Skulduggery Against Fabian Marta

There’s a hot take going around about Fabian Marta, one of the “financiers” of the movie Sound of Freedom that has the Regime’s knickers in a twist. The movie was released on the Fourth of July weekend and Fabian was arrested for felony child kidnapping on July 21. When the movie hit the $100m mark in ticket sales, give or take a day.

That sounds awfully convenient for the Pizza Phile crowd.

The story is still in “hot take” mode so I can’t guarantee accuracy, but from what I’ve gathered…

1. Marta made bail in February 2023 on charges of defrauding & lying to the FBI regarding his fundraising efforts. He has plead not guilty and the trial hasn’t yet begun. I am told by hot takes that it was fundraising for SoF but that is not credible as you’ll soon read. I think it was fundraising efforts for the “We Build the Wall” organization.

2. He’s also facing civil charges from the FTC for the same fundraising effort. They have a restraining order against Marta that also applies to Brian Kolfage, who has been convicted of Federal-level fraud regarding “We Build the Wall”.

3. No info has been made available regarding the kidnapping. Typical headlines will note the location and/or circumstances of the kidnapping, ex. “we caught him at the airport trying to board a private plane” or “during a routine traffic stop” or “authorities discovered in his backyard…”. Two weeks after the arrest and no details?

4. Per, Marta was formally charged on July 23 and released without bail on July 24. That is unusual for child kidnapping. Next court date is August 28.

4. Per distributor Angel Studios, SoF was crowdfunded by 6,678 people totaling $5m. One of the perks of being a backer was having your name listed in the credits. We’re not told the amount Marta contributed but I doubt it’s what one would expect upon reading “he’s a movie financier specifically named in the credits”.

5. Marta is an Air Force veteran with Trump & Q-Anon associations… and apparently, a very active Facebook presence. *sigh* Cuckservatives STILL use Facebook and Twitter? “I believe Qanon and use Gmail” is the best example of normalcy bias that I can imagine.

While I wouldn’t put it past the Cabal to order a pedo to invest in an anti-pedo movie, in order to discredit it by association, that’s a lot of foresight for this movie with its troubled production history. An easier path would have been ordering Disney to not sell the distribution rights back to the creator… paying for that was the reason for the crowdfunding.

This stinks of a false accusation that’ll never see a courtroom.

My hot-take guess is that Deep State is going for a twofer: discredit Sound of Freedom and pressure Marta into accepting a plea bargain for his other charges. Such a bargain could prevent Marta from suing the FBI for defamation and false arrest, presuming there is zero substance to the kidnapping charge.

2 thoughts on “Skulduggery Against Fabian Marta

  1. I’m cynical enough to believe a priori that Sound of Freedom is an exercise in projection by the elites, a revelation of the method, a crying out, as it were, while they strike you.

  2. When “your” society becomes an evil sewer pipe sodomite abomination, it deserves what it gets.

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