The Craig Robertson Shoot Might Have Been Personal

I didn’t have much to say about the shooting of Craig Deleeuw Robertson by FBI before the Truth Social angle got leaked. As Fedpoasters go, Craig was somewhere between “wannabe suicide-by-cop” and “low-IQ honeypot”. There was simply no way those rantings couldn’t have ended with either a door kicked in, or termination for being an incompetent asset.

More than that, I’m so weary of Normalcy Bias that I’m fine with FBI making a few Cuckservative wishes come true. They be all “we’re ruled by lawless Communists!” then be all “I can’t believe they would do that”.

It takes a special kind of stupid to call the play and then be surprised when the play is run.

But then reports came out that it was Truth Social that called the authorities, when the guy’s samples had been sourced from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. That was worth a closer look. On the one hand, it would be typical for FBI to deflect blame towards Trump. On the other hand, maybe YouTwitFace didn’t call the cops because they’re directly operated by the cops, and they forgot to report this kind of stuff to themselves in order to keep up appearances.

Either would amuse me.

Craig Robertson’s Facebook Posts Before Being Fatally Shot in FBI Raid

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By Khaleda Rahman for Newsweek, 10 August 2023

An armed man who was shot and killed by FBI agents on Wednesday had posted numerous threats against President Joe Biden and others on social media, according to court documents.

The FBI said special agents had been trying to serve a warrant at Craig Deleeuw Robertson’s home in Provo, Utah, when the shooting happened at about 6:15 a.m., The Associated Press reported.

Everything about that is suspicious, from the early timing to the fact that it wasn’t the Secret Service handling a threat to the Prez. But several others have already pointed that out.

Robertson was armed at the time of the shooting, according to two law enforcement sources who spoke to The AP on condition of anonymity as the investigation is ongoing.

The neighbors said he wasn’t. Honestly, after what he wrote, he shoulda been armed. He literally asked for that visit, which was timed to alarm him… just before he would normally have woken up, I bet.

Court documents show Robertson had been charged under seal on Tuesday with three felony counts, including making threats against the president and against FBI agents investigating him.

He was shot dead hours before Biden flew to Utah on Wednesday, ahead of a visit to a Veterans Affairs hospital in Salt Lake City on Thursday to talk about the PACT Act, which expanded veterans’ benefits.

Now the matter begins to interest me. Sealed indictments are when the police don’t want to arrest somebody right away… typically because they want to make multiple simultaneous arrests, or they want to finish an undercover operation. But they can also done to time arrests for political convenience.

Here, we’re supposed to believe that FBI was preempting a threat to POTUS, although no authority actually says that. “We served a warrant and POTUS was going to be in the state.” But is that WHY they served the warrant at that time? FBI raids on mouthy malcontents in advance of a POTUS visit aren’t a standard practice.

The FBI’s investigation into Robertson began with a tip about the threat against Bragg from Trump’s Truth Social platform in March, according to the court documents.

Robertson posted that he would be “waiting in the courthouse parking garage” with a suppressed weapon and wanting to “put a nice hole in his forehead.” His account was later suspended from Truth Social.

Okay. That’s exactly what any social media platform should do. Credible and specific death threats are not protected by free speech.

Two FBI agents went to Robertson’s house in Provo on March 19 after the warning about him from Truth Social and found him wearing a Trump hat and an “AR-15 style rifle lapel pin,” one of the FBI agents wrote in an affidavit.

MAGA hat maybe, but how many fat, old cranks wear lapel pins? How often do people wear both baseball hats and suits? That sounds like something an SJW would project into a report. I’ve blogged previously on how rifle-shaped lapel pins are triggering.

Per other sources, the March interview happened as Robertson came home from church. Notice there was no officer-involved shooting that way.

The affidavit said Robertson told them his threat toward Bragg was just “a dream.”

“We’re done here! Don’t return without a warrant!” Robertson told the agents, according to the affidavit.

Five days later, Robertson posted on Facebook: “To my friends in the Federal Bureau of Idiots: I know you’re reading this and you have no idea how close your agents came to ‘violent eradication.’”

Ah, the picture clears. Craig came to the Deep State’s attention as a verbally abusive-but-harmless crank in March, but an SJW agent took personal offense and saw a chance to fluff his resume at the same time.

Let me re-quote from above: Court documents show Robertson had been charged under seal on Tuesday with three felony counts, including making threats against the president and against FBI agents investigating him.

Would those be the FBI agents investigating him in March? “He threatened the President in August and me back in March.”

Prediction: one of the agents of the March investigation, was part of the August incident, and is now gloating on not-Truth Social about avenging an insult.

Meanwhile, ask not why Truth Social reported that fool. Ask why Twitter and Facebook did NOT.

2 thoughts on “The Craig Robertson Shoot Might Have Been Personal

  1. Isn’t that odd how a shemale shooter’s extra most bestest manifesto and post get scrubbed but these are still out there?
    Not a member of the TwatFaceGram borg of mediocrity but there are some people who have no concept of an IP address or that the ISP is not your friend.
    This just smells like Lake Hammer and Sickle on a hot summer day, like some Smith-Mundt kabuki.
    Godless lawless communists?
    Happy fun ball is excited!

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