Eden, Babel, Sodom and POTUS 2024

It’s become clear that the Regime intends the 2024 lineup to be California Gov. Gavin Newsom versus Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. The first part of the calculus is, of course, Donald Trump Delenda Est. DeSantis is a very popular Republican, having courageously and innovatively done almost nothing to impose Plandemic lockdowns, and therefore is the most reasonable contender to draw support away from Orange Man Bad.

The second part is that both Trump and DeSantis are Zionists, so allowing DeSantis in the “R” position prevents a Bankster Jew-Zionist Jew intertribal spat, which is likely the unspoken reason for Trump’s 2016 surprise success.  In fact, Israel right now is on the brink of civil war between the nationalists and the internationalists, with the nationalists winning. Which probably explains why Palestinian settlements are a hot topic again, but I digress. The Newsom-DeSantis matchup ensures that PM Netanyahu will have an agent in the race if/when Trump gets railroaded, which will placate Trump’s primary defenders.

The ultra-orthodox have reached a critical mass of power in recent years. Looks like having children instead of plundering outsiders is the long-term winning move.

Third, Newscum is a finished product of the “SF/LA to Sacramento” political pipeline, and has proven his political reliability by abolishing all local governments in California. This was a year ago in the midst of a blizzard of Great Reset legislation, so even I didn’t notice until last week when a talking head blabbed too much about the real-estate opportunity presented by a dead economy.

The fourth part of the lineup decision, is that Newscum ALSO proved his loyalty by taking the death jab. And then a booster, after Bell’s Palsy interrupted his  vanity-driven media frenzies. The Regime doesn’t have many candidates who will knowingly risk vaxx-injury again for a chance to be Puppet Of the Free World.

Speaking of puppets, the last part of the lineup decision is that Creepy Joe is, per the most reputable accounts, brain-dead. I must confess, my primary interest in the 2024 Presidential election is looking forward to watching POTUS, VPOTUS, House Speaker and God only knows who else dying in a freak Russian terrorist attack that nobody but everybody saw coming, leaving Newscum as America’s last, only hope for continued access to infanticide on demand.

Let’s have an article to validate my smack-talk with.

Newsom hits the road to campaign for Biden in Idaho, building his own base in red states

h ttps://www.yahoo.com/news/newsom-hits-road-campaign-biden-110010132.html

By Hannah Wiley, 3 July 2023

The Prince Of Hair Gel is campaigning where he’s not welcome on behalf of an incumbent potato? LOL! If the Regime had a soul, they’d let Biden step down for obvious medical reasons and Newsom could run for Prez without this pretense of loyal servitude. But the Regime doesn’t have a soul, so  my guess is they’d rather kill Biden to bury his secrets, and for the drama. Newsom gets the sympathy vote “because he was there for Biden from the beginning” while the FBI’s 24-7 surveillance on Donald Trump has an inexplicable blackout period that establishes he had opportunity to do the dirty deed.

At a private fundraiser in the middle of Donald Trump’s America, California Gov. Gavin Newsom was on a mission to help President Biden.

Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Newsom, who hit the road during the Fourth of July holiday weekend, told a group of roughly 50 Democrats gathered in the backyard of a mansion overlooking the Boise foothills Saturday to make the “powerful case for why we should be passionate, enthusiastic about Biden’s reelection..

Victory doesn’t look like fifty tools in a billionaire’s shed.

Actually, maybe it does. The totalitarian is a literally Hive-minded creature. This scene is Newsom swaggering into a White Supremacist Hive and proving himself untouchable… a demonstration of power and status to the Social Justice Warrior?

Never mind that he’d be in more danger walking out his own front door in Sacramento. The reality uploaded into the SJW mind does not need to be cis-reality beyond the ability to cross the street without getting hit by a bus… too frequently.

At a time when states like Idaho, where registered Republicans outnumber Democrats by more than 4 to 1, are enacting laws to restrict abortion, gay rights and advance other culturally divisive pillars of the GOP agenda, Newsom said only one man could be trusted to turn the tide: Biden.

Don’t forget the banning of heat in wintertime, the State-sanctioned molestation of children, disarmament of Real Americans and the endless shipments of unwelcome, belligerent, nonwhite settlers. Idahoans love that stuff!

The 80-year-old president has used his years in office to aggressively fight for Democratic priorities, Newsom told them, including LGBTQ+ rights, gun control and clean energy, while rebuilding the American economy post-COVID and keeping democracy afloat.

Saturday’s swing through Idaho didn’t just energize Biden’s much-neglected base in such a conservative corner of the West. It helped build a future one for Newsom.

Newsom posturing as Biden’s right hand, meeting donors and “stakeholders” so POTUS need not be distracted with maintaining his network of allies, is as fake and gay as Absalom standing at the gates to Jerusalem to “help” daddy King David administer justice. Without David’s, or Biden’s, knowledge. Although to be fair, at this point Biden wouldn’t know if he was told.

Many of the Democrats who flocked to hear Newsom speak in Idaho and at a separate fundraising event earlier that day in Bend, Ore., said they thought the 55-year-old liberal governor offered a glimpse into the future of their party, a bolder, more charismatic and younger potential heir of Biden’s legacy in the post-Trump years.

“I just flew in on my private jet to say, Climate Change is gonna kill everybody who drives a car!”

Yeah, this is ALL about Newsom being groomed to succeed Potato Joe, who is not being told to step down when he has the opportunity. Even the attendees are chanting Gavin’s name not Creepy’s. It’s just as well that Potato is too far gone to see the long knives coming out. If he still had his wits, he’d retaliate with a sudden resignation and stick the Regime… and us… with President Kamala “Veep Throat” Harris.

.He looks like an incredible presidential candidate,. said Russ Buschert, an Idaho Democratic Party trustee.

But he’s not a presidential candidate. Not unless Creepy falls off the balcony onto Veep Throat in the near future. What are the odds?

Michele Anderson, a real estate broker in Bend and former Bay Area resident, praised Newsom for using his “pretty impactful” voice and his willingness to take a stand on the most critical issues facing the nation while pushing back against Republicans eroding the progress made during the country’s recent history.

.I appreciate a lot that Joe Biden has done, but I think it’s time for that next generation of leaders, too,” Anderson said. “And I see Gavin Newsom being a part of that..

“I loved San Francisco because I could stand on a balcony and sneer down at all the homeless men shooting up fentanyl in an open sewer, but then I couldn’t afford housing myself. So, I moved up the highway to the next beautiful, infectible city, but the locals threatened to shoot me if I didn’t stay away from their children! Take their guns away, O Prince Of Hair Gel! There is no god but Ruth Ginsberg and Graven is her prophet!”

Read more: Newsom’s pestering of ‘sixth grade bully’ DeSantis seeps into presidential race

I skip the link, but Newsom and DeSantis poking each other with tweets is more fake than pro wrestling. Or the Floyd Riots, for the younger generation. I wish you could’ve been there for the Eighties. They were fun… flaws, mullets and all.

Newsom says he has no interest in the White House and that his cross-country travels are to promote his party and president before the 2024 election.

But his stumping for Biden tees Newsom up nicely for other job prospects, said Rob Stutzman, a Republican consultant in California. His public feuding with Republicans fills a “void” in his party and sends a message that he’s a Democrat willing and unafraid to take on the MAGA wing of the GOP . a crusade that helps elevate Newsom’s national profile and build a database of supporters along the way.

“He.s putting in time and effort that no one else outside the White House appears to be,” Stutzman said. “He.s acting like the candidate in waiting.

“Someday it may pay off for him.”

Stutzman sees what I see.

The visit to Idaho, which kicked off Newsom’s second tour through red states over the past few months, was all about shoring up enthusiasm for Biden’s accomplishments and touting party accomplishments, while showering beleaguered local Democrats with some love, attention and a little campaign cash from his political action committee Campaign for Democracy.

The swing through Republican-led states gives Newsom the chance to remind local Democrats how critical they are in fighting back against what he described as a GOP-led “rights regression.”

.You think Trump, if he gets back into office, is not going to demand a third term? Give me a break,. Newsom said. .You think Jan. 6 is the last we are going to see…. Give me a break.”

Trump Derangement Syndrome again. The Democrats should replace their racist donkey symbol with a lemon-sucking spinster.

But Newsom also has to contend with any side effects of his campaigning in red states like Idaho, one of the top states where Californians are fleeing, according to data analyzed by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California. During Newsom’s tenure as governor, California has seen a surge in homelessness and a worsening housing shortage and affordability crisis, some of the issues cited in a recent PPIC poll showing that about 4 in 10 Californians are considering leaving the state.

I don’t like the idea of separation. Nothing good will come of ceding ground to the Totalist, especially not the cities. And especially not California with its deepwater ports, something that’ll remain critical until local manufacturing gets going in USA once again.

Which isn’t happening. No state is taking the necessary steps to become economically, politically and demographically independent of the Potomac Swamp. I blame…

.California.s far-left governor came to Boise to raise money for Idaho Democrats…and to export his litany of failed policies, including skyrocketing housing costs,” Idaho Republican Party Chairwoman Dorothy Moon said in a statement. “People are fleeing California in droves because they don’t want to live as serfs in Prince Gavin’s kingdom. I’m pretty sure his visit here to normal America violates some kind of California travel restriction..

…female leadership over men. Women are great at keeping home, NOT great at predicting cause and effect accurately enough to make long-term preparations for survival against the same GAE demons who first empowered her.

First is the sin of Eden, female leadership over men. Then is Babel, women bringing in foreigners because she doesn’t respect the men she now rules over. Finally is Sodom, female rulers using their only source of power… sexuality… to maintain what is falling apart. Also, male sexual desperation after one-and-done marriage gets taken off the table.

I tell you straight: abortion, Moloch, Drag Queen Story Hour, banning porn, it’s all about female will to power. It only stops when women kneel to men.

An increasing number of people want to reverse the stages of Babel and Sodom, which is good but not sufficient. The stage of Eden MUST be reversed FIRST, otherwise it’s a doomed battle. Your leaders and allies will Cuck out on you again and again… she because she’s feral, and he because he wants to please She.

Moon does have a point that Newsom is violating California travel restrictions, but I assess her no credit because hypocrisy means literally nothing to the likes of Newsom. Imagine an SJW accusing you of being a gun owner, and you chuckle in response, “you got no idea how right you are”. That’s what an SJW chuckles when you call him a lawless hypocrite. Or would, if it wasn’t too honest to deny xir the right to claim victimhood.

California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson said the state’s struggles should “serve as a warning to the rest of the nation.”


“While Newsom runs a shadow presidential campaign, it’s increasingly clear he wants to take his failures from his own state straight to the White House,” Millan Patterson said in a statement. “You don’t want what Gavin Newsom’s selling..

I don’t want what Patterson is selling, either. With that face, it’s either vomit or a blowjob. Oh look, a lemon-sucking spinster!


h ttps://aschaper1.blogspot.com/2021/07/cagop-chairwoman-jessica-patterson.html

1 July 2021

Dear CAGOP Chairwoman Patterson:

CAGOP Treasurer Greg Gandrud provided me the latest numbers on the current CAGOP finances.

$574,206.97 Fed
$991,520.33 Non Fed
$1,565,727.30 TOTAL

Madam Chair, these numbers are embarrassing and very frustrating. I do not know how any political party plans on making a difference or a dent in this state with a cash flow that is so low, one can hardly pay attention–or pay one’s staffers, consultants, etc.

When I say the California Republican Party is dead… it’s THAT dead. $1.6M annual budget in 2021, one-third of which was charity from FedGov.

I further recall, Chairwoman Patterson, that you are currently drawing a salary of $200,000+. So, one can safely say that you are drawing 13% of the state party’s current budget, and you are drawing those funds from the budget.

This is a monstrous misuse of funds, and made all the worse by the fact that there has been no leadership on your part to increase registration around the state or to provide support for local central committees. Your leadership was noticeably absent while grassroots volunteers around the state took initiative to initiate a recall against one of the most, if not the most corrupt governor in the United States. Only after the signatures were tallied and turned in did the CAGOP leadership parachute in with emails to support the recall and ask for money. This is so disappointing.

She ain’t giving us a warning. She IS the warning.

Meanwhile, with domestic enemies of Patterson’s caliber, Newsom has been forced to visit foreign, Trumpist lands in search of worthy photo-ops, err, opponents.

End segue

Newsom has dismissed that criticism as tired Republican talking points and a distraction from the cultural issues that underlie his trip.

Mike Madrid, a Republican political consultant and co-founder of the anti-Trump group The Lincoln Project, said Newsom’s brand appeals to Democrats throughout the country, including in swing states, who are looking for a leader “unashamed and unapologetic” about running defense against Republicans.

The fact that Lincoln Project hasn’t been kicked out of the National Republican Party for sodomy, is all you need to know about the honor of said Party. Mike is as conservative as a drag queen crying that it hurts to sh*t.

That could be a winning strategy in a deeply divided America in the middle of a culture war, Madrid said. As voters are looking for a champion on cultural issues, “Gavin Newsom is that champion.”

At least for now, Newsom is shrugging off the presidential compliments and sticking to the script.

.I guess I should be humbled by that,. he said. “But that’s not why I’m here..

So humble! So noble! But wait, Biden was the most popular Presidential candidate in American history despite campaigning from behind a respirator in his basement. If he feels the need to campaign at all, now that he ALSO has the power of incumbency, then why isn’t he doing his own campaigning? Why let somebody else make those critical donor connections and head those all-important headlines?

4 thoughts on “Eden, Babel, Sodom and POTUS 2024

  1. You haven’t heard of the DJT/RFK Jr. dream ticket? (honk!)
    Who knows how you voat moar harder with fraudulent (s)elections.
    They all serve the small hat and Brandon’s regime is 98% hymie.
    WWIII will cancel the lamest show on earth and time is running out for the nuke false flag as Russia is recruiting 1000+ per day.
    The Chiquitastan gets about 125 a day to sign up.
    PMC is now part of their regular armed forces and have expanded into 9 countries during the Wagner distraction.

  2. I sincerely hope that no one whom I respect is stupid enough to participate in the overtly corrupt Deep State farce that will be known as “Election 2024.” Unless, of course, “participation” means “using every means at one’s disposal to shut the entire thing down.”

  3. ”Heck, I.d vote for that show myself if I was still allowed to vote.”
    So you are in the same boat as GBFM, ROISSY, and DEREK, GUNNER.
    We gave up on voting a while back though.

  4. I’m right there with you. I stopped participating three years ago. I refuse to vote for my own chains. I am no longer a “participant” in that system.

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