The Second British Bank Cancellation Is More Understandable

This is a terrible time to be sleepwalking through life.

I comment occasionally that Clown World is surreal; that people don’t normally behave the way they are behaving today. In particular, there’s a grotesque numbness when it comes to spiritual discernment. A go-to example of mine is Covid’s “fifteen days to flatten the curve”. As in, “There’s this new disease coming. We don’t know if it’s going to end civilization as we know it, so we’re going to preemptively end civilization as we know it. It’s the only way to be sure.”

Everybody but me believed that at the time, AFAIK.

Similarly, I rant about Original Sin being the possessed gay elephant in the church hall, but few Christians (who formally study the Bible twice a week!) can see that. Or admit they see that.


A story-in-progress going around the dissident Web is UK’s Nigel Farage being a guinea pig for financial Cancel culture. The guy can’t find a bank that will do business with him. On one hand, individual businesses should be free to do business with whoever they want to; but on the other hand, Farage being blacklisted by the entire British banking world, by banks that have never even met him before, is obviously a criminal conspiracy not a long sequence of independent, individual decisions. He may be forced to leave England, which would be a worst-case precedent for dissidents across the West. He may find a way to financially survive regardless, which would be the best-case precedent. My thoughts are with you, Nigel; not because my thoughts can help you, but because you are the trailblazer on a path that I will probably be forced to walk, too.

Did you know that George Washington, while he was publicly leading the Continental Army, had an open account at an English bank? Bank of England, IIRC. Him waging a revolutionary war was not sufficient grounds for his bank to Cancel him, let alone confiscate his deposits. Banks that play politics with their customers’ accounts are banks that nobody trusts. It’s that simple.

Farage’s story is an ominous portent. This next, second story of bank cancellation? Not so much.

Bank closes Anglican vicar’s account for opposing its promotion of trans ideology

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By Christian Today, 9 July 2023

That’s a new “author” at the Christian Post. Not a misspelling of Christianity Today, a competing and heavily paywalled site.

An Anglican vicar says his bank account was closed after he accused it of pushing trans ideology.

How odd that child molesters don’t like people who, on rare occasion, remind them of God.

The Rev. Richard Fothergill said he politely complained to the Yorkshire Building Society (YBS) that it was promoting trans ideology during so-called pride month, also known as the month of June.

The U.K. Times reports that he received a written response four days later from YBS stating that his internet savings account was to be closed after 17 years.

Behold my shocked face. No bank should cancel a customer without warning or known cause; but canceling Mister “I don’t like the way you do business”?

The letter stated that YBS has a “zero tolerance approach to discrimination” and that his feedback was “not tolerable.” It also claimed that its relationship with Fothergill had “irrevocably broken down.”

They aren’t wrong. Did Fothergill expect YBS to respect Christ enough to back down from celebrating sexual perversion, or to respect his politeness enough to back down?

I wasn’t always a mouthy shitposter. I trained myself to be that after realizing that most people interpret politeness as weakness. How did Internet culture get so coarse? Because polite, well-researched arguments never got respect. Maybe that’s a pity. I wouldn’t know. I just want to communicate, and shredding on lackwitted fools is astonishingly effective communication.

Which brings us back to Richard.

I wasn’t even aware that our relationship had a problem. They are a financial house . they are not there to do social engineering. I think they should concentrate their efforts on managing money, instead of promoting LGBT ideology,” the vicar told The Times. “I know cancel culture exists and this is my first firsthand experience of it. I wouldn’t want this bullying to happen to anyone else.”


“Quit your social engineering and stop celebrating sex freaks. It’s not compatible with my church’s business.”

“We can’t do business anymore.”

“Huh? Why not?”

+1 for taking a stand, Rev. Fothergill. -1 for being surprised by the inevitable. How is it that Queer Fag Bank behaved more reasonably than a church official?

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is reportedly set to warn banks that they must protect free speech after Nigel Farage complained that his bank account was being closed without explanation.

A Treasury source told the Daily Telegraph that it was “absolutely a concern” that banks and lenders might be dropping customers who hold unpopular views.

Heh, Canada’s bank run must still be fresh in that Treasury source’s mind. Remember when Turdo son of Castro, tried to destroy the Truckers by confiscating their wealth? Everybody began emptying their accounts across the country. That wasn’t an organized protest. That was pure survival instinct.

There is no way that CBDC’s will be adopted… or 15minute cities, or Social Credit surveillance states, or Green Energy, or child mutilation… outside of a global collapse on the scale of “burn the land and boil the sea, of every dissident who disagrees with me”. Which would explain much about the plagues of Revelation. They would be punishments tailored to the crimes of the Cabal… and that’s the point at which I stop thinking about the future and watch funny cat videos on JewTube instead.

Rev. Fothergill will be able find another bank. He’s no Nigel.

One thought on “The Second British Bank Cancellation Is More Understandable

  1. I sure didn’t believe “15 days to flatten the curve” either. I knew that was a lie! It was so obvious. I asked random people all over the place if they even knew anyone that KNEW anyone that was sick and always got “no”. But people still wanted to go along with it.

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