Women Beaten With Sticks, Government Officials Most Affected

What makes a government legitimate?

Is it a divine mandate from Heaven? The self-reported recipients of such mandates rarely act Heavenly.

Is it possessing a monopoly on the use of force? While difficult (and painful) to argue against, that’s more brutality than legitimacy.

Is it winning a fortified election? A surprisingly large number of people say yes.

Let’s crack a Bible.

Romans 13: 1-5 “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

That sounds like divine mandate, but as we read on, a conditional mandate.

For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong.

That is not our current, Clown World situation at all. Our rulers quite literally terrorize those who do right… fathers first and worst.

Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.”

There is the key, at least for the Protestant American context. Rulers are defined by their behavior: they punish evildoers, those who do wrong…

“The commandments, .You shall not commit adultery,. .You shall not murder,. .You shall not steal,. .You shall not covet,. and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: .Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.”

…those who do wrong, by violating God’s laws.

The legitimate ruler amongst you, is the person(s) who punishes the criminals. God’s okay with you not believing in Him… this is no call to theocracy… but stealing, murder and weaponized envy are always crimes regardless of what any human authority might think. You don’t get to harm your neighbor.

When any so-called government refuses to bear the sword against the criminal… not just a one-time derp, but as formal policy… then they are no longer a legitimate government in the eyes of God. As Scripture explicitly states, rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Also as Scripture states, you will know the tree by its fruit.

If Gotham City Hall will not bear the sword, then the field is open for Batman to step in.

And speak of the Joker…

Bat-wielding kids attack San Francisco moms, nannies outside school in wealthy neighborhood

h ttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/bat-wielding-kids-attack-san-francisco-moms-nannies-outside-school-in-wealthy-neighborhood/ar-AA1dt2mG

By Joe Brown, 5 July 2023

Children wielding baseball bats are reportedly attacking and robbing helpless mothers and nannies in a wealthy San Francisco neighborhood known for its young families.

Noe Valley, which is also known locally as “stroller alley” because of the many families with young children who live there, experienced 11 phone robberies last week, which authorities believe are linked to a gang of youths who have also lately been assaulting women with bats while they pick up their kids from school, according to the Telegraph.

Noe Valley is reportedly 60% white, 20% Asian. The hood rats err, children playing baseball are [N/A].

Police reportedly arrested a minor last week related to the phone thefts and are continuing to investigate.

Everything I need to know about the perps comes from 3 facts:

No mug shots/descriptions.

“Children with sticks” successfully attacked adults.

Aaand the government didn’t lift a finger. Wait… I see the middle one is extended:

Rafael Mandelman, a member of the city’s governing San Francisco Board of Supervisors, attributed the crime among children in the city in part to the upending they experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Telegraph.

“I think, what happened with kids not being in school, I think there may be something going on with that, that we’re going to be experiencing for a while,” he said.

“Those couple of years [when] school was erratic or nonexistent, where everyone was under stress, parents and caregivers were under stress. That was probably impacting vulnerable communities more anyway. Sociologically. Who knows what was going on, but I would not be surprised if we are going to be experiencing the lingering impacts of that for a generation,” Mandelman added.

The remaining innocents of SF will just have to accept that “youths” from “vulnerable communities” will continue beating them with deadly weapons during armed robberies for an entire generation. Because those 17-year-old, jogging chillunz didn’t log enough hours at the government-run education camp.

That’s cold even by Cabal standards.

Per wikipedia, Mandelman is a homosexual Jew whose parents divorced when he was 3, and his mother was so batspit crazy, she couldn’t get custody even from California family courts. One can presume that his vision of San Francisco 2030 is Tel Aviv West Coast, and that he seethes whenever he sees a happy, healthy family. Because when he saw white & Asian mothers being attacked, his response was to sanction the criminals:

“They attacked and robbed us!”

“Get used to it.”

That is not legitimate government, per Almighty God.

Wanna be mayor of SF? Okay, dumb question, but let me make the pitch anyway: the way to become the mayor, the real mayor not a puppet, is to bear the proverbial sword against those masked-up, hood-rat ‘yoofs’ until they fear to ever do evil again. And the other Law-breaking criminals, some of whom might be pretending to be government officials even though their behavior proves they’re not.

You shall know your legitimate rulers by their deeds. Not by their Dominion voting machine results.

2 thoughts on “Women Beaten With Sticks, Government Officials Most Affected

  1. AH, Gunner this was beautiful! Algernon Sidney spent a great deal of space in his book explaining this very same thing.

  2. Hussein the Immaculate (the One!) had the divine right of kings scepter disguised as a “historic” pen and phone but Brandon only has a sippy cup, vacant thought cloud and a teleprompter with the faux hopey changey Pepsi logo. (h/t-Garrison)
    These things happen when a mediocre subpar hive of apparatchiks gets delusional and decides who to (s)elect in their fortified democracy.
    The comrades in CPUSA (D) HQ West SF will have a hard time in anarcho-tyranny and a tiny violin plays Misty.
    They do know that the tweets aren’t mean and no vajayjays got grabbed? (s/)
    Peace and Safety uber alles aren’t on the menu yet, that comes after the burn it all down better reset when it will be made mandatory.
    Hiveborg current thing update-build it (CCCP) back better are in the dumpster with the hope and change foam columns of democracy.

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