The Entire Point Of Christianity

Bruce Charlton touches on the fundamental question of the Christian condition.

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It is important for people to realize, to acknowledge, that the global leadership class of 2023 – especially those of The West – are affiliated to evil; i.e. are allied with Satan and against God and divine creation.

But making this acknowledgement is not sufficient to be Christian, because the Christian God is Good – and Good by (the best and highest) human standards of Good – as exemplified and taught by Jesus Christ.

In other words; to be Christian, we must also correctly understand how it is that God, the creator, who is wholly-Good – makes things, such that this world is ruled by evil Men who serve the agenda of Satan.

In other words; we need to understand enough about the nature and motivations of God, to make sense of the current fact of things-now being substantially under evil leaderships. And there are (from a Christian perspective) right and wrong ways of understanding this.

In other words, we must understand what the point of Christianity is. Why are we here in this world at all? The evolutionist says life is a meaningless, random event, but is the pastor saying different when he talks about how God once had a plan but it went so FUBAR that His Son had to die?

People need a positive reason to choose for God. It’s not sufficient to say “God is real, therefore we must obey”. Very few people become Christian in expectation of a harder life, or for truth’s sake without any expectations. (Although, I have seen people become Christian because they fear to be responsible for themselves. That’s messed up, man.)

Western Christianity coasted for a very long time on being the default religious choice, which allowed its leaders to forget that Christianity was meant to be something positive and hopeful. They even forgot the central point of Christianity.

Today in our moral inversion, the Totalitarian has been very successful in giving peoples’ lives meaning. He inflicts suffering upon them, then gives them the opportunity to believe that the pain he inflicts, is for a good cause. A form of Stockholm syndrome.

What is God’s competing offer, you ask, to a kick in the crotch with threats of a second?


That’s the offer.

We shall not be AS gods, no, we shall BE gods. Princes of Heaven Most High. Immortals. That’s the direct implication of God bringing us into His family.

The plutocrats lust to steal, kill and destroy. To control and consume. They non-ironically think that’s what gods do. The little people do as they’re told. They live today, die tomorrow, and because nothing they do matters, so they think, they’re prone to both evil and despair. Seek pleasure, avoid pain.

But the Christian knows that he, and the people around him, are immortal souls. Everybody matters, in a very practical and significant sense. That is why we try to obey God even when nobody watches and nobody cares. We want to be a top-quality immortal. That is why we care about our neighbor. Not because we’re ordered to, but because we can play a part in an eternal person’s childhood. THIS is why we suffer for doing good, because we gain immortal character for a temporary price.

Non-Christians are also immortal but that won’t do them any good. The people who burn the future for the present will be sadfaced when forced to endure the future regardless. Ditto the people who cheated and lied just because they could get away with it, because they won’t and it’ll be their reputation forever.

Immortality is scary. You can’t afford to fuck it up.

Thus, we Christians aren’t slaves of the Taskmaster. We aren’t earning our way onto God’s Christmas list. We are heirs of the estate, learning to do the work like a hired man even though we’ll inherit the place.

It is a curious thing. Our predecessors, the Fallen… the devil, the angels who forswore their loyalty, the beings who fathered the Nephilim… they began perfect and flawless, yet rebelled and now are Damned. We are frail and condemned to evil, flaws galore, yet are being prepared for highest office. It seems that starting out perfect-in-glory carries with it a moral hazard… but perhaps NOT curious, when one considers the difference between a Trust Fund Baby who’s never known poverty, and a son who comes of age at his father’s workbench.

Nobody respects the Trustafundian. Nobody should.

This is how we make the sale of Christ to a dying and morally inverted generation. We don’t earn significance, we ARE significant. We don’t earn God’s approval, we live up to the approval He’s already given. Because this life is temporary, we don’t lie, cheat and steal whenever we can. That is not the reputation we want tattooed on our soul for all to see.

Choosing to reject all evil, and our favorite evils in particular, is the price of admission. Why would God let us into His home until we end our rebellion against Him? The performance bar is as low as it can go, and everything above it is… bonus. Opportunity.

I swear, the way Churchians talk, you’d think Christ was still dead, or left an eternal cripple. Christ is not just alive, He is destined to rule everything. We can be participants in that, not as servants, but as His inner circle.

Has your church ever taught that? Ever taught WHY we follow Christ? Not beyond “because Hell sux”, I bet.

Yes, we’ll still be subject to God. How is that a dealbreaker? You will be subject to somebody, unless you manage to become, personally, more powerful than any group of beings that there ever was or will be. Ain’t gonna happen.

Evil knows that what I say is true. That’s why it sells a materialist worldview, so the concept of a soul or afterlife will be literally unthinkable. That’s why it sells Tickets. “You’re just a meatsack hurtling towards oblivion. Help us butcher the innocent and we’ll make it worth your while. What is innocence, anyway?” That’s why they sell terror, because they want people focused on their next few hours instead of their resurrection.

All of it is to distract us from the opportunity of the Cross.

Godhood is not about “steal, kill, destroy”. Godhood is not about the collection of resources at all. It is about Creation. For we the finite, it’s about making the most of what we have, and about relating properly to other people. It’s about remembering who we are and planning where we’re going. It’s about who we choose to be, given our circumstances.

An ordinary Joe stretching his paycheck to the end of the month, is learning more about how to be a god than any billionaire globalist war profiteer will ever know.

Godhood is also about confronting evil. Discerning it, fighting it, persevering even at great cost. God wants people He can trust, post-Lucifer, and the saints enduring unto destruction (so far as our limited sight can see) are exactly who God wants in His divine household.

It’s cruel, but it will also be highly rewarded.

That is why we Christians suffer, and choose to suffer. That is why we have bodies that must be maintained and disciplined. This is why God allowed the rebellion against Him. It’s not cosmic balance or divine headsickness. God is training His followers to be gods who create stuff and appreciate life and have proven worthy of His confidence.

Christians refusing to believe that our mortal lives and suffering have POSITIVE consequences, is what allows the Godless to offer substitute meanings for life & suffering. Which by pure coincidence, always result in “steal, kill, destroy”.

The Progressives rush to adopt enough technology to become as gods. The Elites rush to gather enough wealth and power to become as gods. I watch them in bemusement. I am already a god.

And then I go back to my chores. My inheritance is not yet.

7 thoughts on “The Entire Point Of Christianity

  1. ”I swear, the way Churchians talk, you.d think Christ was still dead, or left an eternal cripple. Christ is not just alive, He is destined to rule everything. We can be participants in that, not as servants, but as His inner circle.

    Has your church ever taught that? Ever taught WHY we follow Christ? Not beyond .because Hell sux., I bet.”

    i’am fully confidant that is this my favourite post of yours GUNNER!
    &this part:”sux” was beautfully spelled too.
    ALSO:”We don.t earn God.s approval, we live up to the approval He.s already given.”

    You know thats basically GBFMS& brother DEREKS position too yes?

  2. “I swear, the way Churchians talk, you.d think Christ was still dead, or left an eternal cripple. Christ is not just alive, He is destined to rule everything. We can be participants in that, not as servants, but as His inner circle.

    Has your church ever taught that? Ever taught WHY we follow Christ? Not beyond .because Hell sux., I bet.:

    First of all, nice to see a comment already here, and by the Prof. He commented on the same quote that I am commenting on.

    Yes, my church teaches this. The Roman Catholic Church, that is.

    Gunner, you’d make a great Catholic. You hit the theology nail right on the head. Since I know you’re a Protestant, I now suspect you might be Lutheran.

  3. God gave us authority to crush the serpent.
    O/T-MI has arrested Grand Old Politburo electors from 2020.

  4. I would love to hear Gunnar.s honest opinions on Roman Catholicism. I am betting it.s something like .the Whore of Revelation, The Woman Who rides the Beast..

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