More Blood Than Soil

An underexamined wrinkle in Current Year’s saga is that the world has become a small place. There is no more frontier (until you can grow crops on ice cubes) and telecommunications have made what happens in Beijing daily news in Podunk. One implication here is that the concept “blood and soil” is obsolete because the soil part might no longer be available.

THE URBAN RECONQUISTA: How post-collapse American cities represent a unique opportunity for Conservatives

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The promise of the suburbs that once drew the middle classes from the oppression of the cities has now trapped them in a cycle of debt that most cannot escape. The inexpensive Craftsman houses which built the suburbs three generations ago are long gone. Suburban house prices (if a prospective buyer can even find a house to buy) have increased by an order of magnitude above median wages.

And it “just happened”, right? The suburbs were a great place and now they aren’t? That wasn’t anybody’s carefully executed plan, was it?

Because if it was, then there’s no reclaiming the suburbs without thwarting that plan and those persons.

This debt explosion is not limited to suburbs surrounding major coastal cities. House price growth in smaller cities in the once-affordable West, like Bozeman, Montana and Salt Lake City, Utah, has far outstripped local area wage growth. The median house price is now well over 500% of the median income. Average Americans are fighting a battle for land and for homes in areas they have traditionally dominated, and are losing. There are increasingly fewer places remaining to go.

Aside from cheaper housing, better public schools and security were the largest causes of the middle-class flight from the cities. Today these attractions are closer to fantasy than reality. The increasing liberalization of the suburbs has catalyzed a leftist fanaticism in once stellar public school districts and led to suburban police kneeling before BLM rioters. Middle-class Detroiters fled the riots of 1967 by the tens of thousands and made a new home in the suburbs, but in recent years lawlessness has arrived at their doors once again. The suburbs are no longer the safe haven they once were.

Of course, cities haven’t transformed into a utopia of opportunity, either. Despite [GQ: Because of] the best efforts of the laptop class at gentrification, most American cities are worse now than they were twenty years ago. Criminality is rampant across most major US urban centers, and major retailers have either begun to or have long since pulled out of urban areas. Detroit, a city of over 600,000 people, has precisely one Home Depot, which sits on the fringes of the city. The only major grocery retailer is Whole Foods, which sits in the center of a small, extremely gentrified neighborhood.

Hmm, they must have either bad dirt or Vibrants.

But post-collapse cities like Detroit offer something that the suburbs cannot: cheap land. The median house price in muncipal Detroit is $73,000; in the suburb of Grosse Pointe, it is $460,000. While much of the existing housing in Detroit is useless to the current generation of homesteaders, Detroit also has over 100,000 empty housing plots, approximately 15,000 acres which the city offers nearly for free. An aerial view of the Detroit border with Grosse Pointe shows the latter side bursting with houses, and block after block of empty grass-covered plots on the Detroit side. This land is there for the taking.

That’s the most convincing case I’ve heard yet, for restricting access to the Internet in order to prevent dangerous misinformation from getting people killed.

Gosh, why isn’t anybody rushing to buy land in Communist Shitopia next door to D’Wayne Shitavious? It’s easy to drill a well with one hand while gunning down Zergs with the other! Just like ol’ granpappy Cleetus did when he loaded up the Conestoga!

Nobody wants that almost-free land because it is burdened with a malevolent, unavoidable government. The only way a white male “frontiersman” will live free in Detroit is if he can commit slaughter at any scale at any time, starting with self-defense against D’Wayne and ending with the National Guard suing for peace after their missile strike doesn’t faze the vegetable garden.


That is the problem we face.

Fortunately, it’s a problem primarily tied to land. Notice in his depiction of suburbia, it was good when the white people lived there then went bad about the time that government imported BLM activists. It was the people that made suburbia nice, not the dirt.

Armed with an exceptional spirit of self-reliance and freedom, the outliers hitched wagons, packed themselves on ships, or simply walked in into the unknown, and dragged the West with them. Along the way they faced dangers unimaginable to those they left behind…

No, they didn’t. Settlers who wandered alone into the wilderness, either faced no significant dangers or didn’t survive. They certainly didn’t wander into the Cherokee chief’s settlement, put down stakes next the braves’ barracks and begin Westernizing their neighborhood.

Sadly, this kind of hopium is everywhere. I’ve read several stories of “that’s a cheap property, I’ll flip it and make some rental income!” that ended with the new landlord being found dead after attempting to evict the squatters that the cops were too tired to re-re-re-arrest again.

But cap one of those squatters, and you’ll discover that even the most banana-republicked government can be effective whenever it wants to be.

The pioneering spirit that they carried with them made the United States the dominant power in the world.

On the upside, that is wrong too. White Man’s greatest strength is that he is White Man. We build complex societies. Technology that past generations would call sorcery. Incomparable art and theology. Empires, even though we shouldn’t.

Our strength is certainly not Frontier Freedumb. It is good to have, but freedom is like money. If you never exchange it for something then it’s ultimately worthless. You can’t have a family, master a craft or even grow old without giving up freedom in the process.

If you can acquire land then by all means, do so. Land is useful. But don’t fret if you cannot. Now that we face an omnipresent Regime, (thereby proving that omnipresence is not omniscience,) land opportunities are becoming scarce, as noted at the start. Don’t try to force a solution by relocating next door to a frigging crack house in a Socialist Hive. Land isn’t THAT useful and the local po-po will NOT thank you for self-cleaning that oven.

It’s your people that will make you strong.

Once we Heritage Americans get our act together, the Regime WILL fall. Everything they’ve done since Cloward-Piven in the Sixties, is how to fight us without crossing our line of… sight. Their concept of final solution is convincing our feral women to sterilize themselves more quickly than we men can un-Cuck ourselves from Original Sin and social media, because their alternative is banging on our doors at night to announce hostile intentions.

It’s not the land that matters. We conquered it once, we can conquer it again.

It’s the people that matter. Which is why you can by 100 acres of pristine Detroit for the price of a meth habit. It might have groundwater but it doesn’t have good, pinkish neighbors.

A return to cities has another advantage over further retreat to the hinterlands: a customer base for high-demand trades. Blue Collar jobs have never been in greater demand in America, and much of that demand is in the very cities that pushed those workers away. Proximity to upscale urban areas and border region development offers blue-collar workers the revenue streams they need to rebuild their own communities.

Yeeeah. Think about that for a moment. “The people who intentionally ruined this city, will appreciate us coming back because we’re useful!” Dude… envy of white man’s accomplishments is half of why the Regime wants to murder us all in the first place. The very last thing a plutocrat or lowbrow will do, is appreciate you as he pays you well for services rendered.

The Regime doesn’t even want the land it seizes. It knows that nations are made of people. Everything else is just tools.

Without a frontier offering new soil, it’s the blood that matters.

2 thoughts on “More Blood Than Soil

  1. The only way a Detroit land grab by Whites would work is if they declared themselves an autonomous political entity and put the force of arms behind such a declaration. Having anything whatsoever to do with Detroit’s dindu city government would be a fatal non-starter.

  2. The CPUSA (D) did say back in 1922 that racial tensions would be used to tear apart the fabric of American society.
    The fundamental Zimbabwe transformation will be complete during Barry’s fourth term under Big Mike.

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