead to me.

They passed a 100% GAE-friendly set of resolutions… except for a very specific disfellowship. I smell a setup, but it won’t be affecting anybody I care about.

Southern Baptists pass resolutions on the Great Commission work of women, the ethics of AI, and the office of pastor

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By Tobin Perry, 13 June 2023

NEW ORLEANS (BP) . On Tuesday afternoon (June 13), messengers to the 2023 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in New Orleans approved six resolutions, including ones on the legacy and responsibility of women fulfilling the Great Commission, the ethics of artificial intelligence, and the office of pastor.

South Carolina Pastor David Sons, chair of the 2023 SBC Committee on Resolutions, told messengers that 23 resolutions had been properly submitted to the committee for consideration. Nine resolutions were submitted to the messengers for vote, with six being considered on Tuesday afternoon. Messengers passed all six of the resolutions passed during the Tuesday session.

All nine passed. I’ll hit them in no particular order:

On the legacy and responsibility of women fulfilling the Great Commission

Messengers affirmed the legacy of Southern Baptist women with a resolution thanking God for calling women to fulfill the Great Commission and urging churches to continue equipping them to make disciples.

Southern Baptists celebrated the “multitudes of women” who had served the convention as missionaries, writers, apologists, teachers, mentors and leaders. They also affirmed women’s intrinsic worth, gifting and dignity “for the purpose of his own mission and glory” and honored the work they are currently doing in .homes, churches, communities, and workplaces..

Two of those four are not Biblical for women. I boldfaced it for the slow class.

The resolution came just before Southern Baptists considered the appeal of two churches that had been declared “not in friendly cooperation” with the Convention because of women serving in pastoral roles.

That language is too weak. The Enemy will see an opportunity. Why am I so suspicious?

On the Southern Baptist confessional heritage of the office of bishop/elder/pastor

In the only resolution to pass with significant discussion, the messengers voted to .re-affirm our confessional heritage, grounded in Scripture, and recognize. only two biblical offices and “to encourage churches to uphold all the biblical qualifications for those who hold either office of bishop/elder/pastor or deacon..

This is the resolution that preceded the ousting of Saddleback et al. for “not in friendly cooperation”. Why did they phrase “God requires men to rule over women” as “we hereby clarify the biblical office qualifications for those who hold the office of pastor”? Again, weak language suggests weak men.

On artificial intelligence and emerging technology

In what is believed to be the first denominational statement on the ethics of artificial intelligence, Southern Baptists acknowledged the powerful potential of AI and other emerging technologies. They also expressed a desire “to engage them from a place of eschatological hope rather than uncritical embrace or fearful rejection..

Why is any church wasting a single moment of its time on… the atheist Utopia of sentient artificial intelligence… uh-oh.

The resolution also affirmed the Bible’s ability to answer any “ethical challenges, questions, and opportunities. that may emerge from these technologies. In addition, messengers also declared human dignity to be .central to any ethical principles, guidelines, or regulations for any and all uses. of these technologies.

The first and most obvious use of sentient AI, is wholesale replacement of humanity. Just sayin’, it’s obvious.

On wisely engaging immigration

Messengers approved a resolution affirming the inherent dignity of immigrants and refugees while asking government leaders to maintain robust avenues for asylum seekers to enter the country and take swift action to secure the border.

The resolution said that every immigrant and refugee had inherent value, .regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity, culture, national origin, or legal status.” It asked government officials to create both avenues for asylum seekers and a pathway for citizenship.

That’s not even a fail. That’s treason against the delegates’ own congregations.

I want to be optimistic about them removing disobedient clergy. I want to believe that they’re slowly getting it. Here’s the thing, though: it’s an hour PAST midnight, not before. Our funeral pyre is lit. The controlled demolition of the West has begun. The SBC doesn’t get more time to think & plan. They NEED to get it NOW and they aren’t.

They are S.T.I.L.L. refusing to accept the most basic principles of Christianity. Here’s the smoking gun:

[Caption:] (Left to right) Brent Leatherwood, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission; Kristen Ferguson, vice chair of the SBC Resolutions Committee; David Sons, chair of the Resolutions Committee; and Jason Thacker, a research fellow at the ERLC and professor at Boyce College, speak during the Resolutions Committee press conference June 14 during the SBC annual meeting. Photo by Luc Stringer

Kristen: “Can I be a pastor?”

Brent: “Sorry. God said women cannot be pastors.”

Kristen: “Can I be a non-pastor leader of men?”

Brent: “Of course! God merely said ‘no female pastors’. He never said anything about female chairmen or Presidents! Excuse me, chairpersons. *wink*”

Textbook Pharisee Fail! The delegates would have been better off voting to remove the misogynistic parts of the Bible from future editions, than “God said no female pastors but women can rule over men otherwise. We don’t actually know why God wants male pastors, but it couldn’t be for the reasons He gave because women are now equal to men.”

Meanwhile, the Southern Baptists are siding with the Biden Regime to flood the United States with foreigners in order to incite civilizational collapse. But they’re no longer affiliated with that one megachurch, so… call it a tie?

On needed care and support for pastors and ministry leaders

Noting the unique challenges facing pastors and ministry leaders in today’s cultural climate, messengers affirmed the importance of caring for pastors and other ministry leaders. The resolution commended associations, state conventions and national entities that were caring for the wellness need of pastors.

No sinecures will be threatened in the coming hard times. How did God phrase it? “A quart of barley for a day’s wages, but do not touch the oil and the wine” or something?

Real pastors go to jail so devout working-men don’t have to. Fake pastors double-check their golden parachutes whenever there’s turbulence.

Messengers… also asked churches to neither ignore nor stigmatize leaders who express internal or external struggles.

Hmm, who would have taught those congregations to ignore & stigmatize men who need help? Maybe the guy who constantly lectures at them from the Pulpit Of Power?

Southern Baptists also committed to work together to “promote a culture of holistic flourishing among our pastors..

A blunt a day will keep the devils at bay!

On the importance of revitalizing and replanting

SBC messengers affirmed efforts to revitalize and replant churches as a key part of fulfilling the Great Commission.

Yo, SBC, your churches are failing for the traditional reason of being worthless. Your churches are not to support and nurture women. They are to support and nurture men, the laymen who serve in the front lines of spiritual warfare.

You clergy are rear-echelon, paper-pushing motherfuckers in fancy hats AT BEST. You sit safely behind the lines, waiting for the men to straggle in after five or six days of keeping the world spinning. That would be okay if you celebrated them, provided legal representation for them, organized them, built parallel institutions for them. YOU are supposed to serve THEM. Read up on the Last Supper. Church leaders being the servants of the ordinary men, is what Jesus taught a microsecond before Judas decided to betray him.

And you, us. You clergy loaded up the laymen with MORE demands, then you conspired with his wife to undermine his home, and now you cry that the men of your church… the ones you failed to drive off with neglect and gaslighting… might choose to be callous to YOUR needs at YOUR moment of vulnerability.

I hope they follow your example.

That was day one. Continuing at

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On Christ’s Sole Lordship Over Human Conscience

Messengers emphasized the historical Baptist belief of the priesthood of the believer in the resolution. They also stressed the Convention’s historical commitment to religious freedom, opposing any efforts to confuse “the separate covenants and responsibilities of the church and state” and the right of every person to have access to God and form their own religious opinions without interference by civil authorities.

Speaking of NOT HELPING THE LAYMEN WITH THEIR FRONTLINE BATTLE AGAINST SATAN, here we see the delegates approving a memo reminding the Totalitarian child molesters who rule over us, that we’re still entitled to our opinions.


Sure, the Bible is full of opinions.

I feel so safe now that their memo is watching my back, Klaus Schwab can have my guns after all. Not.

It’s coming, it’s going to be terrible, and with leaders like these, we’re FUBAR.

On Opposing Gender Transition

Southern Baptists overwhelmingly affirmed a resolution condemning .gender-affirming care. and all forms of “gender transition interventions.” The resolution called these activities “an assault on God’s created order..

That’s false opposition. Say it with me: EVIL. Evil, evil, evil. Evil must be punished.

On Appreciation for the City of New Orleans

Southern Baptists acknowledged the hospitality of the city of New Orleans and thanked the local association, state convention, and volunteers for their efforts in the annual meeting.

Whatever. The SBC is dead. They’ve been shamed into a single, grand spectacle, giving barely-technically-sufficient obedience to what they clearly believe is an arbitrary rule by a misogynistic deity whose wisdom has grown a little stale over the centuries. It still wasn’t sufficient obedience, but with an attitude like theirs, it would not matter if it was.

In fact… I wonder if this pastorette purge was a false flag, to give the FBI a civil-rights opportunity to move against the SBC. It is very out of step with everything else the delegates resolved at at that convention, the Feebs are actively searching for an opportunity and the SBC is the biggest available target now that Popa Frankie converged Rome.

Time will tell if it’s betrayal. Time will also tell, if Kristen remains in authority over men.

2 thoughts on “Is the Southern Baptists’ Purge Of Female Clergy A False Flag? Eh, Who Cares

  1. ”Eh, Who Cares as I’ll just kick back, watch, and do my utmost to at least try to enjoy the decline?”
    That seems to be the consensus between DEREK, ROISSY, and GBFM(a.k.a. the all-new,all-different CHATEAU)GUNNER!

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