Archdiocese Of Baltimore Declares Chapter Trump Bankruptcy

The Totalitarian believes that laws are whims spoken into power. Having rejected the notion of objective morality, they enthrone the State as the only source of subjective power. And then cling to the halls of power until they shit their diapers and stroke out on the floor at the ripe old age of Methuselah’s granddaddy, because giving up control of the State would enable their enemies to do unto them. Not that Christians are the vindictive sort… we don’t have to be… the Totalitarian helpfully assumes that we’re just like him.

Trump is not that vindictive sort either, would that he was, but in New York City’s haste to destroy him, they undid a defense that they themselves will need in the near future.

More than that, however, is the Totalitarian is a coward at heart. He is reluctant to cross lines until the Narrative provides him with a precedent. Like demons, Totalists feel agonizing pain when they transgress into sunlight.

Trump sued under New York law extending statute of limitations in sexual assault civil cases

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By Madeline Bruce, 25 November 2022

New York’s Adult Survivor’s Act went into effect Thursday, allowing survivors of sexual assault or abuse who were 18 years or older at the time to file a civil lawsuit against their abuser past the state’s statute of limitations. The act was signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul in May and amends the statute of limitations for civil actions related to sexual offenses committed against adults in the State of New York. Under the act, civil actions which were previously barred by the statute of limitations are now revived.

That was the most blatant example of ex poste facto legislation that I’ve yet seen. The entire point of limitations is that trials become so difficult as the years pass, that prosecution becomes impossible. Or defense, if the burden of evidence is shifted upon the accused.

Survivors now have a one-year window to file the allowed civil actions for cases of sexual assault for which they previously could not file suit past the time limitation placed on the crime.

One hour would have been sufficient.

E. Jean Carroll, a writer for Elle magazine, Thursday filed an amended lawsuit against former President Donald Trump, minutes after New York’s Adult Survivor’s Act went into effect. She previously filed a defamation suit against Trump in 2019 for statements he made against her when she publicly accused him of sexual assault.

In the amended lawsuit, Carroll sues Trump for battery regarding the alleged rape in 1995 and defamation regarding the alleged false and degrading statements he made against Carroll on social media and in the press in the years following her claim that he raped her.

Carroll brings civil action under the act against Trump for her alleged rape committed by Trump in a New York City department store dressing room in 1995.

That would be a very risky place to commit a violent sex crime. Ah, but she was only civilly rayyyped, not criminally rayyyped.

What’s my point? Now that the defense of limitations has been breached by the leaders of the Narrative, the second-tier minions rush in.

Archdiocese of Baltimore files for bankruptcy, braces for expected wave of sex abuse lawsuits

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By Collin Jones, 1 October 2023

The Archdiocese of Baltimore made an announcement on Friday that it has filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. This comes after the institution expects to face dozens of sex abuse lawsuits.

Did Archbishop William Lori get caught diddling kids? Nope… it’s the return of the Cold War!

There was a 456-page investigation that goes into detail about 158 teachers, clergy, seminarians, and deacons within the Archdiocese of Baltimore who had allegedly assaulted more than 600 children going back to the 1940s. The document was compiled by the Maryland Attorney General.

They are now prosecuting the living for the alleged crimes of the dead.

Additionally, a Maryland law that was passed in April will reportedly see the statute of limitations lifted to allow for new claims about old acts of abuse to be investigated. The law was passed by the General Assembly.

Media partners at the Baltimore Banner noted that attorneys and victims of sexual abuse had planned to move forward with dozens, perhaps hundreds, of lawsuits against the archdiocese, but the recent bankruptcy announcement has brought litigation to a screeching halt.

The litigants stopped because they won. Lori is a gutless, Godless yellowbelly.

Archbishop William Lori said that the religious organization’s decision would allow “the Archdiocese both to equitably compensate victim-survivors of child sexual abuse and ensure the local Church can continue its mission and ministries.”

“I acknowledge that no apology, compensation, or knowledge of our present-day accountability measures will necessarily lead to healing for victim survivors, nor repair the harm they suffered,” Lori wrote. “To be sure, conversations with victim-survivors have taught me that neither I nor the Archdiocese can undo what was taken from them…”

He announced the lawless accusations were legitimate, assumed criminal and civil liability for actions that he couldn’t possibly be responsible for, and then…

“Chapter 11 is one of two types of bankruptcy. With an approved plan under Chapter 11, the Archdiocese will be reorganized, victim-survivors will be equitably compensated, and the Church will continue its mission and ministries,” Archbishop Lori said. “This is different from Chapter 7 bankruptcy where organizations sell all of their assets to satisfy creditors and shutter their doors.”

…Lori voluntarily surrendered control of the Archdiocese to the State. Without a fight.

I understand why the Totalitarian does what he does. His behavior is consistent, predictable and in the short term, beneficial.

I don’t understand how every enemy of the Totalist finds joy in defeat. They can’t all be closet pedophiles parachuted into halls of power. From clergy accepting false accusations at face value, to law enforcement nobly doing nothing at all about crime, to doctors knowingly poisoning children in fear of Fauci the Midget’s nonspecific displeasure, it’s getting quite tedious.

On the upside, we are now free to accuse these people of murdering Christ. The statue of limitations on the events of A.D.33 expired some time ago, and today’s SJWs weren’t alive back then, but that is… QED… a quick legislative fix.

One thought on “Archdiocese Of Baltimore Declares Chapter Trump Bankruptcy

  1. I recently realized that this has been going on since Constantine. The Catholics accuse the Donatists (an anti-Constantine church of the 4th century) of saying that “If the priest sins that invalidates the sacraments.”

    Well if you expand that out, what they were really saying was “Catholic priests are homos who rape boys, and they don’t ever get rid of the offending priests, therefore their sacraments are inavlidated by their lack of concern for children being victimized.” So the Donatists were heroes not heretics.

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