In France, A Spontaneous Meeting Of Friends

Vigilantism rears its head in France! Actually no, but there are some observations to be made.

French Media Reports Vigilante Gang Zip-Tying Rioters And Handing Them to Police

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4 July 2023

The existence of a masked gang of young men tying up rioters in one town is discussed in French language publications, but the mayor insists no such thing exists and tells locals to call the police if they witness unrest.

Knee-jerk reaction #1: They’re government agents because the mayor is covering for them.

Knee-jerk reaction #2: They’re government agents because they talked to the media and didn’t get either doxxed or a mob directed at them.

Knee-jerk reaction #3: They’re complete idiots for not splitting some watermelons for the Fourth of July when they had the chance. Those perps will just have to be arrested again, later on.

Knee-jerk reaction #4: They’re government agents because the cops didn’t arrest them on the spot for vigilantism.

First conscious thought about the article: for nonviolent vigilantism to work, the mayor, police and media must all cooperate with the vigilantes.

Which is true. Procedure, presumption of innocence, a prison-industrial complex and all that other fun stuff, is possible only with a large and dedicated social machine. An ordinary Joe “taking the law into his own hands” doesn’t have many options between “run away” and “kill”. A mob might do a Scold’s Bridle or tar & feathering. But vigilantes following formal arrest procedure then handing over the perps to authorities? Those aren’t vigilantes, those are cops not allowed to be cops.

Onward to the second sentence of the article!

Using zip-ties to restrain alleged rioters, the men are said to have then handed their captures onto the regular police on Friday night as well as having been seen putting out fires. Described as strongly physically built, fast-moving, and proceeding in a tightly-packed group, a report in Ouest France says one member of the group told a journalist that he couldn’t reveal their identities but that “we are on the good side” and that the group was a spontaneous meeting of friends to protect the city-centre.

A spontaneous meeting of friends who all lift iron and are trained in group maneuvers, police procedures and emergency services. Mobs throwing firebombs don’t usually step back to let firefighters do their jobs.

Standardization implies organization implies NOT spontaneous. If I had to effect a spontaneous arrest in a sudden riot, the perp would be duct-taped, superglue’d or dead. I would not pick up a bag of zip-ties after the arsons start, on the off-chance that my drinking buddies might want to play police officer in self-defense.

Several outlets including Ouest France, Telegram and Le Figaro all point out that the town of Lorlent is home to a military base but do not go so far as to definitely assert the brigade’s members are off-duty Marines. A spokesman for the Maritime Commandos force stationed at the base is reported to have denied any knowledge of their people being involved.

Aaaand there it is. They’re government agents. Who aren’t allowed to defend France.

That’s a terrible sign for France, when its own military can’t be honest about defending its own people from a proudly foreign threat. But it perfectly explains why, when “friends” showed up at the precinct with Jugglers in zip-ties, the police cuffed the clowns instead of the ultra-far-right-wing-fascist-white-nationalists who still think France is for the French.

When asked by the interviewer if the group had any .far-right. connections, a woman replied that: .no, we are just people who want to save France, because France is going to ruin.. She further added that it was their belief the killing of an Algerian-heritage teen by a police officer last week is just being used as an excuse for rioting and looting by youths.

“Algerian-heritage teen”? Sheesh.

They spontaneously decided to save France about the time Mohammed burned out a mayor’s family in a failed assassination attempt. These masked mens’ true motivation… protecting the local government… is confirmed by their spokeswoman lying about the Muzzies’ motivation. She says they’re just rioters and looters?

According to French Interior Ministry figures, there have been 5,821 car fires…


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2 July 2023

Local prosecutors have opened a murder investigation on Sunday after the home of Vincent Jeanbrun, mayor of L.Ha?-les-Roses in the Paris suburb of Val-de-Marne was attacked by rioters with a flaming car.

While the mayor was not at home at the time of the attack, his wife was “seriously” injured and hospitalised, suffering a broken leg while trying to flee the violent mob. One of the couple’s children was also injured during the attack.

Their own car was set on fire, too. Some accounts say rockets were fired but only Molotovs are confirmed. The family was able to escape on foot because police were in the vicinity.

For his part, Mayor Jeanbrun said on Sunday: .Last night, a milestone was reached in horror and ignominy. My home was attacked and my family was the victim of an assassination attempt. My determination to protect and serve the Republic is greater than ever. I will not back down..

I checked his wife, Melanie Nowak, in case she was the actual target, only to find that she’s the deputy mayor. Both are political opponents of Macron, but it’s hard to find details in the wake of that sensational incident. I don’t know to what extent either were anti-immivasion.

So, anyway, that’s two of the “car fires”.

End segue

…and well over 1,000 buildings damaged including 254 police stations and 243 schools, including 60 which took significant damage.

Sure, spokeswoman. The Muslims went a-looting… at the police stations and schools. Where all the free televisions are stored. No.

That’s color revolution. Exactly what GAE did in America. Rioters don’t preferentially target police stations. I wonder if “schools” is a euphemism for “churches”, but honestly, I couldn’t care less if churches get arsoned out of existence. It is a just punishment for Original Sin.

The pattern is clear. Police are being crippled from above and below. The militaries of the West have had been drained of munitions and competence. Foreigners are being imported for political use. Dollar collapse isn’t just imminent, GAE keeps doing stuff that accelerates it. None of this is happening in a vacuum. None of this is mere stupidity. All of it is happening while the Church is dead in its trans-heh-gressions. And with it, the death of the West’s moral compass.

A new, world government is about to arrive with a new, world religion.

The plan is to create total social breakdown & chaos, then offer safety in the forms of 15-Minute Cities and digital currency. I’ve been looking for the new enforcers of that new world order, but they haven’t emerged yet. Perhaps the Cabal intends no jackboots at all, and will simply flip switches to compel social behavior. Exactly what China has been experimenting with, under the excuse of “Zero Covid”.

If so, then they’re gonna need a more reliable power grid.

Despite journalists from several newspapers reporting directly on the activities of the brigade anticasseurs, the mayor of Lorlent moved quickly to dismiss speculation, insisting the vigilantes didn’t, in fact, exist at all. Centre-right UDI party mayor Fabrice Loher said: .In response to a rumour: no, there is no “militia” working alongside the police! Our citizens are called to call. to report any public order issues..

Local French governments are trying to find a comfortable spot between being destroyed for supporting the agents of disorder, and being destroyed for NOT supporting the agents of disorder. They won’t oppose the Regime’s agenda even though it will be fatal for them, too.

This mayor was fortunate enough to have the military at hand, yet even so, he’s desperate to not be seen advocating for civilians to independently seek the safety and justice that he is clearly not providing.

All puppets. No leaders.

Generally, rioters using the death of a teenager in a Paris suburb last Tuesday as a pretext for violence and looting have been able to carry on without interruption from the rest of French society, and even the French government was relatively slow in deploying the police in force. While there were 7,000 officers on patrol the first evening of rioting, it took days to reverse the trend of soaring violence with an eventual deployment of 45,000 officers a night, which is still ongoing.

One could believe that this was merely logistics… an entire division of riot police cannot appear overnight… yet Macron still hasn’t taken any of the obvious, proven, anti-riot methods.

Such as making gruesome examples of a few rioters.

Like they did to two of Macron’s opponents.

The doomsday clock is ticking its last ticks.

2 thoughts on “In France, A Spontaneous Meeting Of Friends

  1. I would suggest calling up the militia, but then I recall that the governments are more afraid of men like me than they are of color revolution. Also France doesn’t have men like me. They made sure their men are all unarmed.

  2. It isn’t fine anymore?
    But, but, but, where are the muh refugees are welcome signs?
    They need a machete free zone sign to stop the enrichment. (honk!)
    Merkel and Macron invaded their own homelands under order from their globalist paymasters.
    There should be consequences for that.

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