The Real Great Reset Is Not As Advertised

The rate of my posting has slowed due to a need to insulate myself. My situation is “too close to Gay Area Commiefornia”, which is great for studying the bad about our decadent society and terrible for studying the good.

So far as I know, either in personal life or in my blogging/Kremlinology, there is absolutely zero hope and the devil already controls everything. I recognize this as observer bias. Other dissidents assure me that the kids are turning out just fine, that families are still forming, and even that some people have decent churches. But I myself am not in a position to see that.

Such is the failure of Kremlinology. It is like panning for gold, collecting all the Enemy’s lies and filtering out the truth nuggets that all professional-quality lies must contain. (If they told 100% lies, then they’d be telling the truth by opposition.) Kremlinology is very rarely predictive. This is why the Soviet Union looked strong right up to the moment of its collapse.

This article illustrates those limits.

Klaus Schwab Calls for Governments to “Merge” with Unelected Corporate Elite

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By Frank Bergman, 8 September 2023

World Economic Forum (WEF) Chairman Klaus Schwab has called on governments around the world to begin merging with the unelected corporate elite to usher in his agenda to end “the era of capitalism..

Schwab made the comments during an address at this week’s Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit.

The event is a meeting of Southeast Asian governments and their “partner” nations.

The WEF founder argues that governments must embrace his globalist organization’s allies and allow corporate power elites to begin forging public policy.

During his speech, Schwab took the opportunity to dictate his plans for the merging of state and corporate power.

It’s obviously a power flex. The temptation is to think the devil does that because he’s strong. Sometimes that is true, but assuming so is a tiny defeat. If we dig in to the story, we learn that’s not true, but the first step is believing that the opera isn’t over just because the fat lady sang and the usher wants us to vacate.

However, the address from Schwab left many questioning why the head of a non-governmental organization, that represents private corporate interests, was even at the event.

Simple. Klaus went to ASEAN because ASEAN did NOT go to him.


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24 January 2023

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is bullish on Southeast Asia. One of the buzzy acronyms circulating at the meet was VIP markets: namely Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Yet most leaders from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) chose to give the annual jamboree of global elites at Davos a miss

This year’s gathering at Davos, which began on January 16, was also missing a slew of marquee names who had attended in the past. In 2017, then Vice President Joe Biden, Xi Jinping, Theresa May, and Shakira were among the guests. China’s president delivered the keynote address. ASEAN was represented by Cambodia’s Hun Sen and Vietnam’s Nguyen Xuan Phuc, both regulars on the Davos speaker circuit. However, this year Hun Sen skipped the event, and Phuc resigned as president while the WEF annual meeting was in session.

China doesn’t want to attend WEF anymore? Gosh, I wonder why. And China’s neighbors are feeling skittish, too? Might have something to do with, “Psst, we GAEs are going to wage World War 3 against China because they don’t use ((our banking system)). Wanna die for us? You need to die for us because we’re out of bullets. Don’t make us hurt you, too….”

Among Asian participants, there’s a feeling that the event is drifting away from its global agenda. Nikkei Asia referred to the meeting as .a eurocentric gathering.” After last year’s conference, Malaysian columnist Karim Raslan wrote, .How can it be a “World” Economic Forum when the concerns of Asia, which will contribute 60 percent of global growth by 2030, are disregarded?. The war in Ukraine is one of the areas of concern. Some ASEAN countries argue that sanctions against Russia are counterproductive. Hun Sen told a Davos audience last year, .Sanctions should be stopped because they don’t produce any benefits. Not only do poor countries suffer, even the countries that issued the sanctions are affected..

Summit fatigue could be another reason for the absence of ASEAN leaders at Davos.

The Davos connection has become “politically toxic” for world leaders in the post-COVID-19 era.

It’s neither fatigue nor Covidism. It’s the sanctions and 404 War, as in “this is what GAE does to its friends?!”

Reading the same story from the correct starting point changes everything. The Red Pill was like that to me. I had all the facts and observations stored up, but not the… intersexual experience, to pull it all together.

End segue

Nevertheless, [Mister “Eat Zee Bugz”] made an appearance at the latest Summit held in Indonesia and have a speech dictating his agenda to leaders of sovereign nations.

On its website, the Summit is described as “bilateral meetings between the leaders of the attending countries..

Schwab, who represents large corporations, was apparently the only exception to this rule.

As Australian politician Craig Kelly tweeted yesterday: .Why is Klaus holding court at the current ASEAN summit in Indonesia? And why is Klaus also advocating for a merger of state and corporate power?.

If I hadn’t dug deeper, I wouldn’t have recognized Schwab’s surprise appearance and speech as a desperate plea/threat to the nations that his allies are driving away. Even so, this doesn’t reveal what IS happening. Only that Klaus is a droopy face-puppet instead of the leader of the WEF conspiracy.

Oh, yes. The reason Klaus gets to give speeches, in his best “flag officer of defeated empires” attire, is because he shares the true leaders’ blood while being otherwise useless.

Perhaps his “conehead” phrenology should have been a tip-off. Or his meltface. Or his accent, which went out of style with the toothbrush mustache. Or maybe he’s just hopelessly, crayon-chewing incompetent…

Speaking at the summit, Schwab told government leaders that he is pushing, what he calls, .public-private cooperation..

He continued by asserting that, with the fusion of corporation and state, we would see a shift from “the era of capitalism to the era of talentism..

Heh, QED. Don’t call him ableist!

I cannot see that marketing department’s focus group, yet I know it must exist. Its spoor is everywhere!

Schwab explains that under his system, corporate elites will craft policies for sovereign countries to ensure that innovation becomes the “key competitive factor..

He had already declared that his plans for merging corporations and states will mean that “governments still provide direction but business provides the innovative power..

Sooo, the Asian governments left his fan club, then he crashed their Davos-alternative to dictate a future to Asian governments in which Asian government no longer exist except as puppets. Not even the real Borg could make that sale: “We are the WEF. Lower your borders and surrender your sovereignty. Your culture will adapt to service Africa. We will add your cultural and intellectual property to our stakeholds. Resistance is futile. We are the WEF.”

Meanwhile, the missing piece in all these high-level meetings of plutocrats and rulers, is 99.99% of humanity. I lack the illusion that many of them believe differently from their rulers, but it certainly isn’t all of them.

But I cannot see them. The Regime has monopolized media that much. Never mind the paucity of actual, on-the-ground reporting these days.

Schwab also gave a key address at the 2022 ASEAN Summit.

As with this year, questions were raised then as to why an unelected leader of the WEF is dictating policy to democratically elected officials.

Schwab.s stakeholder capitalism system is one where companies seek long-term value creation instead of short-term profits and governments cooperate with them.

In other words, the unelected leaders of for-profit companies are in charge of society.

Nothing has changed. The cycle is continuing with an inertia that cannot be overcome by human effort. The wicked take over, burn society to the ground, and then humanity is free to rebuild in a different, if not new, direction.

Which means that inevitably, the true Reset is already beginning among the young and in forgotten areas. The wicked will fail and GAE will fall. It could even be soon, as Klaus puts the Asian world on notice that they’ll be the cheese-eating surrender monkeys of the future. But for some of us, it takes faith to see what is not yet seen.

One thought on “The Real Great Reset Is Not As Advertised

  1. “Klaus Schwab Calls for Governments to .Merge. with Unelected Corporate Elite”

    And Nancy Pelosi types will still be calling it “our democracy”, unironically.

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