Rumble Regrets Taking the Ticket: the Russell Brand Canceling

I don’t know who Russell Brand is, and British comedy failed to make me care. That being said, his Cancellation is more interesting and less organic than veggieburger!

YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money on his channel which has six million subscribers and nets him up to ?1million a year – for ‘violating responsibility policy’

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By Rory Tingle, 19 September 2023

On Saturday, The Sunday Times and Channel 4’s Dispatches reported allegations of abusive and predatory behaviour including rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse said to have been committed by the presenter between 2006 and 2013.

Uh-huh, and I menaced Cleopatra in my past life as Mark Anthony. Come on, man, you want to see what an emotional abuse survivor looks like? She looks like… Russell.

The guy was once treated for bulimia. That’s almost unheard of in men.

So, I don’t know what he actually did to get Canceled… hmm… he was more sane about Covidism than the entirety of organized Christianity… ooh, he no likey Ukie War?.. but the subsequent dogpile proves that this has nothing to do with what may or may not have happened 17 years ago.

YouTube has stopped Russell Brand from being able to earn any money through his channel for ‘violating our Creator Responsibility policy’.

The 48-year-old produces around five videos a week for his 6.6million subscribers, earning him an estimated ?1million a year.

Under the terms of his suspension Brand – whose net worth has been estimated between ?15million and ?40million – will still be allowed to post videos on the platform but will not receive any of the advertising revenue.

YouTube said in a statement: ‘If a creator’s off-platform behaviour harms our users, employees or ecosystem, we take action to protect the community. This decision applies to all channels that may be owned or operated by Russell Brand.’

Other channels associated with his main YouTube page include Football Is Nice, which has some 20,000 subscribers, Awakening With Russell, which has 426,000 subscribers, and Stay Free With Russell Brand, which has 22,200 subscribers.

This is a new and expected low for JewTube, policing the offline behavior of its content creators.

Today, it emerged the BBC has removed shows which feature Russell Brand from its iPlayer site. An 2018 episode of QI featuring Brand as a panellist and a Joe Wicks podcast where he was a guest in 2021 have been unavailable since Monday evening.

A Cuckservative would complain that all this is happening without due process, on nothing but allegations. A dissident would calmly note that the people who made Russell are now unmaking him. Dissidents such as most of the youTube channels that I pay attention to, who build side hustles and merchandise because they aren’t bovine-brained livestock unable to connect the dots to see the lurking predator.

You ever wonder why youTube operates at a massive loss every year? Never mind canceling its most profitable affiliates at the drop of a hat? Because that loss is a subsidy that makes competition against youTube extraordinarily difficult. As gatekeeping efforts go, a couple billion dollars a year is pretty cheap to control a global media market. Especially when your most critical religious, political and ethnic priorities are silencing witnesses and rewriting history.

Which brings us, soon, to JewTube’s competition, Rumble.

The news comes after the remaining shows of Brand’s Bipolarisation tour were postponed and the Metropolitan Police said they had received a report of an alleged sexual assault in the wake of media allegations about the comedian and actor.

The scandal has already seen Channel 4 remove all programmes linked to Brand on its website, including episodes of The Great British Bake Off and Big Brother’s Big Mouth in which he was featured. Brand’s PR firm MBC PR and talent agent Tavistock Wood no longer advertise him as a client, and his publisher Bluebird, an imprint of Pan Macmillan, has suspended their relationship.

And Netflix has now been urged to remove his comedy special, Re:Birth, from its catalogue.

*checks* still there. Sounds like it’s the British government who has got it in for Russell.


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DOWNING Street has spoken out on the allegations against comedian Russell Brand, warning they are “very serious and concerning”.

On Monday morning, Rishi Sunak’s official spokesman said: .These are very serious and concerning allegations.

.The Met Police has asked anyone who believes they have been a victim of a sexual assault to come forward to speak to officers.

.As the Foreign Secretary said over the weekend, people should feel able to raise concerns where they have them and know they will be treated seriously and treated with sensitivity.

Twenty year-old allegations that a celebrity was naughty, were such a UK national security issue that the FOREIGN SECRETARY worked the weekend? No, but Brand might be a UKR national embarrassment issue. Does anybody know if Zelensky has a sense of humor? …cannot unsee piano!

.The Prime Minister has been clear there should never be any space for harassment, regardless of where it is found..

Meanwhile, Downing Street declined to urge broadcasters and streaming platforms such as YouTube and Netflix to take down Brand’s output.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: .It’s a decision for all broadcasters to consider the right approach in light of these very serious allegations. They are deeply concerning, they need to be investigated.

.But I’m not going to dictate the actions of broadcasters or streaming services..

Hold that thought.

End segue

Brand still has a presence on video platform Rumble, where his channel has 1.4million followers and he hosts a weekly live show at 5pm BST, but there was no new episode on Monday.

His most video on Rumble is the short clip from Friday when he denied the allegations against him which were published the following day.

The Rumble channel description reads: ‘Everybody knows that the old ideas won’t help us. Religion is dead. Capitalism is dead. Communism is dead. Where will the answers of the next century lie? Particularly, when we’re facing a mental health epidemic and ecological meltdown.’

He says religion is dead, but Judaism has never had so much success… oh.

Critics claim Brand has ‘set up a cult’ online to back him since the birth of the Me Too movement in 2017 by giving a platform to conspiracy theories including the idea that the pandemic, the Ukraine war and climate change distract from the activities of the global elite.

It’s time for our main attraction! Remember that held thought? The Prime Minister refusing to dictate the actions of streaming services? Of course he would never do that. He has flunkies for that.

Rumble CEO fights back after UK Parliament pressures company to demonetize Russell Brand: ‘Extremely disturbing’

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By Chris Enloe, 21 September 2023

Rumble, the online video platform, is refusing to cave after British politicians pressured the company to demonetize Russell Brand.

After YouTube demonetized Brand over allegations of sexual assault, Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski received a letter from the British House of Commons’ Culture, Media, and Sport Committee.

In that letter, chairwoman Caroline Dinenage problematized the fact that Brand issued a “preemptive response” to the allegations on Rumble, explaining her committee is concerned that Brand may be able to profit from Rumble, where his account boasts more than 1.4 million subscribers.

“We would be grateful if you could confirm whether Mr. Brand is able to monetise his content, including his videos relating to the serious accusations against him,” the letter states.

Canada isn’t England, Barbie Chuckles. Wait… is it? Now that I think about it, the answer is unclear.

“If so, we would like to know whether Rumble intends to join YouTube in suspending Mr. Brand’s ability to earn money on the platform,” Dinenage added. “We would also like to know what Rumble is doing to ensure that creators are not able to use the platform to undermine the welfare of victims of inappropriate and potentially illegal behavior.”

The UK’s draconian Online Safety Bill was passed by Parliament barely two days ago, and Media Minister Dineage is already trying to coax incriminating statements out of a major media platform. Madame Defarge, more like.

Heh, the UKommissar of Media said “inappropriate behavior”.

CEO Pavlovski’s partial response:

We regard it as deeply inappropriate and dangerous that the UK Parliament would attempt to control who is allowed to speak on our platform or to earn a living from doing so. Singling out an individual and demanding his ban is even more disturbing given the absence of any connection between the allegations and his content on Rumble. We don’t agree with the behavior of many Rumble creators, but we refuse to penalize them for actions that have nothing to do with our platform.

That sounds great, but why is the UK Government asking Rumble to define its position? That’s a loyalty test. Dineage did not, in fact, ask for a ban. Why did she ask if youTube’s competitor intends to “join youTube” in canceling a high-value customer? Rumble isn’t subsidized by the Deep State. It can’t even afford to do what she wants.

Did Rumble do anything to invite in the GAE vampire?

Is Rumble, A Right-Wing Social Media Company, Already The Next Meme Stock?

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By Abram Brown, 2 December 2021

Rumble, a fast-growing social media business with a strong following among conservative Americans, aims to take itself public next year in a SPAC deal that could value the company at over $2 billion, a transaction similar to the one former President Trump has envisioned for his own right-wing media firm.

To go public, Rumble intends to merge with an investment company initially created by Cantor Fitzgerald, a decades-old Wall Street bank. The deal would leave Rumble with $300 million in cash, the company said in a statement announcing the transaction on Wednesday evening. It hopes to complete the process by the second quarter of next year.

Rumble, which was founded in 2013, bills itself as a “true neutral platform,. but has become a popular site among Republicans over the last two years as criticism of existing social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter has increased among conservatives, who say they unfairly limit speech.

.Rumble is designed to be the rails and independent infrastructure that is immune to cancel culture,. Rumble CEO and founder Chris Pavlovski said in a statement. .We are a movement that does not stifle, censor or punish creativity and believe everyone benefits from access to a neutral network with diverse ideas and opinions..

Cantor Fitzgerald is a hedge fund front for the New York Federal Reserve. From Wikipedia:

Cantor Fitzgerald, L.P. is an American financial services firm that was founded in 1945. It specializes in institutional equity, fixed-income sales and trading, and serving the middle market with investment banking services, prime brokerage, and commercial real estate financing. It is also active in new businesses, including advisory and asset management services, gaming technology, and e-commerce. It has more than 5,000 institutional clients.

Cantor Fitzgerald is one of 24 primary dealers that are authorized to trade US government securities with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Chairman and CEO is ((Howard Lutnick)). Yep.

How was Rumble this stupid? To ask the Jews for help in opening their company to ownership by hedge funds, in order to be an “independent” media company against JewTube?

Not “no reason at all”.

Facebook director Peter Thiel invests in conservative rival Rumble

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By Theo Wayt, 19 May 2021

Prominent conservative venture capitalists including Peter Thiel and J.D. Vance are investing in free speech-oriented video streaming site Rumble Video, the company said Wednesday.

The deal, first reported by the Wall Street Journal, marks PayPal and Palantir co-founder Peter Thiel’s first investment in a social media company since he bought a large stake of Facebook as an early investor in 2004. It also means that Thiel is supporting a competitor to Facebook while he sits on Facebook’s board.

More of a black line than a red flag, there.

…Rumble plans to use the money to quickly boost its growth. The company wants to expand availability to non-English speaking audiences, let users upload videos from its mobile app and allow all users to create livestreams, Pavlovski said. Currently, the company only lets paid users create livestreams and does not offer mobile video uploads.

Pavlovski was impatient for success. Peter Thiel offered him the Ticket. Six months later, Rumble was whored directly to the Hellmouth, going public/private/Palantir in September 2022.

I bet Minister Dineage’s next letter is going to Peter Thiel, now that she can wave his underling’s refusal to play ball at him… together with the UK’s brand-new Online Safety Bill.

CEO Pavlovski can yell “we’re independent” all he wants, but Thiel already sold his soul to the NY Fed.

6 thoughts on “Rumble Regrets Taking the Ticket: the Russell Brand Canceling

  1. The ever bloodthirsty GAE vampire, it works.
    No UBI, CBDC or Peoples Credit Score for comrade citizen Russell, no occupation of any kind until he has mind inoculation.
    Wrongthink is the greatest threat to our Benetton world rainbow shopping bazaar Magic Soil delusion and it won’t be tolerated.
    Massive struggle session in order to set an example for the other deplorable kulak untermenschen scum who have had a little too much to think.
    Light punishment park cancel treatment now, a more vigorous cancellation later if it keeps up, hammer out the stone tablets.

  2. He’s a weird new ager who looks gay but he is anti-vax and anti-lockdown and they are trying to bring the coof back so that’s obviously what’s goin on.

  3. My take is that Brand is a conservative catharsis plant who was too lazy about toeing the line to the satisfaction of the PTB. They eventually got fed up with him and are now kicking him out of the club.

  4. Two words: Katy perry!
    If i hadn’t known about her mainly from a certain Dalrock post about her elderly version of Katy in the future- alpha widow status song, i wouldn’t know who he (brand) is either!Dalrocks post mentions GBFMS non-identical agnostic brother ROISSY hence why i remember it well.
    Here from early ’12:”Rollo Tomassi beat me to the punch on this with his excellent post Five Minutes of Alpha. He astutely points out that Roissy nailed this back in 2010 with his original post by the same title (Five Minutes of Alpha). Back then Roissy pointed out that Katy appeared to not have gotten over the alpha who snubbed her in high school. It was Katy.s own on stage attempt to show that she really had gotten over him which tipped Roissy off. Here is a quote Roissy shared from this story:

    ”As the crowd laughed and cheered, she adopted a bit of swagger and added, .Oh yeah, you really chose right, honey. What.s up now, playa?. Becoming an international, Grammy-nominated pop star evidently does wonderful things for your self-confidence.”

    In other words from myself about brand-type newly in the spotlight conservatives?

    My caring of & listening to/watching any ”old or new media” conservatives began and ended with MIKE SAVAGE(the best thing about him was he knew that the West was only going to get more ”savage”i.e. ”the SAVAGE nation” like ROISSY&GBFM also knew) in late ’03 when he went nationwide on radio(that was my favorite time of AM radio listening to him tell it like it is on a street smart-level in no uncertain terms).

    He was (especially after his ”ds&rs are just 2 card monty” rants after he
    said around in early ’06, ”remember how we were told ”Just wait until W. gets re-elected in ’04 then he will turn this country around with ”conservative” laws to roll back liberalism by the limbaugh’s,’o Reilly’s and hannity’s?-BUT what actually has happened since then-the biggest explosion in government spending ever &liberalism is on the rise again instead of being kept in-check?”) what should have become the ”standard” mold just like the more hardcore anti-feminist versions of ROISSY&GBFM should have been the ones to emulate instead of the highly watered-down soon-to-become ”standard” redpillers(who have admitted defeat in recent months- while casting blame on the original factions of the ‘sphere, most of whom got shouted down by them in their echo-chambers in the early 2010s-before the ascension of the ”blackpill” in the mid-2010s-which had been shouted down itself around the same time ie early 2010s).

  5. I have to say I have just started reading here. I’ve seen the blog before but never really looked at it. Wow I was missing out. Some good stuff here.

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