Fakest, Gayest, Most Morally Inverted Pandemic Ever

It’s now official. The West faces a pandemic of stigmatizing the people who willfully spread disease.

WHO declares monkeypox outbreak a global health emergency after 5 deaths worldwide

h ttps://www.theblaze.com/news/monkeypox-global-health-emergency-who

By Paul Sacca, 23 July 2022

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the monkeypox outbreak a global health emergency.

“I have decided that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced on Saturday morning during a briefing in Geneva.

Emphasis on “I”.

Members of an expert committee met on Thursday to decide if the current monkeypox outbreak should be escalated to a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). Of the virologists, vaccinologists, epidemiologists, and health experts, nine voted against declaring monkeypox a PHEIC, and six voted in favor, according to Reuters.

They used democracy to decide whether Monkeypox was a global health emergency instead of an objective standard.

And when the “expert committee” decided 9-6 AGAINST that declaration:

In the end, Ghebreyesus overrode the committee and declared monkeypox to be a public health emergency of international concern . which is the WHO’s highest level of alert.

Oh, that sounds SO SOO SOOO familiar!

“Democracy means your voice gets heard!”

“Get rid of Governor Hair Gel and turn the gas pumps back on.”

“…if you say what Democracy wants to hear.”

Tedros stated, “Although I’m declaring a public health emergency of international concern, for the moment, this is an outbreak that’s concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple sexual partners. That means that this is an outbreak that can be stopped with the right strategies in the right groups.”

Monkeypox is a gay disease. The gays get the disease, realize they have it and then intentionally spread it. Hell, they intentionally receive it. All they had to do was keep their pants zipped for one. Single. Month.

The World Health Organization director-general added, “Stigma and discrimination can be as dangerous as any virus.”

We already knew he was corrupt enough to do stuff like this. What I don’t yet know is how this benefits China, his owner. Looking at PRC’s insane and self-destructive “Zero Covid” policies, such a declaration could justify concentration camps for homos. Sodomy being the definitive behavior of the Global American Empire, it’s tempting to see this declaration as a BRICS weaponization of the medical profession against GAE.

Alternatively, maybe the reason for monkey-angst is because this is a disease directly targeted against the GAE’s managerial class, and it’s serving the same purpose as “declarations of emergency” for USA governments: it unlocks extra money for politicians and special interests.

Maybe both. Whichever it is, Tedros just invalidated the very mechanism that gives his dictats the veneer of legitimacy.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there have been more than 16,000 global cases of monkeypox in 2022 in 74 countries.

There have been nearly 3,000 cases in the United States this year, according to the CDC. As of Wednesday, there were 679 cases of monkeypox in New York . 94% of them in New York City, according to state officials.

Don’t say gay!

There have reportedly been a total of five deaths from monkeypox worldwide.

And the only way that statistic could be more pathetic…

The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy reported, “Though the outbreak is heavily concentrated in Europe, the five deaths have been reported in African nations.”

This global health emergency is for a self-inflicted disease that hasn’t killed a single person in the First World, because “stigma and discrimination are just as bad as real plagues”.

If the goal is demoralizing us then it isn’t working. I’ll be watching my neighbors, seeing which ones repeat this baldfaced lie.

Update: per

h ttps://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/two-children-diagnosed-with-monkeypox-in-the-u-s-officials-say

The official American count of the first 2,500 infected people is

2 children

8 women

2,490 men


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